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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1495910764' post='3307538'] Oh baby, I hope he loves your way... [/quote] Even if I stay backstage, I doubt I will see Frampton. I'm hoping I can use the opportunity to network with local heavy hitters that will be there. Blue
  2. Another 70s icon gone. I was a huge fan. RIP Greg Blue
  3. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1495874372' post='3307175'] No, the music is probably equally divided everywhere, there is a level above regular pub & small festival gigs that seems impossible to get into here as well. [/quote] Dave, Hopefully our gig with Frampton will give me a higher local profile. Blue
  4. [quote name='The_Rodster' timestamp='1495905928' post='3307507'] Yeah, I know a lot of people complain about the neck dive but I can honestly say I've never had that problem with any of my Thunderbirds [/quote] Me either, to this day I haven't a clue to what these guys are talking about. Blue
  5. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1495838290' post='3307061'] imo. [/quote] Glad you added the IMO. Blue
  6. blue

    Mild fuzz advice.

    [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1492937198' post='3284166'] Maybe look into something where you can Mix the effected signal with the clean signal.[/quote] Skybone, I agree 100%. You can do just that with the MXR M-85 Bass Distortion pedal. Blue
  7. blue

    Mild fuzz advice.

    Straight up Fuzz might not fill-up the sound while your guitarist is soloing. For a full thick sound you might want to consider combining bass octave with a distortion pedal that will allow you to dial in your low end then separately dial in the desired amount of fuzz, dirt, distortion or whatever it's called theses days. Blue
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1495727616' post='3306186'] That I like the music. IMO pretty much everything else can be fixed later once I'm in the band. [/quote] Are you sure about that? Your certainly not going to change or fix a person's personality if the two of you can't get on. Blue
  9. Interesting thought, I just realized that if my dream gig ever came along, touring with a headliner internationally, my requirements would go right out the window. It would be more about what they required from. I have friend that recently audition for a gig with Cher. He not only had to audition on bass guitar,he had to audition playing piano, guitar and synth bass. He didn't get the gig and truth be told shouldn't have gotten the audition.He had no touring experience. Blue
  10. In a perfect world I'd rather play with those that don't have other full time jobs. Blue
  11. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1495837512' post='3307054'] Does anyone have an opinion on these ? Tried one in Matlock music shop today and was quite taken - but not enough to bust my quota [/quote] There ok basses but they are not the same quality or sound as the Gibson Thunderbird. I've owned both. Blue
  12. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1495825220' post='3306941'] This has always been the main reason why I have quit bands. It's infuriating. [/quote] Unable to learn new material. Yes, it happened to me. You would think I could spot this prior to joining. Probably not a bad question; "How do you guys learn new songs what's your process?" If you don't get an answer that makes sense it's probably because they have no protocol for learning new material. Blue
  13. My only reason for quitting a band would be no gigs or not enough gigs. For some, too many gigs is a reason for quitting. In my world there's no such thing as too many gigs. It's why I always ask "how many gigs has the band played in the last 8 months prior to considering joining a band. Blue
  14. Some bands have key members or a member that are impossible to replace. If that key member leaves, the band folds. Blue
  15. I don't think I've ever quit a band. However I've been in a few that simply fell apart. No structure, members on different pages, no real committment. Blue
  16. I think most quit bands because they joined the wrong band in the first place or the direction of the band changed so dramatically they no longer meet your band requirements. Blue
  17. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1495789992' post='3306570'] Just so you don't get caught out - It doesn't track lower than an A. [/quote] Good point, same with my MRX Bass Octave pedal. I'm usually playing up in the 12th fret area. Blue
  18. We've shared our requirements for joining a band. Let's look at the the flip side. What are the reasons you quit bands. Blue
  19. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1495794118' post='3306624'] For me, the priorities are quality of the music, and whether it's my sort of thing, absence of idiots (though they can be removed after joining if the rest of the boxes are ticked), frequency of gigs, number of free vs paid gigs, distance, and being able to get along with the other guys. The only bands I've walked away from since moving back to the UK 4 years ago have been because of distance, an hour or more's driving for a rehearsal in the evening is not on unless the band is exceptional. I'll travel further if they can do daytime rehearsals. I wouldn't bother with a band that rehearses every week but hasn't got any gigs booked. [/quote] Dave, The caliber of musicians in Milwaukee that I would love to play with is a pretty exclusive group. Sometime you just can't get to that next level, we just can't figure it out. I don't think I'm alone here. Blue
  20. It would seem that those who don't have money or being paid for their service as a requirement and "fun" is a primary requirement, gigs would not be required or necessary. I have a good friend who's looking for that right now. He just wants to find people to play with for fun Blue
  21. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1495793120' post='3306608'] My latest requirement seems to be just letting my mate finally talk me into it And being allowed to play guitar [/quote] Are you easy to convince? Blue
  22. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1495784618' post='3306488'] You have to remember that this forum covers the whole spectrum with regard to the competence of the bass players who sign up. We have the complete novices, the struggling amateurs (myself included), the working musicians, the successful working musicians and, I would hope, one or two star players with undisputed achievements.[/quote] Exactly, and precisely why I thought requirements would represent the whole spectrum of players. Blue
  23. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1495775375' post='3306442'] Played there a bunch of times but I try to avoid rock bands these days.[/quote] You wouldn't be alone. Blue
  24. Found this. Typical vague offering. "Experienced players looking for bass player for blues band. Average 2 gigs per month. Vocals a plus but not a necessity...professionalism and reliability is. We have practice space so plug and play. We practice one time per week the weeks we don't play. Shoot an email to discuss or arrange audition" There would have to be a lot of discussion to determine if they meet my requirements. To be honest, 2 gigs a month on average sounds more like one gig a month if that. 1.How do you book your gigs 2.How many gigs have you played in the last 8 months 3.On average what do your gigs pay, what's your fee schedule. 4. Would you mind sharing the names of a few clubs or bars you play on a regular basis. Answers to those questions would paint a clearer gigging financial picture. Now those questions will turn a lot of bands off. That's ok, they are the type of questions I would ask any employer for a traditional 9-5 job. Blue
  25. Any opinions on these 2 pedals. I'm not sure I need both and my board is maxed out for power. I'd like to pull one out and throw my EBS Multi-Comp back in. Stupid, I bought the Soloman Bass OD because of the inexpensive price. I was strapped for cash. I'm still struggling with this pedal, signal drops and it seems to be noisy. Now, the MRX-85 seems to be a decent bass distortion pedal especially the "wet" function. It lets you dial in as much low end as you want separately Blue
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