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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1495753475' post='3306411'] The money aspect depends on whether you're joining the band primarily to earn a living or have some fun. [/quote] True, however I still think I would have seen more; "I do this for a living so a certain threshold for pay is a requirement" as well as, "I'm in this for the joy of playing music only so fun is my main requirement". Fun has always been a strange one for me because I always have fun when I perform. Blue
  2. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1495732995' post='3306244'] Liking the music is probably a given for most. I wouldn't play something I hate unless paid to do so and even then I'd have to give it thought.[/quote] Pay,what your willing to play for. That's another part of being in band I would have thought would have come up as a requirement for some. Blue
  3. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1495746919' post='3306369'] I wouldn't have expected it to be first on your list. [/quote] No, it really can't be for me. I'm in no position to have a specific music genre as a requirement. In a perfect world we would all love to play the music we love. Blue
  4. I have a nice reverse delay in my Tone Print App for my flashback mini. Blue
  5. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1495713926' post='3306070'] But for some genres of music, so would a bass guitar... [/quote] Most folks here on Bass Chat are in rock, blues, pop, metal, prog and jazz bands. None of those genres require bass guitars but most have a bass guitarist. Blue
  6. I actually get a nice synth sound from combining OD, Delay, Chorus, Distortion, Verb and Bass Octave. Blue
  7. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1495742210' post='3306322'] Anyone play in a bar or pub where you had to set up in front of the entrance to the bathrooms? I have. 😞 Blue [/quote] A whole evening exposed the the smell of sulfer,soap and shi*t. Talk about paying your dues. Blue
  8. Anyone play in a bar or pub where you had to set up in front of the entrance to the bathrooms? I have. 😞 Blue
  9. I'm not sure anything is a given. I've seen posts on BC where distance and travel became issues as well as guys playing in bands playing music they're not crazy about. Blue
  10. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1495728016' post='3306193'] Yep, sums it up for me as well. Everything flows from liking the music. [/quote] Interesting, you'd think that would be number 1 on everyone's list. It didn't even make it anywhere on my list. Blue
  11. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1495711936' post='3306034'] @ Blue, I can't see anything wrong with your list but I will remind you of the saying "beggars can't be choosers". You are listing what you've already got but not everyone is so lucky. You said yourself if the current band folded that would be it for you. God forbid that it would ever happen but if you were forced to look for another band would you surrender some of your criteria to keep yourself in the game? [/quote] Your right I was extremely lucky to find a band that met my requirements.The down side is after being in a band with all those attributes, I'm spoiled. If my band folds I doubt I'd even look.I guess I would give up my requirement for an ace front person if they had all the others. Blue
  12. It's never happened, however I would never play or give a second chance to a bar that stiffed the bands fee. Blue
  13. I have no specific genre requirement. Originals band or cover makes no difference, as long as they meet my other requirements. Blue
  14. Interesting, I would have thought realistic travel time and distance would have been a common requirement Blue
  15. For me, my requirements are based at the bar band level. 1. Established with a book of decent paying gigs through 2017. Gigging at least twice a week. 2. Intelligent honest trustworthy people. 3. Owns a decent PA and lights. 4. Has at least one person with a background in business and marketing that that has been successfully applied to the band. 5. Structure, in terms of how the band operates. 6. Last but not least, they must have a star. Preferably a young, sincere experienced attractive female. I would never join a band that didn't have a top notch front person. 7.Distance of gigs and rehearsal must be realistic. Of course there's a degree of flexibility. Blue
  16. Hypothetically, say your scouting out bands. What are your primary requirements and explain why. We have a pretty diverse group here on BC so I'm sure the responses will be interesting. Blue
  17. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1495663689' post='3305777'] It really, really wasn't worth the money and we all said we wouldn't do another Park Lane hotel [/quote] Good call Molan. Blue
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1495656272' post='3305727'] Total sh*t hole.[/quote] So you guys have those too? I thought we only had those over here in the States. I should start a "Who's Played The Biggest Sh*t Hole" thread.😁 Blue
  19. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1495653280' post='3305683'] Arena gigs. I have just had enough of them. No contact with the audience and the acoustics are always awful. I have decided to stick to 2 to 2.5 thousand seaters from now on. My audience needs to be close to me. Feel the love. [/quote] Not an issue I'll ever have to address.My issues evolve around 75 seats, and that's the high end. Blue
  20. Seems like the patches sound better than that Boss Synth Pedal that I pulled from my board. Thing is it depends on the genre of music your band plays. For some genres a synth pedal would be useless. Blue
  21. Seems like the patches sound better than that Boss Synth Pedal that I pulled from my board. Thing is it depends on the genre of music your band plays. For some genres a synth pedal would be useless. Blue
  22. How about the pubs and bars where the band is playing in a room with no bar or service to the bar. In my neck of the woods bands can't win in that sort of lay out. People want to be by that bar. Blue
  23. I really can't afford for my band to turn down or pull out of places we normally gig for any reason. I guess that's one of the down sides of playing for a living. Blue
  24. Seems like saftey is the common denominator here. Blue
  25. I'll start. We have one club we play about 6 times a year. It's late hours and in a dicey part of the city. It's a small place and to be honest I don't feel safe there. Blue
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