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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419195052' post='2637515'] You can get high quality instruments cheap, you can get a second hand Squire VMJ for about £100 and they are better quality than a Fender would have been in the 70s. [/quote] That's cool, however, me personally would not call or describe any Squire as [i]"high end"[/i]. Fine basses, but not [i]high end. [/i] For example a Squire is not a Sadowsky. I think most guys would consider a Sadowsky as [i]"high end".[/i] Blue
  2. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419194518' post='2637502'] But the charts are no longer relevant the whole industry has changed, that doesn't mean that the quality output has got any worse in fact due to instruments being cheaper and the technological advances means that talented people can make music without the money barrier. [/quote] I think they can record a lot cheaper. High end gear ( guitars, amps, basses, PAs ) are not cheap in any sense of the word. Blue
  3. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1419194027' post='2637495'] It'll be interesting to see what bands are playing in 50 years time. I very much doubt it'll be stuff that's in the 'charts' today - at the risk of generalisation, it's not memorable or particularly well crafted - we're almost back into the 'stagnant' 70's music scene. [/quote] Interesting point, I really wonder about that, what bands will still be in the came 50 years from now. The whole concept of band and fans is different. You guys know how loyal us Beatles and Stones fans have been for the past 50 years. Are the fans of new bands as loyal? Blue
  4. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1419193373' post='2637481'] She's not my generation - I'm 50, she was just an example of one of today's artists who is in the same league as many of the global superstars you seem to be nostalgically yearning for. The Stones and McCartney are nowhere near as big or important as they once were, and I doubt any of your superstars will have the longevity of Mozart.[/quote] Ok, hey I'm open to your position. If The Stones and McCartney are no longer as big or as important as they once were, why are they still selling out stadiums at $160.00 a pop. Somebody must think they're still important or still entertaining? So, I'm looking for your response to the [i]"why?"[/i] Blue
  5. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1419184271' post='2637355'] I don't know why under 25s are bolting your gigs or why you seem so down on the generations below you but tomorrow night I am going to a charity gig at the [url="https://www.facebook.com/hopebrighton"]Hope[/url] in Brighton with two bands and a sound system. All the musicians and the DJ are under 25 and I expect most of the audience will be under 25 and I know at least some of them do know their music history (but not only or merely Rock 'n' Roll). [url="https://www.facebook.com/childreachinternational"]https://www.facebook...chinternational[/url] [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/600899830038568/?ref=3&ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular"]https://www.facebook...ry_type=regular[/url] [url="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Euphony/193332514079509?fref=photo"]https://www.facebook...9509?fref=photo[/url] [url="https://www.facebook.com/varjakband"]https://www.facebook.com/varjakband[/url] [url="https://www.facebook.com/CrucialSoundWired"]https://www.facebook...ucialSoundWired[/url] There's not anything special about this. Young (as well as old) musicians and their bands are gigging regularly all over the UK - I can't imagine it's so different in the US.[/quote] Some are young and old and some are struggling. There is a thread here, "How Was It For You" which reveals some guys didn't get to gig as much as they wanted to. I know 1 or 2 bands that IMO are very good bar bands but don't gig much and there's a common element. Neither band has a member that knows how to get gigs. Blue
  6. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1419192599' post='2637472'] There's a name that does not come up often enough. These days I rarely play CDs. Yesterday I got a new (to me) car, first I've ever had with a CD player. I've had New York Tendaberry in the player all day.... First heard that album when I was 16, many moons ago. [/quote] Laura is gone, however she sold her catalog back in the late 70s for 9 million US dollars. Not bad for the time. Seems like she gave it away now. Blue
  7. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419191800' post='2637463'] The only reason we are talking about Taylor Swift is because you brought her up and then said there were no more megastars even though you had named one yourself.[/quote] If Taylor is still relevant and selling out Stadiums when she's in her mid 70's, I'll will put her right up in the ranks of Paul McCartney and Mick Jagger. Blue
  8. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419191800' post='2637463'] The only reason we are talking about Taylor Swift is because you brought her up and then said there were no more megastars even though you had named one yourself. I think you put far too much emphasis on age, pretty much every thread you mention your age, to use a sporting phrase "If you're good enough, you're old enough", I think you'd find some great music if you stopped living in the past and actually listened to newer quality music. [/quote] I do put a lot of emphasis on age, I'm not sure why. It probably has more to do with me not liking or accepting being older than anything I have against youth. As far as musicianship goes, at the local level there are older players that are awesome and some that are horrible, same goes for the young musicians. I wouldn't say I'm living in the past, but I still find a lot of value and use for some of what came out of the 60s and 70s. New music, if I like it, I like it and I'm thrilled, I just don't hear much that clicks or resonates with me. And that's just me. Blue
  9. [quote name='Passinwind' timestamp='1419182069' post='2637327'] Wonder how much the younger musicians are concerned that you have never even heard Taylor Swift? Cuts both ways, no? Could just be that those under-25'ers would stick around if you played something they actually relate to -- at least that's my experience in the venues I still play in at age 61. Heck, Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett have sold a ton of units together this year. Adapt or die, the facts are indeed hard to argue. [/quote] I don't think it's just age or the music we play it's a lot of things. Some of it could be regional or cultural. Remember our BL and front person is a 29 year old female. Believe it or not she is the one against doing the more contemporary stuff. It's her band and she's be successful with this same band locally for the past 9 years. The goal was to be a good paid gig bar band and that's what we are. We have carved out a nice niche which allowed us to play 65-70 shows this year, which is more than a lot of bands that want to do paid gigs can say. So were not really looking to appeal to the under 25, nor do we care if they relate to us. They are not our target market. I'm sure when they walk in and see all the grey hair they are just like I was when I was young, [i]"let's get out of here".[/i]Our bread and butter is with a very loyal appreciative 50 + crowd. That's not saying that if I heard a Taylor Swift song I like and deemed appropriate for our band we wouldn't do it, I'm sure we would. Blue
  10. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1419149568' post='2636925'] This Taylor Swift has sold more units globally than a lot of those that we of a certain vintage would think of as global superstars, including Rod Stewart, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Wonder and Bob Dylan. And that is just units sold - think about the streaming, illegal downloads and copying, merchandise, endorsement deals etc that she will be enjoying as music is consumed so differently these days and she will be pushed much further up the leader board. There is a great radio show in the UK every Saturday morning - Sounds of the 60s, which looks at the era with rose tinted glasses but ends up playing so much old dross you suddenly appreciate it isn't so bad today!! Cheers, Mike [/quote] Commercial success does not guarantee Taylor's music will stand the test of time. The Stones and Paul McCartney are still selling out stadiums to several generations 50 years after the fact. Let's use Taylor for your generation, we can check back with each other 50 years from now and see how she's doing. Blue
  11. Someone made an astute and enlightening comment.I really never thought about it, but there are no more global rock stars. I guess that's a thing of the past. Someone once told me that in today's music world an Aretha Franklin or a Stevie Wonder would have a hard time getting signed. blue
  12. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419148290' post='2636920'] So again you haven't heard her but feel you can judge because she isn't from the 60s? [/quote] I really can't judge her, I have never heard any of her work. If I judged her, I retract. Blue
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1418930502' post='2635011'] Why on earth would you expect a 19 year old to know what 'the Katy' was, or who Henry Saint Clair Fredericks is, and why he uses the stage name Taj Mahal, strangely after a building in Agra in India?[/quote] I don't know, sounded good at the time. Blue
  14. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419147406' post='2636915'] And to be fair Taylor Swift is very good at what she does. [/quote] I'm 61, I don't think I have ever heard a Taylor Swift record, so I wouldn't know what shes good at. Blue
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419147341' post='2636913'] Yep there was no cheesy pop in past just good quality music. [/quote] There was plenty of cheesy pop in the 60s and 70s. But there was plenty of ground breaking quality music too. It's a complicated debate. Back in the 60s and 70s bands made albums, I'm not even sure if that's done any more. Just like buying music with money, does anyone do that? Blue
  16. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419110432' post='2636776'] Everyone does, the music when you're young will always be the best to you. Not a fan of the ageism on this thread, old people can be the most disrespectful people at time, the amount of times I've held the door open for an older person without as much as a nod. Older pub bands tend to bore me, they really are re-hashing old tropes that were done better 30-40 years ago, as was mentioned earlier in the thread technology has move in and the people who are embracing that are the ones who are out there making the best music at the moment not the old 12 bar and a solo merchants. [/quote] I'm older and I have no interests in rehashing old tropes or old 12 bar and a solo merchants. I listen to a new music station every day in my car. I have not heard anything that has blown me away. I like the music that was popular when I was young but I'm not sure I'm stuck in it. If a young new artists comes out with something I like, I'll give credit where credit is due. It just hasn't happened yet. Blue
  17. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419112164' post='2636794'] Very limited music out there then, since the 90's there have been more genres more artists pushing the bounds of what can be done but there are no more global superstars, music is better for that, a lot of those artists listed's material is mediocre except for The Beatles. Problem is you're obviously stuck in a generation and are totally ignorant to the music of the last 20 years but instead of trying to look into it you are dismissing it out of hand. [/quote] Yeah your probably right. I think I'll ditch all my Aretha Franklin and James Brown records and start listening to more Taylor Swift and One Direction. Blue
  18. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1419110612' post='2636780'] Why can't they just say they didn't think he was that good... compared to say Clapton or a modern day guy like...er.. John Mayer, for example...if that is indeed what they thought? FWIW, I don't think the most important contribution the Beatles made was their musical ability..but they sure wrote some great songs..and more than most...but there you go..!! [/quote] They can say whatever they like. Everybody can have an opinion. George was 17 years old and had to create his own path for the most part. In 1962 there wasn't much for him to draw from. Mayer had 50 years of rock guitarist to draw from. George Harrison is a rock and roll icon. Are you saying Mayer is in the same league as a George Harrison? The Beatles were once in a life time song writers and here's something, how many rock bands do you hear playing their instruments and singing 2 and 3 part harmony? Blue
  19. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1419104320' post='2636676'] Actually, at 63 the whole of Rock n Roll history. surely. Not just rock n roll though, even the stuff we dismissed as rubbish when we were kids must have influenced us in the UK, where there was only one radio station, and that only played an hour or two of what you might call pop music per WEEK. Just look at old top 10 charts from the 60s, most if it was dross, ballads or novelty records. [/quote] You know, now that I think about it, prior to the Beatles charting all over the place here in the USA, prior to that the sort of stuff that was charting was stuff like "Dominique" by The Singing Nun and folksy stuff like Peter , Paul & Mary's[i] "Puff The Magic Dragon"[/i] Thank God you guys came over and got us rocking again. Blue
  20. [quote name='darren' timestamp='1419068977' post='2636145'] Can you elaborate on why this concerns you? [/quote] Maybe concern was not the best choice of words. I'll say I'm irritated when anyone young or older criticizes anything when they're ignorant to facts. The best example would be the 20 something guitarist that criticizes George Harrison's guitar work. Now, if they know the history behind George , where he came from his influences and what was available to him to draw from, then fine. However if they no nothing about him or his legacy and they're spouting off, I'm irritated. Blue
  21. Were at the Road House tonight, I'm hoping we have a respectable draw, it's a big room. Russ
  22. We played last Friday and the place (Pillars Pub) was packed, great holiday gig. Our gig Saturday & Sunday gigs were marginal. We play a Road House gig tomorrow night, hoping it's packed and gets crazy. Tip: If your doing a stage-less bar gig this weekend and you value your pedal board, cover it with saran wrap or something to cover it. I would hate to hear about a pitcher of beer being spilled on someones pedals. Blue
  23. [quote name='martin8708' timestamp='1419031523' post='2636008'] I've still got 9 birthdays to go before I hit the big six zero , but I've still got three decades of pub band gigging . Most of the older musicians I play with seem to have a very narrow spectrum of musical taste , they seem to concentrate on a very focused style of music , any suggestion of widening the musical spectrum from " he who plays 4 strings " is met with looks of derision .[/quote] That's a pretty broad stroke. I'm one of those older musicians and I'm focused on anything that I think is good and that can be just about any genre. Blue
  24. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1418976259' post='2635315'] Not facts, just an overwhelming majority of opinion...which won't be around for ever... [/quote] True, all of us that have been preaching Beatles and Stones for years will be gone and on our way to that big jam session in the cosmos. Blue
  25. What's it like for you? Ok, I admit it. I miss being the young good looking guy, when you walked into a gig people noticed you. I didn't have to approach people, they approached me. I really miss that. Blue
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