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Everything posted by blue

  1. This is usually a fun exercise because we all read these ads differently. If possible critique from the perspective of a guy looking for work and money. [b]Ad No. 1[/b] [u][b]Established Rock/Pop Cover band Seeking Experienced Bass Player ASAP[/b][/u] We are a well established cover band that has played all the big Milwaukee venues including Summerfest, State Fair, etc. We play rock, pop and some country music from the 80's on. We have both male and female lead vocalists, lead and rhythm guitar and keys as well. We are looking to play out on average 2 times a month and more during the Festival season. We book through a major agency. We are looking for an experienced bass player ASAP. Singing ability preferred but not required. Only musicians with video submissions will be considered. Thank you. [b]Ad No. 2[/b] [u][b]Start-Up Looking for A Hard Rock Bass Player[/b][/u] Start-up band with drummer and guitar player looking for a bass player to hop in and contribute. We are looking to play hard rock tunes with heavy guitar and putting in our own personal touch. A few bands we have songs for are Foo Fighters and Van Halen plus many more. We are in our early 40's just looking to get a solid sound without the BS. We currently practice on Monday's from ~5-9 in Oak Creek. No substance abuse issues please. Just kick-ass hard rock. Must have decent rig. Have fun Blue
  2. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1409601225' post='2541448'] In, let the PA do the work and have a nice quiet onstage sound . [/quote] Exactly,However, very hard to do because guitarist have this thing about constantly turning up their amps. Blue
  3. Nissan Altima, both 2 10s and 1 15 GK RBX cabs and 2 basses fit in the back seat easy. Everything else fits in the trunk. Blue
  4. We did a boat Cruise, I was happy with the amount of tickets sold at 20 bucks a pop (75) but that's about all. Unbeknownst to me,we didn't bring any lighting or subs. 3 of us shared 1 stage monitor and I did not think we played well at all. Blue
  5. I liked it. Blue
  6. This is the rule of thumb over here in the USA, and of course I don't speak for everyone. I have concerns about my band and my direction, however this is what all my buddies tell me. [i]"Your in a band with consistent bookings and your making money. A lot of guys are not even gigging , so, consider yourself lucky. Don't quit until something better comes along"[/i] Blue
  7. Guitarist with that sort of attitude, it comes under the catagory of " not cool" and not the type of person I would want to be in a band with. Blue
  8. Yes, I was 9 or 10 it was February 9th, 1964 Sunday Night. I saw the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show. Paul was singing playing bass and having fun. I started playing bass the following week and I have never stopped. I was familiar with The Beatles prior to seeing them, I had the Meet The Beatles album but it was seeing them live on TV that got me started. blue
  9. To even out tone you might want to try using compression. I use the Multi-Comp from EBS. Blue
  10. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1409188092' post='2537351'] I think there are some interesting points here. I make a living from playing and there are definitely gigs out there,but you have to branch out both musically and geographically. I haven't done a gig in my local area (I live just outside Stoke) for at least 3 years, and even then it was the graduation ball at Keele Uni.I'm not involved with the local scene at all. Most of the guys I work with are based in places like Manchester, Liverpool, Chester, Birmingham, and the gigs can be anywhere. The other point is branching out musically.I wouldn't get as much work if I couldn't (or wouldn't)play a bunch of different styles and know a ton of tunes, be able to read, and be able to double on Electric and Upright. Consequently, I've played everything from standard function band sets to theater shows, jazz standards to sequence dancing, and pub rock to big band. It's hard work but it's doable-I've been doing this for a living for 15 years now, and my Dad's been doing the same for nearly 40. [/quote] Very astute comment. I know too many guys with that "that kind of music sucks or I'd never play that kind of stuff" attitude. Unfortunately all the musicians I know with that limited scope are bedroom noodlers and not by choice. Here's a tough lesson, a buddy got the chance to go LA and audition for a big name contemporary country band. He get's to the audition and is ready to show his stuff and they gave him the sheet music to a polka and asked him to play it. he didn't get the gig. Blue
  11. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1409164267' post='2537032'] Join a tribute band. This is why they are so popular with players, IMO as the talent can go much further. You can be a decent covers bands and it is hard to get beyond a £1k gig unless you plug into weddings etc ... Pick the right act to Tribute and you can get far better gigs than that. [/quote] Tribute bands are great for some. The few we have in Milwaukee get great gigs and high scale pay. However, usually they don't gig enough for me. I really want to be out there 4-5 nights a week nationally /internationally. blue
  12. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1409154143' post='2536894'] It could be worse. If you weren`t in a band, you would be sitting in front of the TV being bored wishing you were in a band [/quote] I know, that would be a nightmare to me. Blue
  13. [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Good discussion;[/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Were all different ( age, culture, education, motivation, musical needs ect.)[/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]It’s funny I was in a band a few years back with this outstanding lead rock guitarist when the band broke up, I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t out there looking and auditioning like a mad man like me. I asked him why. His response, “oh, I don’t have to be in a band I have other life interest.” He hasn’t been in a band in over 4 years and he’s perfectly happy.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Me at 61, I am still the same kid that got hooked when I went to see The Beatles in “A Hard Day’s Night, in 1964”. Still fascinated with rock &roll, bands, what’s left of the genre and culture.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Money wise I guess I’m ok with or without the band money, however the money I make from music while it may only be $100.00 a gig is more important to me than any corporate salary I’ve had. A corporate salary is nice, but it never meant much to me. Getting that $100.00 for playing always makes me feel important and that I matter. That $100.00 is money made from something I love. Many or most never see a dollar from something they love.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]I believe in destiny and I know even though I’m 61, there is something more in music out there for me above and beyond the bar level of play. I’m prepared for it , I’m going to find it and win it.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Blue[/color][/size][/font]
  14. While were talking about band " downers" I'll add this. Since were a weekend band not pros we don't seem to be on the same page with some issues. Therefore we can't and don't attack or address certain band management issues. You know, something is important to you, but not to anyone else in the band. For example Milwaukee has at least 4 awesome venues where all the international headliners are booked. The Pabst Theater, The Riverside, Turner Hall and Shank Hall. We're a solid blues/ rock act going 8 years strong. We for well with the bar/ club bookings and the festivals and fairs in the summer. However, we will ocassoinally see one our peers opening for a headliner at one if the venues mentioned above. We do no more than scratch our heads and say, " I wonder how they got that gig?". I'm just as guilty as anyone else in the band. I do nothing about it. Blue
  15. Yeah, it's a mugs game for sure. However, I'm out there gigging and getting paid every weekend 2 - 3 shows in some cases when I know people in bands that can't get any gigs or any paying gigs. My goal is to keep networking for that national touring opportunity. Blue
  16. It's the what is Rock part we're struggling with. I know a lot of younger folks that like to say they like Rock, whatever Rock is. Blue
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1409073718' post='2536068'] Hmmm, I don't really feel any wiser, except I'm now guessing that I am on the "I don't like 'rock'" side. [/quote] Well if your under 50 or 40, not liking rock makes sense. I wonder how many 60 plus folks don't like Rock? Blue
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1409067811' post='2535980'] It's not at all clear to me what the word 'rock' means in the context of this thread. Stuff I like is referenced alongside stuff I have no interest in whatsoever. [/quote] I guess the term Rock is relative. But I'm thinking; [size="3"][color="#000000"]Rock, generally played loud ,usually 3 guitars, bass maybe keys and vocals playing serious riff based rock not the more acoustic music that is popular today.[/color][/size] [size="3"][color="#000000"]blue[/color][/size]
  19. Well considering the replys, I should keep my mouth shut and be happy I am in a good band with good people with steady bookings. blue
  20. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1409062513' post='2535920'] The Junkyard Dogs runs a [i]repertoire [/i]of about 60 songs, by which I mean songs that we could drop into a set at any time without needing to rehearse them especially. Our three longest suits are the Stones, Status Quo and Dr. Feelgood with half a dozen songs by each, and it sometimes feels to us that we are a bit too laden with songs by those three bands. My point is that we therefore play over 40 songs which, in most cases, are the only song we play by that band. I always get very puzzled when people talk about too much of this or too much of that ... I mean, just how varied do you want it? ++++++++++++++++++ On the age thing, Blue, in another band I play with we were auditioning for another guitarist last week. In walks a 23-year-old Portuguese guy, been in London for three weeks. He's absolutely over the moon at the prospect of playing stuff by Rory Gallagher and Gary Moore, early Free and Hendrix. And BY GOD! can he play that stuff. [/quote] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]Understood and I know what you mean.[/color][/size][/font] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]However;[/color][/size][/font] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]Our lead guitarist is 29 and can play blistering 70’s style songs and solos like “nobody’s business” and he loves the stuff. However, respecting, understanding the history, the time period and the artists that’s a different story. [/color][/size][/font] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]For example, can anyone in their right mind find a reason to be critical of the 17 year old George Harrison that didn’t have 50 years of reference to draw from? My point, when younger folks criticize George I draw the line.[/color][/size][/font] Blue
  21. Agreed, I will not even let guys I know use my amp. They never treat it the same way I treat it. Blue
  22. I watched a buddy of mine in a Pro Band do their 90 minute show. I got jealous because I feel trapped in this local 4 hour bar band level of play. When you’re in a pro band, with a catalog of hits, captive audience (people that came specifically to see you and hear your music), they know the material and the words to the songs it’s seems so much easier to manage and win. Not to mention pro lights and sound. For most of us doing bar shows , it’s always a hit or miss proposition. Crowds are usually marginal in terms of overall music knowledge, your band and live music in general. I am spending a lot of time networking in an attempt to find a recognized national or regional touring opportunity. Anyone else want to complain about their circumstance. blue
  23. Sunday Afternoon Biker Bar 4 hour gig 1;00 - 5:00. Not bad, good crowd for a Sunday, there was some sort of parade, Richfield Days or something and tons of people just hung out afterwards. We had good low stage volume and I could hear great through our powered monitors. A fun Sunday gig. Blue
  24. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1403972365' post='2488242'] Do you prefer to be in a steady band, or take gigs with different bands as they come? And why? Off you go... [/quote] Same here, always been a one band guy. One band with the right people. Works out better financially for me. I know our schedule and what my pay is from week to week. Blue
  25. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1408992349' post='2535338'] Why, the Grateful Dead, of course..! [size=4] What other kind is there..? [/size] [/quote] Jeff Beck Group, Faces, Stones, Lot's of stuff . How about Slash & Miles Kennedy; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNtpexqaBuU Blue
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