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[quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1498079099' post='3322447'] Funny you should bring this up - a couple of years ago, he did ask us point blank what level of success we hoped to achieve from this outfit. I had a very similar outlook to blue at this point, i.e: ...but when I told him as much, he scoffed and declared that he wanted to be "rich and famous." I don't know if this is just the optimist's philosophy of aiming high, but I do wonder if he genuinely believes he can achieve that lifestyle from what we're doing. You've got to admire the continued optimism in the face of both his age (late 40s) and constant negativity around everything else, but I don't know if we've put enough emphasis on the fact that groups like, e.g., Mastodon apparently lay bricks between tours to keep their bank accounts in the black. Which is daft, given that our singer knows what it's like being a charting pop singer and told us quite openly that her income was pretty modest. But then I do wonder if he's actually listening to anything that contradicts his view...see what I mean about an ideology? [/quote] Late 40s? As far as making it big in Rock or Pop 26 is a stretch. Blue
I won't comment on how the ad was written and presented yet. However, I will comment on who I feel would be a good match. This is what I would consider an entry level opportunity. This is a match for a young guy looking for his first band. Chances of winning the opportunity are high as local level originals bands tend not to be picky. Blue
I'll be posting this type of an exercise on a monthly basis. In this case let's critique the message, how the ad is actually written as well as the type of guy that would be a fit. BASS PLAYER WANTED We are a Milwaukee based original rock band that is looking for a bass player. We need someone that is somewhat levelheaded. We play original and cover material that ranges from smooth and mellow to heavy and driving. We all write and have equal voice. No attitudes, egos and weirdness. We have some fun shows on the books. Let me know if that appeals to you, I will provide further information" Comments and thoughts. Blue
I'm just not sold on bass multi- effects processors for gigging. For me they're too complicated, too many features and functions I'd never use. And I still say they don't have the "mojo" of the high end dedicated pedals. Blue
[quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1498066035' post='3322337'] about making it, or almost making it... one of the saddest examples I know is the metal band "Anvil". There is a documentary about them from a few years ago. They were mingling with a bunch of bands in the 80s that all became big... and they did not. The main guy is still trying... It was very interesting, but sad. [/quote] I have that DVD. I've always thought there's more to that story than what's in the film. Blue
[quote name='christhammer666' timestamp='1498058878' post='3322282'] I have recently just left a band because I cant just book x amount of time off at the drop of a hat to swan over into Europe. They had toured before in eastern Europe and admitted some nights they stopped playing after 2 songs where the places were empty, yet they were still rattling on about about lets pay £6000 to tour with so and so or lets go and play out the back end of the world to no one........nope not for me [/quote] I've heard that regional bands like mine make out financially better than some touring bands.It might be because we have little to no expenses. Blue
[quote name='Monkey Steve' timestamp='1498058260' post='3322277'] yep, life'll always get in the way. Me and a couple of non-breeder mates have a running joke/bet of how long musicians we know (on the non/semi-pro circuit) will remain in their bands once they have kids. A mate of mine was in an almost identical position to you (in terms of band profile and being on the verge of stepping up to the next level) at the end of last year when the job of his dreams came up that would require him to quit the band and move several hundred miles away. Being a grown up the decision was easy and he took the job - he's secured his family's future and does something he loves which would never come up again in a million years. But when his grown up brain is taking a nap he does have regrets... I do wonder if your drummer is thinking that "making it" will lead to the rewards that Kiss and Maiden got in the '70's & 80's. I know some people from bands that are household names that barely make ends meet and have to have jobs when they come back off tour. One "big in the '80s but still going and making great music now" lot have a roster of band members that gets ever younger as the hired hands can't get by for more than a few years and need a more regular source of higher income. they can't believe that the drummer has been with them for so long as he's the only one with kids who's lasted more than a couple of years. usually they have to leave and are replaced by a younger model who's happy to play in a name band and live a cut down version of the rock n roll dream. And for all that they play good venues and tour the world, they mostly rely on T-shirt sales to pay the bills. [/quote] 64, making it like Maiden or Kiss, never even crosses my mind. Being able to pay my bills at the end of the month without working for the man is my definition of making it. Blue
Getting excited - new singer auditions next weekend.
blue replied to Painy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Painy' timestamp='1497736655' post='3320345'] Really good vocalists are always hard to come by.[/quote] Agreed, Many times I'll see a good band, you know very good musically, above average players that can groove. But there's something missing. It's older guys with marginal to no stage presence or vocal ability. Blue -
Tough story and circumstance. Unfortunately when you do this for a living and depend on the money your really locked in a box. You can't quit because things aren't going well for any reason. Not until something better comes along and your income stream isn't interested. Blue
I'm "old school" after 50 years of performing it's nothing I've ever paid much attention to. My finger tips on my fret hand are pretty tough. Everyone's DNA will be different on this one. Blue
[quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1497800078' post='3320604'] Not if you're the bear ;-) [/quote] 🐻 😁 Blue
[quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1497781613' post='3320499'] I'm a miserable bastard and nobody likes me. That's usually my reason for leaving... [/quote] I'm the cheerleader for my band. Always upbeat and funny, telling jokes and keeping everyone in good spirit If a band member is really down I will do the invisible bear hump and that will fix everything. Hard to have a bad time when your humping an invisible bear 🐻 Blue
I traded my Epi Bird up to the 1991 Gibson Thunderbird. The handle was damaged on the Gibson case,so I just kept the Epi case. It's a huge rectangular shape with a ton of space inside Blue
[quote name='SH73' timestamp='1497723119' post='3320277'] I'm not in s band but if I was I'd be happy to gig once week as I have other commitments I enjoy doing. [/quote] My life evolves around gigging. I have no other commitments or interests. I like productive rehearsals and when I'm not gigging I enjoy going to see other bands. But no, no other interests my kids are grown adults so that initial level of parenting is over for me. I go to them for advice now. Blu
[quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1497659411' post='3319928'] And what, exactly, is it that you "cannot stand" to hear about his playing? [/quote] "Cannot stand to hear his playing" I'm proud to say I can't say that about any musicians playing. Blue
[quote name='SH73' timestamp='1497646093' post='3319832'] I would be happy with once a month gig. [/quote] Now that I think about it, I know a few outstanding musicians that can't find any kind of gigging situation. Mainly due to location. They'd be happy with one gig a month. Blue
[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1497647019' post='3319839'] I wonder what the ratio of rehearsal to gigs looks like for the Stones..? Hmm... [/quote] I think those guys have a series of rehearsals specific to each tour. I'd venture to say it cost about a million dollars to produce 1 Stones show. Blue
[quote name='SH73' timestamp='1497646093' post='3319832'] I would be happy with once a month gig. [/quote] 1 gig a month.For me that would mean time to find a more lucrative band with a big book of business. One gig a month is great for some. Blue
[quote name='milesBguitar' timestamp='1497646820' post='3319837'] I'm having second thoughts about my current band at the moment. Guitarist is a serious control freak and knows all (even when he is prooved wrong he changes his tale and say that he meant the correct thing all the time). We have lost a drummer because of him and he has brought a new drummer in that i have to play BPM roulette ever practice and gig making it so hard to lock in. We are currently looking at a new singer (not because the old one is crap, he has an originals band that is starting to do things and can't always commit straight away but is a absolute top guy). Second guitarist is only doing the band because of me and the singer and i book all gigs which is a nightmare for a niche tribute act. And when i ask for help with them they all say that they hate sorting out things like that. Starting to dread practice i have this Wednesday. Frustrating thing is i love the live gigs when we do them and the material is not something i was fully aware of before i started playing it so it has been a good chalange for me.......hmmmm [/quote] A classic example of the guy that doesn't know how to be in a band or work with people. Unless your in it for the money, it sounds like it's time to move on to a better match and a band that's fun to be in. Unless your paying me a ton of money, I have no tolerance for "know it alls" Good luck Miles. Keep us updated. Blue
Nice, We finally put up a plaque by Lake Monona here in Wisconsin for Otis Redding. His plane crashed in the lake on December 10th 1967. Otis was only 26 years old. Blue
Just my thought process. If there are young single female singers, I want to know if they have young children. Blue
[quote name='mikel' timestamp='1497641983' post='3319785'] I said most on here are not pro musicians, not all. As I said, there is no such thing as the perfect band, well......the one I am in at the moment is, for me. They are good musicians who are sympathetic to the music.No ego's. We all love the songs we do and we all get along as friends outside the band, so its a win win. [/quote] Every band is different. My band, all good people, trustworthy, fun and honest. We also have good consistent bookings. But we're far from perfect. We rarely rehearse (not my choice) and the only time we see each other or talk is at gigs.which I believe is why we have no drama or ego issues. Blue
[quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1497640820' post='3319777'] I always want to know the following: What's in your set? Who's responsible for what? What is your marketing strategy? What's in the diary already? What is the availability of other members like? How often do you rehearse? How often do you gig / want to gig? How much per gig? What type of venue do you play?[/quote] Great questions! Blue
[quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1497535496' post='3318943'] That would get you there I reckon MXR is awesome, the simple b3k pedal without all the EQ stuff on its own gives a great drive sound. Judicious 2nd hand buying will lighten the load [/quote] I've never been disappointed or disatisfied with any MRX pedal. Blue
Keep in mind; Pedals will sound different with different basses, pick ups, and amps. Pedals will sound different through different sound systems. Some pedals don't work well with others. Don't make a decision based on what you see and hear on YouTube demos Blue