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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Passinwind' timestamp='1419297245' post='2638580'] Blue, nice to see you've found a forum that's a bit more congenial to you than that other place, and that you're still evolving musically and in projecting a sense of humor into your posts. If you really would like to go on the road, best of luck making that happen. I'd bet that blowing off the under-30 market won't be such a good strategy at that point though.[/quote] Good luck on the 2 solid projects you have on the radar. Finding good solid projects no matter where you are is just a nightmare for a lot of guys right now. Thanks, the guys on this site are not as sensitive and allow everyone here to have their own opinion. Plus IMO the folks on this forum are more well versed on issues pertaining to Pub gigging. There really isn't a [i]"under 30 strategy"[/i]. For this band and the genre we play, it just happens to resonate for the most part with the 50 and up crowd.They are responsive and appreciative.The under 30 crowd around here is not interested. And it's not just blues/rock their not interested in. There not interested in any type of live rock. That's my opinion. If I ever go on the road, the money has to be right, the organization has to be made up of good people. The genre isn't a deal breaker for me nor is age of the audience. I play for anyone that's into it. Speaking of Pub/Bar/Club gigging, I thought our band was struggling at our Saturday night gig, Then I get this e-mail from our BL today. They re-booked us for. May 3rd July 5th Oct 18th All Sundays..3-7 Go figure? Blue
  2. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419290803' post='2638533'] That's subjective. [/quote] True, that's why I stated IMO. Back in the 70's all the young guitarist I knew were studying Hendrix, Page, Beck, Clapton and All the Kings (BB,Albert & Freddy) not Zappa or Garcia. Don't get me wrong, there were some things that Zappa did that I consider pure genius. Blue
  3. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1419285224' post='2638436'] I would say that SRV inspired countless players but was perhaps not quite as original as the other three, maybe more the sum of his influences where there wasn’t really anyone like Hendrix, Beck & VH before they appeared seemingly out of nowhere! However, he was undeniably s*** hot and I would say certainly ‘in the same league’. Probably my four favourite guitar players… [/quote] Agreed, I'm coming from the same place on SRV. Over here he did a Public TV Special with Albert King that was smoking hot and funny. Albert liked Stevie, but Albert was treating him like a student and rightly so. Blue
  4. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419285134' post='2638434'] As far as Rock and Roll stars go, I know he isn't everyone's cup 'o tea but Jack White is IMO the rock star of my generation.[/quote] I like Jack White. Not from my generation, however I'll give him respect for being super entertaining and an innovator. However IMO he's not a guitar hero, neither is Frank Zappa or Jerry Garcia. Blue
  5. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1419283704' post='2638414'] SRV?? [/quote] A true Blues-man. Blue
  6. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1419276892' post='2638314'] Absolutely right. There are a lot of great young players and just as many crap old ones (and vice versa). I'm the old boy (61) in my band and the others are great. They even offer to carry my cabs . [/quote] I'll be 62 in February, not a lot of guys our age are still out there in the trenches and still gigging bars. Or as we say, standing in a pool of urine for 4 hours. We have some great young players over here too. However I would not say a lot. There are not as many younger guys interested in rock and roll as there were when I was a teen. Like I said; [i]" I thought everybody played an instrument and was in a band "[/i] Blue
  7. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1419278317' post='2638341'] I'll give you that... Jeff Beck is a gtr that just cannot be ignored by anyone learning/studying the gtr... IMO, and one of the very few. Had a chat with a gtr about this very thing today and we gave up when we wanted concesus on ground breaking gtr players. We had Hendrix, Beck and Van Halen and that was as far as we got.... [/quote] Yeah, I've always been a big fan. he played Turner Hall ( smaller venue ) here in Milwaukee with Tal a few years ago. A Fender Sales Rep. gave me a few tickets. i got there early and walked upstairs. They were doing their sound check, so, me being me, I just walked in and sat down and watched. Very cool, I don't think Jeff muttered as much as 2 words to the band members through the whole sound check. Came back in at show time, walked up and stood right in front of the stage and realized I was standing next to Rick Neilson Cheap Trick founder. I knew he was a big Beck fan. I also knew he was in town to do a presentation of his Les Paul collection at The Milwaukee Museum. It was one of those surreal nights. Blue
  8. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1419257377' post='2638061'] Yep, well said - has made me really want to be having a good face to face friendly, civilised argument with Blue! [/quote] That might happen, I'm destined to do a few bar shows in the UK before I'm done with all this. Blue
  9. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1419256469' post='2638040'] Yep great thread - and I don't think anyone who plays the blues or jazz ever wonders about this. You play until you die (old hopefully) and you learn between you as you go. SOME younger musicians can have a gullibility I get frustrated with, ie. that they are determined to sound like their heroes, rather than build on, reference, or re-invent the sound of their heroes. Case in point, a band I saw the other night were so desperate to be Blink 182 that the bassist even wore their T-shirt. They were good, they've got a great following, but their also so generic. Perhaps that will shift as they get older. The guys I play with are some years younger than I! Yet I look to them for new sounds. I [i]need [/i]their input. On the flipside, their music history is pretty darn good and they gladly ask me about bands/music from the past - (to all of which I just say listen to The Clash, that's all you need to hear and know [size=4]) [/size] Drummer was cheeky enough to ask if I was at IOW for Hendrix. That's NOT funny. I like your posts Blue, keep them coming, you are The Thinking Man's Bassist (or something like that) [/quote] Thanks Time Stamp, If I have learned anything from this thread it's that there still is a [i]"generation gap[/i]". Only difference at this point in time is I'm on the cranky geezer side of the fence. Never thought the day would come when the stuff like whats in the link below would become dated and out of style. Sad for me. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJW6Y8U-BsI"]https://www.youtube....h?v=OJW6Y8U-BsI[/url] They can all play their butts off, something that no longer matters. Blue
  10. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1419273149' post='2638239'] Not a good year [/quote] I know, always happens in 3s. Bobby, Ian now Joe. RIP JC Blue
  11. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1419205929' post='2637676'] Not at all, dear chap. The guilty know who they are. Walgreen's sounds so impossibly exotic to the ear. Sod's law, it's probably like Spar, only with a smaller range of tea-bags and better looking customers. [size=3][b]Spar, Bridport UK[/b]: The rain falls hard on a humdrum town and Heaven knows I'm miserable now[/size]. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] Here's Walgreen's, I always stop in there coming home from gigs. It's usually around 2:30. By that time the place is filled with pot heads walking around in their pajamas. I'm serious. Blue
  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1419204464' post='2637656'] All sorts, both old and new, and anyway the new slowly becomes old and even the old is new when you first hear it. I guess I lost interest in the Stones around the time of the [i]Some Girls[/i] album. [/quote] That was when they sort of re-invented themselves. It's an awesome piece of work by my standards . I love it. Blue
  13. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1419200842' post='2637610'] Borne out by ticket prices. I saw The Who and The Stones play football stadiums in the 70s way before they became boring old farts, for a couple of quid a ticket ( £2.30 for The Who at Charlton Athletics gound iirc ) a good weekly wage then would have been £40 or so, so the ticket cost 5% of my wage packet. A good wage is 10 times that now, but a ticket will cost way way more than twenty quid, and the band nowhere near as good... [/quote] Yeah, but that's an opinion. Hell, I saw The Stones in 1972 at Madison Square Garden, several times in between seeing them in Chicago in 2013. Their show is different, no doubt, but IMO still a rush and still good. Blue
  14. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1419199904' post='2637594'] No more so than the 'I'm really down with the kids music' middle-aged men who pretend to like any old sh*t if it might make the teenage supermarket check-out girl see past the ear hair and the grey chest wig. It is a tragic thing to observe, somewhat akin to Dad-dancing or wearing over-tight blue jeans. The problem is that many of these types can't bear to see themselves as 'Clarksons' well on their way to being worm food. The idea of dignified maturity entirely eludes them. So - anyway - they trumpet their love of 'ground-breaking new music', blissfully unaware that the target audience of 20 year-olds looks at them and thinks 'Who is that silly old c**t?' This denial of reality leads the wrinkly hipster into the hilariously unsustainable argument that today's music is [i]really great[/i] and that the unlimited availability of paint-by-numbers bedroom Mac recordings [i]is a good thing[/i]. It really is very depressing to see such widespread cognitive dissonance simply because people can't handle the concept of mortality. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] Hey, that's me your talking about. However, I don't have any chest hair, and that check out girl at Walgreen's really likes me. Blue PS: Funny, you know, last night when we were doing some sort sound check, some guy walks up to me and asked me if the lead guitarist was my daughter. I was pissed and hurt.
  15. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1419199701' post='2637588'] Saw her in concert at the Festival hall. A really once in a lifetime gig. My wife bought every album as it was released. A major talent sadly missed. [/quote] Brilliant song writer. Blue
  16. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419194689' post='2637506'] "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The nostalgia circuit is big business but that doesn't make it relevant.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Most of the people that go to these shows are old farts who are still desperately trying to convince that themselves they are still young & relevant. "[/font][/color] [/quote] Then we have a lot of desperate people in Milwaukee, 50,000.00 ( McCartney's attendance ) of us that are older but still like having fun and enjoy this type of Rock and Roll. I go because the experience hasn't changed for me. Feels just like it did as a teen. Which means I love it Well, if your right, I'll stay desperate and the others can stay home and tend to their knitting. Blue
  17. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1419198348' post='2637564'] In my view, no-one living or dead has ever been worth that sort of money, whatever they've done. It's indecent. [/quote] Valid opinion. My opinion is different. As soon as someone was willing to pay that 9 million she was worth it. Same goes for Athletes that are paid millions. I actually think the athletes are under paid. Blue
  18. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419197974' post='2637560'] I just like quality music, the more people able to produce music will mean more quality will get out there, finding it is the tricky bit. [/quote] Agreed Blue
  19. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419197320' post='2637554'] Of course it is but it does mean there will be less superstars which in my view is a good thing. [/quote] Cool, valid point. Me, I like SuperStars. But some I like more than others. Blue
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1419195273' post='2637519'] In the UK it is I think substantially more than $160 but I don't at all understand why anyone would go to see the Stones in a stadium. If you could see them in a small 200 people club for twenty quid then maybe, otherwise no thanks. The same goes for McCartney in my view, although some friends saw him at BBC Maida Vale recently and I could get with that. So [i]why[/i] do people do it? Probably all sorts of reasons and many of them unrelated to music including conspicuous consumption of hotel/gig/dinner/VIPseats/bottle of champagne/signed programme etc etc. [/quote] My seats were very good, close to the stage. It's still major fun. I'm still fascinated by McCartney and The Stones, but probably for different reason from when I was a teen. Most guys,I know, friends and music peers don't go to concerts or shows at all. They changed in that way, I didn't. I go because, I'm still into it and I'm hoping that's a part of me that will never change. Blue
  21. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419196422' post='2637539'] Did you just quote yourself? [/quote] Yeah, sort of. Blue
  22. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419196394' post='2637537'] But you have an instrument that is of a recordable quality for very little money which means more people can make music. [/quote] I guess you have a point. You can record with just about any bass. It doesn't have to be [i]"quality".[/i] More people can make music. I guess that's a good thing? Blue
  23. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1419195546' post='2637520'] When I was a 1960s teenager I liked the Stones a lot but for several decades now I have been totally uninterested by them. I'm not disloyal, I have just moved on. [/quote] I'm curious, what did you move on to? Blue
  24. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1419195546' post='2637520'] When I was a 1960s teenager I liked the Stones a lot but for several decades now I have been totally uninterested by them. I'm not disloyal, I have just moved on. [/quote] [i]"I didn't"[/i] Blue
  25. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1419195947' post='2637526'] I really don't understand this concept - I love some Bowie stuff but haven't bought anything since Let's Dance. Elvis Costello is another one - I love his work with the Attractions but haven't bought his work with the Brodsky Quartet through loyalty. Besides, 8 years from the Beatles is hardly them being loyal back! [/quote] Loyalty does not necessarily mean buying recordings. I haven't purchased any Beatles or Stones recordings in years. However I have dropped $160.00 a piece for Stones and McCartney concerts within the last few years. And when I go to these shows, while I am a huge fan, I really don't want to hear any new stuff. Blue
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