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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1418982355' post='2635379'] There are relevant artists today and there are up and down times through the RnR ages... You could argue that the bands like the Stones and the Who etc etc are poor versions of themselves and they are largely touring bands. When did they release anything anygood of late..?? But then again..why bother.. they sell out doing their catalogue...[/quote] Well, there is no more Top 40 so it's hard to know what is a hit and where it stands against other songs. Back in the 60s, I knew what No 1, 2 and 3 were. I think you only get 1 or 2 prolific periods of prolific socially relevant releases. I am a huge Stones fan, I don't expect or want to hear new material from them. I only want to hear the old catalog and I think they know that. Blue
  2. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1418986064' post='2635449'] Most of that "rock n'roll history" was made by people who were young and dumb with little respect for their elders. Even a band like the Beatles started out with simple pop songs and got more sophisticated later. Early on, I'm sure none of them would have cut it as working musicians playing the popular music of the 1940s or earlier. If musicians are still starting out with that attitude I'd say the genre is in good health. If not, it will become fossilised, an exercise in pastiche and imitation. Some would say that is happening already... [/quote] Good point! Blue
  3. [quote name='gadgie' timestamp='1418977161' post='2635325'] I always think you try to start good threads that generate a lot of replies. However, when I see you making comments like this I can't help feeling you see yourself as some sort of music Guru and anyone not on the same 'level' as you is not worthy of playing in a band etc. Really....why do you have a concern with younger musicians having limited knowledge of R&R history?. I think there are bigger, more important times in history that younger people are not aware of.........now that is a concern. Keep up the new threads [/quote] I'm not a Guru and there are young musicians that I'm probably not worthy of playing in a band with. And yes there are bigger more important times in history that a lot of us are not aware of. Blue
  4. Back on topic, for me at 61 I finally have unlimited time to put into this. And if the right opportunity came up to tour, I could leave at the drop of a hat. Blue
  5. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1418948119' post='2635226'] I'm sure there were people back in the 60s asking where the younger generations' Cole Porter or Irving Berlin were too... [/quote] And we had answers, Lennon & McCartney, Hal David & Burt [i]Bacharach[/i] to name a few. The Cole Port and Irving Berlin generation had a lot in common with the 60s. Both, very prolific periods in popular music that generated "once in a life time" songs and artists. Blue
  6. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1418947572' post='2635223'] Any argument that can be "won" with nothing more than personal preferences isn't worth having. [/quote] Hi Time Stamp, That list is not personal preference it's historical fact. Much respect Blue
  7. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1418945918' post='2635209'] Nowadays, I find most venues I go to, the punters are still the same age as me, but now it`s the younger ones that seem like they`ve gatecrashed if they`re around, however I welcome that, great to see younger people watching grass-roots gigs. [/quote] Interesting while we have a 29 year old female front the rest of us are over 60. We can get really good crowds, however the under 25 bolt for the exit as soon as they see a live band is playing. Blue
  8. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1418937328' post='2635090'] By the end of the summer the tribute act had folded, and I did the last gig in the diary for the other band two weeks ago. I should be looking for another band really, but I just cant be bothered. [/quote] I'm really lucky to have over 3 years in (I'm a 1 band only guy) with my band, working with good honest people. 65 gigs last year should be more this year. If I lost this band, I would be screwed. There are very few opportunities with bands with consistent paid gigs in Milwaukee. Lot's of start up projects that will never see their first gig. I have actually seen ads with verbiage like [i]"We don't care about what people want to dance to"[/i]. I'm serious. I guess that's fine, but they might want to add [i]"We don't care if we ever get a gig"[/i] I know guys that haven't seen a decent opportunity in over 3 years. Blue
  9. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1418836438' post='2633915'] Music has taken a back seat this year, I still practice with my cover band which I really enjoy but I only played 1 gig all year, I'm enjoying racing my bike and running too much to care at the moment. [/quote] Enjoy, bands, gigging rock and roll, no longer a big deal for most. Blue
  10. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1418921735' post='2634922'] Reference to Rock n Roll history is interesting. Each of us might have a different take on that. Significance for my generation is largely being overlooked (still) by our baby boomer parents through sheer numbers and control of the media as much as anything. These days when I hear a reference to the songs that defined my childhood, a small part of me cheers. Beach Boys, Beatles etc. are all very well but they're not really a part of my upbringing even though I respect their status as classic bands. Disco rules, it defined my childhood and still defines my tastes. [/quote] You nailed it, most of our passions lie in what was happening when we were growing up. I was 10 years old when all those British bands came to the US and not only gave us great new exciting sounds they also brought our attention to our own American music. Unfortunately us Baby Boomers are always going to win the argument with a simple where are your;[list] [*]Lennon & McCartney's [*]Beatles [*]Stones (are there any bands from the 80s or 90s still filling stadiums) [*]Mick Jaggers [*]James Browns [*]Aretha Franklins [*]Al Greens [*]Carol Kings [*]Laura Nyros [/list] On an on and on. Sorry for the old guy rant, but these facts are tough to argue. Blue
  11. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1418915915' post='2634812'] Unfortunately yes, which is why I so rarely play or listen to music anymore. [/quote] [i]"Rehashed a thousand or a million times, for me it's still rock and roll, still exciting, still fun to listen to and especially to play."[/i] Blue
  12. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1418897102' post='2634512'] I'm soon to be 63 and have now been playing in public since 1968 on various instruments. I consider myself lucky in that I honestly believe that I grew up at the best time in musical history. [/quote] Time Stamp, It's a fact, we did grow up in at least the best time in rock and roll history. Blue
  13. [quote name='KK Jale' timestamp='1418881224' post='2634356'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]You can do anything in your 50s, or 60s, or 70s, except create a back catalogue. [/font][/color][/quote] I would love to play bass with an artist with catalog that everybody knows. I never had the talent to create a catalog. Blue
  14. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1418857403' post='2634250'] I would view that as a positive thing, means they're less likely to spend their time rehashing all the old rock'n'roll cliches that have already been done to death a thousand times over. [/quote] [i]"Everything is a rehash all the old rock'n'roll cliches that have already been done to death a thousand times over".[/i] Blue
  15. [quote name='dadofsix' timestamp='1418861732' post='2634318'] I'm playing with a twenty four year old guitarist in one of my bands. What he lacks in experience and immediate reference to a catalog of hundreds of songs in his head, he more than makes up for in an original touch to his lead and rythym work. He does learn the song pretty much note for note at first, but he then just . . . makes it "his song." It's actually quite refreshing. <><Peace [/quote] I know a 19 year old guitarist singer like that. Heard him nail [i]She Caught The Katie and Left Me a Mule To Ride[/i]. However he has no idea who Taj Mahal is or what he's singing about. So for me, not impressed. But that's just me. Blue
  16. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1418857155' post='2634244'] Well I'm 51 and I've just joined a band where the othe guys are 70 Maybe they think that about me [/quote] Sorry Les, but your more on the [i]older[/i] side than [i]younger[/i]. But it's all relative. Your 70 year old band mates are the perfect age for rock history. If your 70 you've seen most of it. Blue PS: I wish I was still 51
  17. One of my concerns is dealing with younger musicians that have a limited knowledge in terms of rock and roll history, how it started and evolved into what it is today. Blue
  18. Most of us over 60 guys that are still in the game have as much as 50 years in the game. We have seen more technology business, industry, and attitude changes than most. When I say still in the game, I don't mean guys that have [i]"made it"[/i]. I mean the guys like me that are still out there playing clubs and bars. Were older, we have a lot to look back on, maybe somethings we would have done differently, are you happy? What's it like? These are the issues I would love to hear about. Even things as simple as gigging clubs and bars, it's not like were still in our 20s, 30s 40s or 50s. It's not the 60s or the 70s anymore. Thoughts, comments and historical insights. BTW, you don't have to be over 60 to participate. Blue
  19. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1418843653' post='2634034'] So, I really need to find other musicians around here that want to play for more than the thrill of just being a weekend warrior![/quote] You and me both. It's been really tough trying to get in with musicians that gig full time. I am going to work hard at more networking. I want to gig 4-5 times a week. Blue
  20. This was my 3rd complete year with Maple Road, we played 65 gigs (bars/ clubs and fairs and festivals) with a few more left before year end. I would love to do more gigs, I'm one of the few that has all the time in the world for music and gigging. I have no other interests. It was a good year gig wise and my background vocals have significantly improved. My goal is to move up the ladder to a regional, national or international touring band. Blue
  21. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1418776129' post='2633367'] Get your band tight. Get all the gear you need. Get the right image. Get the right promo (basically a sh*t hot vid, a few snippets of pro audio tracks and a few great promo pics) Approach the agents. There's your in. [/quote] I was speaking about me and my interests not my bands interests. So,that wouldn't work, we are not that type of band and we don't play that type of music and none of my band mates are interested in going in that direction. Personally, I would love the opportunity to audition for a band playing at that level. Blue
  22. I haven't read all of the reply's so sorry if this is redundant. I know some of you guys say,[i] " Oh, it's too smooth and polished for me "[/i]. Well I would bet there are some $100.00 a man bar band guys like me that would like a shot at this type of opportunity. You know, see how the other side lives, make some real money with better hours and working conditions. And were willing to play the game. Am I right? Thing is if your not networked, how do you get a chance at this type of opportunity.I would love the challenge. The function bands over here rarely announce openings to the public. Then for some of us, we have to expect that [i]"look"[/i] and age will come into play here. Much more than in the bar band world. Blue
  23. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1418724506' post='2632616'] More like a glee theatre set up than a "band", one from the cabaret market, they will do well on the corporate scene thats for sure. Personally I would only stay if I was expected to stay at the event. Give me 4 guys knocking out stuff a bit less X factor style any time. Horses for courses. [/quote] That's fine, but I'll take the 12K side with a Glee theatre set up. I've been doing the 4 guys knocking out stuff for years and at the local level for years and it will never pay 12K. For those that don't like money this type of top notch function band would not be for you. Blue
  24. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1418758569' post='2633060'] Hear the line, 'pro player' used here by many and I wonder what most people think it means..? To me, all it means is that someone earns most of their wage playing music.. It is not necessarily anything to do with the standard that they play at... [/quote] That would be my definition too. Blue
  25. I wish I had a 5 week contract to play. Blue
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