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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='julietgreen' timestamp='1406761857' post='2514601'] I used to go to jazz gigs locally, with a mate of mine. Sometimes there'd be fewer than 10 people at a gig, and one of them would be the press. The musos never let it get to them, but then perhaps it's just that jazz is a self-obsessed kind of music. I also went to a Alan Price gig at the Hull music festival - I think there were about 20 punters there in the basement floor of a shopping mall. The place was covered in white tiles and Alan Price said something like 'thank you for inviting me to play in your toilet,' but then proceeded with his ace band, to give a performance as if we were 20 000 of us in a stadium. [/quote] Yeah, pros know how to pull that off. They play the same to 5 people as they do to 5,000. I guess that's why They're pros. Blue
  2. [size=4][font=Arial]Last Saturday Night my band played a show at a new venue for the band. The place was out in the middle of no where, the owner is trying to build a live music clientele. I counted 20 of our fans and a few regulars, at the end of the day I wouldn't even call it a respectable turn out.[/font] [font=Arial][b]Off topic[/b]: How do you build a live music clientele especially with a blues/rock act. Unlike my generation that loved and supported the genre and live bands in general, now, the 20 something's walk away when they see us and we have a 20 something female front playing blistering 70s style solos. [/font] [font=Arial]I say, you really can't build a clientele at the local bar/club circuit level.[/font] [font=Arial][b]Back on topic[/b], while I'm a veteran performer I still struggle with staying energetic and engaged when my band is faced with small and unresponsive crowds.[/font] [font=Arial]What are your suggestions and thoughts?[/font] Blue[/size]
  3. 1966, I was in the 6th grade. I think we played Cool Jerk, Cleo's Back and Function At The Junction. Great tunes, actually. Blue
  4. I have seen a few charity/ benefit type events where there are all sorts of providers and vendors, however it's only the bands that are not getting paid. Blue
  5. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1406550292' post='2512307'] one of our number on BC is the brother of Ellie Goulding. And blue, you are rocking that 'fro! [/quote] Too funny (I look just like my oldest son), those were the days.BTW, sadly I have been away from "the hood" for decades. The pic made me remember where I come from. I wish you guys could see my bass in that pic (1957 pre-CBS Fender Precision) blue
  6. [i]Us: modern pop, rock and country cover band. We play complex, interesting, fun, upbeat party rock songs with both male and female leads. Connections to all major festivals and venues. Playing as many as 20 gigs in spring/summer and at least once a month during fall/winter. Corporate sponsorship. Non-negotiable: you must be available for all shows including holidays and some weekdays. Absolutely no smokers of any kind. Bad attitudes will not be accepted.[/i] [i]I asked a few detailed questions about this opportunity and received a response[/i]; [i]Yes, we're a "start up" project that's got major sponsorship, headlining multiple major festivals including State Fair and pulling up to $300 per person per show - minimum 20 shows per summer. All contracted right now. [/i] Who knows, they might be legit. A start up with major sponsorship? Blue
  7. I think when I said [i]"nice ad and cool web page[/i]" I was looking at the picture of the young lady on their page cover. But yeah, those gig dates are a big [i]"red flag"[/i].And the band is directing you to go to their web-site in the ad? Further proving a point, good, legit, money making opportunities are rarely released publically. Blue
  8. [u][b]Let's Keep This Topic Alive[/b][/u] Here is another interesting ad; [i]The Funtree Cucks are looking for a cool as hell aggressive bassist that has a great set of ears, timing and, an ability to ROCK/have fun on stage! we are a ROCK band that plays country riffs and tunes heavy and hard as well as a few traditional sounding tunes with a twist! We call our style "Heavy Hybrid honkytonk!" lol Be advised though: WE ARE A ROCK BAND! we just jam in a country style... ish. To join us you will need a few things: Availability to practice once a week, Reasonable gear, A willingness to get into character, A great sense of rhythm and MOST OF ALL... OBJECTIVITY AND A GREAT SENSE OF HUMOUR! Age is NOT important but a lack of DRAMA is so... No DIVAS!!! Get back to me asap if you want more info or, to set up a quick audition... We are wanting to fill this spot asap. Looking forward to hearing from you and thanks a ton for reading this![/i] I thought this one looked pretty good,especially if someone was looking for work. Nice ad and cool web page,however when I looked at their schedule something was missing (gigs). The one club they list is a no-pay originals venue. Enter the site and look under shows? [url="http://www.funtreecucks.com/"]http://www.funtreecucks.com/[/url] Blue
  9. Back on topic. I indicated that we split our fee equally four ways,paid in cash during tear down. There are exceptions, I think when we do multiple nights in a row at a fair or festival (County fairs and Church Festivals are big in the midwest) we might not get paid until the final night of the run. I have no issues with that. Blue
  10. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1406506908' post='2512045'] I think you're probably right, but I don't think it matters - there's room for all isn't there? [/quote] I subscribe to [i]"there's room for all".[/i] There are some guys that will say [i]"playing for free takes business away from my band"[/i]. I challenge that notion. My band has a fee structure, some bands play for free and merely want to be creative and have fun, no problem or shame in that. I don't think were in competition with those bands. Blue
  11. I went to HighSchool in New Jersey with and played with Al Anderson (guitar) and Chuck Burgi (drums). They were both light years a head of all of us even in High School. Interesting,not together, but both of them got their start in the UK. This was back in the early 70s Individually they they purchased one way tickets to London. Chuck got his first break with a fusion band called Brand X and Albert with Bob Marley & The Wailers ( he laid down all the rock blues guitar tracks on the Natty Dread Album). Albert is still touring with and runs The Original Wailers. Chuck went on to play with Meat Loaf, Hall & Oats, Rainbow, Blue Oyster Cult and for the last 8 years has been on tour with Billy Joel. Chuck even played with Paul McCartney when he sat in with Billy at a big Shea Stadium show a few years ago. For me, that royalty an dit doesn't get any bigger than that. They both took risks going to London not knowing anyone or what would happen. Al Anderson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzAiEWRqehA Chuck Burgi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EKsL59wi5I Blue
  12. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1406480475' post='2511803'] This is a friend: [url="http://www.laney.co.uk/artists/daniel_pugsley"]http://www.laney.co..../daniel_pugsley[/url] He's made it to quite near the top in the genre [/quote] Love the production, but, how did he get there and how long did it take. What were his risks and sacrifices? blue
  13. It's always interesting to hear stories about our friends that have made it in this business, when, how they did it and what level and sector of the business they "made it" in. Any stories? Blue * yeah, I'm in the pic, hidden, but I'm sitting down with my bass in front of what looks like an Ampeg SVT. I was 17. I think the pic is from 1969.lol
  14. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1406403587' post='2511284'] Oh yes proper ale for me, warm with bits in [/quote] Ok, what are bits? Blue
  15. I was talking to a guy I know in another blues/rock band he joined about a year ago. He was not happy. He was telling me the band has gotten into the habit of playing no-pay gigs. Blue
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406391714' post='2511153'] If the fee is X or less, we split it equally. If it's more than X, we reserve an agreed percentage to cover rehearsals and transport costs and split the remainder equally. Seems to work and we have very few, if any, arguments about it. I've never known a band to get tips in the UK, with the possible exception of weddings, when the groom may be feeling expansive... [/quote] Heres a crazy story, there is this couple ( we don't know who they are, really ) that came out to 2 of our shows last year. They tipped each member of the band and our sound man $100.00 at both shows. Go figure? Blue
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406396408' post='2511210'] I think the OP means a beer koozie! It's a foam cover to stop your beer getting warm... of limited use in the UK, because as everyone knows we [i]like[/i] warm beer... [/quote] Yes, we made decent money with those cozies at street festivals last year. They cost about .25 and we can get a buck for them. Blue 4 hour bar gig tonight (new venue for us) with a 9:00p start which means we play till 1:00a. It's one of those Saturday nights I wish I had off. But on the other hand I really need the bread.
  18. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1406393646' post='2511175'] In my cover band everyone gets an equal split, on the night. If i was in an original band I would have like a band bank account where any takings (if any) could be put towards merch, recording etc [/quote] Over here, the originals scene in terms of money is quite different than covers. Originals bands have expenses that cover bands don't have. Like you said recording, merch (however we sell CDs,T-Shirts, and Can Cozies) and have other marketing expenses. They tend to be younger and they are trying to make full time careers from their music. Most original bands don't get paid, they play the originals clubs which is usually a back room that patrons pay $5.00. I guess if you can get enough family and friends to come they might have a little $$ left over after you pay the sound guys. There's not or support for originals in Milwaukee. It's too bad because we have several really good originals acts here. Blue
  19. [size=4][b][font=Arial]Compensation.[/font][/b] [font=Arial]I go back and forth with this topic. At the end of the day, I have spent years working on this bass player rock & roll thing and I expect a fee (not a big one) for performing, even though I'm am a lowly bar band guy.[/font] [font=Arial]I see some of these dudes that get up on their high horses and say, " [i]I Play for the Sake of Art & Creativity, "I Don't Play Just for the Sake of Money"[/i] or in an ad you might see [i]"We play to have fun"[/i]. That's fine, I say; " I have fun while I'm playing, However, [i]"I Play Bass for People That Pay Me Money".[/i] I don't mean to be flipant and I don't think there is any shame in wanting to be paid.[/font] [b][font=Arial]The Split[/font][/b] [font=Arial]What do you guys think about the split and over here I think it's different between cover guys and originals guys.[/font] [font=Arial]As a bar band (70s rock/ blues covers) at that $500.00 threshold we always do an equal four way split (plus tips) which is distributed to each member before he/she splits after a show. No band funds and none of that [i]"We Will Pay you at Rehearsal"[/i] stuff (except for that rare occasion when the venue pays us with a check )[/font] [font=Arial]Know I guess once you start booking gigs over a grand I think the member that booked should get a bigger slice but $500.00 is not worth messing around with.[/font] [font=Arial]What do you think?[/font] [font=Arial]Blue[/font] [font=Arial]"[i]It's Art When the Check Clears"[/i], Andy Warhol[/font][/size]
  20. It was very cool. I hope Felicia gets to do a solo thing too. she's so awesome. I love her. blue
  21. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1406318230' post='2510634'] The age thing again.... having just taken early retirement at 55 I now have the time and freedom to get serious about music again. Pity I am too old in the view of some. [/quote] Yeah, I'll be 61,[list] [*]I'm gigging more than ever ( 70 shows anually ) [*]Have more time to devote to playing. [*]High end gear ( whatever that means ) [*]I'm more realistic [*]More focused [*]Confident [*]Playing better than ever ( I think ) [*]Drug and substance free ie, been clean for decades [/list] To a degree my age works against me, however I think the really good opportunities are given by people that think beyond age. Blue
  22. Interesting comments, seems like the concensus is, the ad is questionable. I was also concerned about vague terms up for interpretation,[list] [*]Corporate Sponsorship [*]20 gigs in spring & summer ( what are these twenty 2015 shows what caliber and pay grade ) [/list] Another thing, I don't know what it's like in the UK, but really good opportunities are not advertised publically. The really hot bands making big $$$ have their own camp and resources for their opportunities. Blue
  23. Nice work!
  24. Intelectually I get the age thing, however I don't think it needs to be in the ad. The request for video is quite common over here. I don't have a problem with it, but I am not sure what they are looking for in a video. It must be to screen out the old guys. lol
  25. We had a week night gig last night. It was an outside small club party thing. Week night shows have never been great for us, so we went into with the old "paid rehearsal" outlook. The crowd was small but responsive. The best part of the evening was the guys kept the stage volume low, I could hear everything in the monitors crystal clear.It really helped my backing vocals. blue
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