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Everything posted by blue

  1. If they ask how old you are and your north of 60, end the discussion and your interest. Blue
  2. When a band says their established ask them exactly what they mean by established. They might be established as a band with nothing to offer. Blue
  3. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1496272973' post='3310194'] I thought it was Werewolves in London, not Bears? [/quote] Nobody is going to want to hump an invisible Werewolf. Blue
  4. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496263782' post='3310101'] I think my next band will be 'The Invisible Bears'! [/quote] Nice one Dave! Blue
  5. [quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1496257908' post='3310043'] "Wanted, bass-player who knows how to hump the invisible bear."...? 😉 [/quote] First if all there's no "the invisible bear" There are many invisible bears, there all over and I'm sure there's a few in London. Secondly you'd have to define the position of the hump, there are several. 1.The Vertical Candle Light. 2.The Reverse Incline 3.The Old Smokey 4.The Exxon Drill Expedition 5.The " Let's Go Fishing" 6.The Route 66 7.The Lower East Side Fandango 8. The "Saturday Night Fever" And last but not least; 9.The Bus Stop (don't ask) If your going to post a perspective, we need more detail. Blue
  6. How old is the ad? How long has the band been looking? Can you research the band, YouTube, Facebook, web-site. What was in their ad that resonates with you. Blue
  7. Thought I'd bring back this topic, haven't seen it in a while IMO, the want ads are the worse resource for finding a band to play with. The problem starts with guys not knowing what they are looking for before they start looking. When you see these ads learn the art of "reading between the lines". Many times you can save yourself a lot of trouble if you truely understand the offering. Please, share your own perspective on "Bass Player Wanted" ads. Blue
  8. Sounds like the band doesn't meet your requirements. Leave after you find something better. Blue
  9. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1496216913' post='3309549'] I'm guessing you have a leather strap with a rough underside, if not, this will fix neckdive for most people [/quote] No, but I do play with a pick. Blue
  10. Lots quitting do to personality and musical ability. Are these working bands, bands consistently making making money? From vids I've seen there are a lot of you guys that are in bands that seem almost pro level. For guys who depend on bread from gigs, I doubt they quit. Not until they find something better. Blue
  11. I have no idea what you guys are doing, I have no connection to this genre. However, I do know when hard work and discipline has been applied as well as professionalism. You guys have it all. Nice job and top notch. Blue
  12. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1496128150' post='3308885'] I'd love to find a band/musicians that would rehearse till the music is really propertly rehearsed and tight and then look for gigs. [/quote] That could work. However it would be a good idea to define what type of gigs, figure out what your fee will be and last but not least are there gigs available in your location? Blue
  13. [quote name='Tonteee' timestamp='1496108521' post='3308845'] I'd say the one with the eyeliner and forgotten his shirt. [/quote] Ding Ding,Ding We have a winner. You got it Tonteee. Dude was a complete "tool" and a real "wannabe" Blue
  14. [quote name='dyerseve' timestamp='1496095637' post='3308807'] I would hazard a guess that Yamaha probably lead the world in sales of bass guitars [/quote] It's a rather generic body style, I've probably seen more guys playing them than I realized. Blue
  15. Some of these guys are coming in with rather weak perspective on playing drums in a band. All the things the OP mentioned are things a drummer should already know. Sounds like the typical case of; He doesn't get it. Blue
  16. Divas? Here's a pic. I'll test your diva-ometer Who's the d-bag? Blue
  17. If the band doesn't have paid gigs, I'd have to quit. Blue
  18. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496043192' post='3308238'] I think they have both in the range. I am sorely tempted by a through neck Epi, always like the way they looked, and now that I have to play with a pick, I don't think the neck dive would be a problem (it isn't with my JCB) [/quote] I play exclusively with a pick. Maybe that's why the whole "neck dive" talking point never made any sense to me. Blue
  19. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496040692' post='3308218'] My band has a customised Diva meter, the scale goes from zero to Haan. Considerable experience went into the calibration of the unit. [/quote] I've been through the diva thing once. It's stupid, nobody has time for that sort of BS. Blue
  20. Are Epiphone Thunderbirds neck through or bolt on? I forget. Blue
  21. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1495761965' post='3306432'] Any opinions on these 2 pedals. I'm not sure I need both and my board is maxed out for power. I'd like to pull one out and throw my EBS Multi-Comp back in. Stupid, I bought the Soloman Bass OD because of the inexpensive price. I was strapped for cash. I'm still struggling with this pedal, signal drops and it seems to be noisy. Now, the MRX-85 seems to be a decent bass distortion pedal especially the "wet" function. It lets you dial in as much low end as you want separately Blue [/quote] I'm going to pull the Soloman OD from my board. It's to problematic. Blue
  22. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1495959711' post='3307714'] As always, incredible playing, from both. Also listen to them on Aretha Franklin's Young, Gifted and Black. [/quote] My kind of bass playing. This new stuff which is more like guitar playing to me, doesn't do it for me. Blue
  23. [quote name='Chaos Daveo' timestamp='1496008534' post='3308122'] Total Enjoyment. No Divas or Drama. Band mates better than me to push my limits. [/quote] Good requirements. For those of you that might be auditioning, make sure your diva-ometer is working. These types are easy to spot. Blue
  24. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1495974843' post='3307839'] I managed to pick up the bolt on version for £100 and its good fun and an ok bass for the money you would normally pay full price. Found it suffered from neck dive. Moved the strap buttons as shown on Youtube and made a huge diff. I also find the necks on them feel very rigid and chunky if that makes sense. I'm more used to slim Jazz neck. It also has a very low end thunderous tone which would be great for rock band. Bit limited ffor other styles i would think. Mate has the NT white special and its a far better bass to play. Never tried a Gibson. Dave [/quote] The neck on my 1991 Gibson Thunderbird is thin like a jazz bass and features the ebony fretboard. I gigged it last night and guess what, no neck dive. Guys, I hate to be pompas, but IMO the Epi product is not really a Thunderbird. Now, if there's a Japanese Ibenez Thunderbird, I'm interested. Blue
  25. Yamaha makes great basses. I've always wondered why they don't have a larger market share. Blue
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