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[quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1496515308' post='3312056'] It's been 40 years, the laws of physics have changed considerably since then. [/quote] Either that or my generation is just dumb. Blue
[quote name='Lucky Stiff' timestamp='1496446636' post='3311590'] Man, this really speaks to me. I'm in the best worst covers band in the city but we get 30 or so well paid gigs a year at top venues, some juicy corporate and private gigs, we're even on tour out of State this month!. Our lead guitarist (recently sacked) was/is dire; never learnt songs, butchered easy leads, played out of key, etc. Rhythm guitar is a rank beginner and can't hear the rest of the band but is an ace frontman. Sometimes I want to be invisible we're so crook. But every time we play we get rave reviews from the audience (those not related to band members) and frequently get rebooked at the venue right after we get off stage, sometimes for a year ahead. I used to get bent completely out of joint at every screw-up and, to my huge discredit, looked daggers on stage and completely miserable. I'm a newbie and felt that other people were making me look bad when I'd put in the big hours learning every song and getting it right. I still have that feeling but I realised that I have to get over myself and concentrate on the 100+ people dancing up a storm from song 1 set 1. If we all start and stop at the same time and play a reasonable facsimile of the song we're golden. Go figure. [/quote] It's the difference between pros and amatures. Most guys have other things going on in their life . They're not doing it for a living ,so why bother learning it right or getting it right. Even when you can go to YouTube and someone will show you exactly how to play a part correctly. Sure there are a few bad YouTube tutorials, however there are certainly a boat load that are right on the money. Ticks me off, because when I was a young players, we had to move that needle back and forth on an record where the bass part was buried in the mix. There's really no excuse, for most it's a "why bother" proposition. And there's a domino effect here. When the guy who wants to get it right says; "Why should I bother learning a song correctly when none of my band mates will." Blue
[quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1496449361' post='3311601'] Cheapest new Fender USA from Guitar Center is $1099. Mexican Fenders start at $599,top Sire bass costs same as mid range Deluxe Mexican basses at $850 mark. [/quote] Used is the way to go. There's only 1 person who knows your playing a used bass, and that person is you. Blue
[quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1496436949' post='3311510'] what is it you don't like about them? $800 isn't so high, doesn't even get you most of the fenders. [/quote] It looks like a nice bass from the demos. I guess I'm too "old school". Sire doesn't resonate with me as a high end bass. More of a mid-range bass trying to be high end. I could be wrong, I am not a Sire expert. I do think you could find a used American Fender P for $800.00. But how good would it be? I just don't know. Your talking to a guy who has a Gibson Gold Top Les Paul bass and a Gibson Custom Shop ES-335 bass in his bedroom that I hardly ever play or gig with. And both were priced way North of 2 grand. That should tell you how much I know. Very little. Blue
[quote name='dyerseve' timestamp='1496435331' post='3311493'] Just so people have all the info there are 7 different Sire models Scott is giving away. Most expensive is a 5 string beauty with a retail of 799. [/quote] $799.00 I a bit pricey for that kind of bass? $800.00 can land anyone a much higher level bass. I guess it depends on what you like. Blue
It's a $499.00 bass, comes with a gig bag. I've seen several YouTube demo clips Nice for some, but not for me. Blue
[quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496424307' post='3311370'] Actually, I suspect groupies do their home work, study the band, and learn about the shows as well, but they have a different definition of a successful result! Seriously, though, what you say must be the best way to get invited to join a band you feel you'd be a good fit in, and sound advice, even if most people refuse to accept that, and refer to rely on luck. [/quote] Dave, I had been through the "bands going nowhere" cycle. All from bass player wanted ads. Thought I'd try a more strategic approach. It worked for me. One of the few times in life where I was in the right place at the right time. Blue
[quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1496426029' post='3311387'] Hey Blue, I'm just curious, but when you introduced yourself, didn't the then current bass-player feel a little threatened? I guess it depends how you go about it, but it must be a bit tricky. Paul [/quote] Hi Paul, I had no contact with the bass player. Just so happened they were looking to replace him. Blue
[quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496423936' post='3311364'] I probably am a bit as well - I've got shot of the few Squier basses I had and my Precision and Jazz basses are all Fenders, 75% of them US models (the other one is a Classic 60s Jazz made in Mexico), not really because I care what people think, but I because I always wanted them when I was a kid, and also they have proven themselves to be completely reliable, and require less frequent adjustments than the cheaper clones. Probably down to better wood, better fittings, and better quality control. [/quote] Cool, now, I would consider any MIJ Fender Squire P Basses. Blue
In 2015 me and another local gigging bass player went to see The Rolling Stones @ the 23,000 seat Marcus Ampitheater. They fell out of sync and completely butchered the intro to "Honkey Tonk Women". I mentioned it to my friend after the show and he said ; 'Yup, and me and you were the only ones that noticed " Blue
[quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496421944' post='3311345'] The Gibbo was for sale on here, OK, a bit more than an Epiphone, but then I'd have to have bought a case and now I won't be plagued with thoughts of 'This is all very god but a Gibson would be even better'! I will take a close look at the new Epi T bird when it hits the shops, though, a back up is always useful...and at least I'll have something good to compare it to. I own and often gig an Epiphone Jack Casady bass, so I am not a brand snob, the Gibbo is just a breathtakingly beautiful bass, to my eyes (and sounds bloody good to my ears, as well. Damn thing even smells good!) [/quote] You got me Dave. I admit I am a bit of a brand snob. Every bass I own is a major brand. It stems from playing so many knock offs as a teen when I couldn't afford a name brand bass. Blue
[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1496401156' post='3311067'] And it can also be called networking. Bands have a very short memory so you have to keep your name at the top of the list. [/quote] Agreed, Networking is key. Blue
[quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1496382818' post='3310901'] That's interesting. A bit like stalking. Although we have laws to prevent that, I can see that stalking could well be the way that many players got into their bands. It's a fine line between that and being a groupie however. [/quote] Absolutely nothing like stalking or being a groupie. More like doing home work, studying the band and learning about their live shows before joining. Maybe it's why it was a good match. This is my 6th year with them. Blue
[quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496419501' post='3311319'] It's a Gibson, second had but in exceptionally good condition. [/quote] Great choice Dave. The Gibson is a completely different bass than the Epiphone. The Gibson is the superior bass IMO. Blue
[quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496406153' post='3311150'] Just returned from my lovely new Thunderbird - my first - and I tried it in a strap as soon as I got through the door. It just hung there, no head dive, and I had deliberately chosen to use a plastic backed Fender strap, to minimum friction to hold it up. The bass also happens to look and sound amazing, can't believe I've waited so long to get my hands on one, but glad I didn't wit any longer! The T Bird will be gigged tonight! [/quote] Nice! and another colleague like me, no neck dive. Maybe it's my generation. In the early 70, you never even heard the term "neck dive", you just strap up and play. Blue
[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1496405507' post='3311137'] Troo, dat. The vast majority of punters don't hear you or what you're playing. They hear the music in their heads instead. The know how the song sounds, so that's what they hear. Unless you do something utterly catastrophic. [/quote] It's why I use a lot of high end and sustain. They hear me, you can bet on it. Blue
TC Electronics mini series and download the Toneprint App. Blue
[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1496332674' post='3310636'] It's down to who you know or who has seen you play and remembered that you were OK. The last band I joined via an audition was in 1985, since then it's been word of mouth. [/quote] I specifically persued my band, went to their gigs. I introduced myself and let them know I was interested and available. Turned out an opportunity was in the near future. Blue
[quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1496313137' post='3310395'] Can this be the end to the assertion that Americans have no sense of humour? [/quote] I'm not sure and I can't speak for all Americans.The invisible bear seem to generate a lot of interest here.😁 Blue
[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1496306709' post='3310315'] Given they they're all either flakes or fantasists (or both) it's hardly worth the bother of replying. I like to spread the love around, so I routinely gig ... erm, play ... erm, am involved with ... erm, have a vague connection with several bands outside my 'core' stuff. I check the Gumtree ads every day just in case something interesting pops up, and I usually do at least a handful of auditions each year, leading to at least a couple of "please join us" offers. Without exception, all these projects crash and burn. It's actually quite amusing trying to predict what the problem will be each time. FLAKES:[list] [*]Can't be arsed to learn the songs [*]Cancel rehearsals at the last minute [*]Think rehearsals are purely social occasions [*]Own unreliable or completely unsuitable kit [*]Don't have their own transport [*]Constantly borrow 'small stuff' like clip-on tuners and leads [*]Drop out of sight at load-in and/or load-out and then offer to help as you carry the last box [*]Don't know how to coil cables [*]Are easily led by fantasists [/list] FANTASISTS[list] [*]Think there's a market for their self-penned autobiographical dirges [*]Believe that gigs grow on trees and will just happen [*]Claim that being dreadful on several different instruments makes them multi-talented [*]Always reckon that the next band is the one that's going to make it big [*]Believe they will succeed because they "want it so badly" [*]Tend to fill their bands with flakes [/list] [/quote] Sad but true, if my band folded I wouldn't bother looking. Blue
[quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1496292702' post='3310220'] First up, I'd want to know how many dates are in the calendar. I'm 50 so chart success is no longer on the menu. Forgive a brief derailment - Blue, I loved your list of bear moves. I'm layed up after an appendectomy on Tuesday and the laughing hurt which proves I'm alive. However, you forgot one, it's that slow, sultry classic the "You're Not Here For the Hunting, Are You?" [/quote] Get well soon Sicbass Blue
[quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1496288462' post='3310204'] firstly, ignore all the ads wanting a bass player.....[/quote] Probably not a bad idea. Real opportunity is rarely found in the wanted ads. Blue
"Start Upband seeking bass player to complete the lineup. practice usually tuesdays in new berlin. Shows booked in August." Cool, how many shows, what type of shows and what's the pay. The questions I would ask, a lot of guys won't ask anything. Blue
That means I was 14 when I purchased it. Blue
If you're impressed with their web presence ask if the personal line up is still in tact. There's a lot of sinking ships out there. Blue