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[quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1493979504' post='3292291'] Well it's a rhythm guitarist's job we're talking about, so ego is less likely to be so much of an issue. If it was a lead guitarist I would agree (up to a point - ego can just as easily be an issue for anyone - including the bass player). I stand by what I said earlier (albeit with only 20 years of experience). A professional ensemble (that is to say, an ensemble of professionally trained musicians) would routinely look at the best player first; ego issues would be some way down the list. [/quote] So your really cool with the best player with ego issues, hard to work with, doesn't show up for rehearsals, critical of other band members abilities, only plays songs the way he wants to and overall brings a destructive element to the band? Blue
Don't make a habit of showing up for gigs in a sour mood. This can have a negative impact on the other band members. Blue
[quote name='Wylie' timestamp='1494000147' post='3292537'] Admirable treasure indeed. Can anyone my age (67) forget first seeing the Hofner bass in Paul McCartney's hands on the Beatles' February 1964 appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show? (And more than a few of us said, "What's [i]that[/i]?") [/quote] It was February 9th, my Mom brought a Japanese knock off of The Hofner the following week. Blue
[quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1493978494' post='3292278'] The best person meaning...? [/quote] Suppose the best guitarist also has a huge ego and is difficult to work with. These types can hold back band progress.. The adequate guitarist with a great positive attitude and understands how to work with people and be in a band is the better choice. IMO A person everyone likes to be around. Blue
[quote name='mikel' timestamp='1493978339' post='3292272'] Agreed. For me a real band, as in pro attitude and input from all, is an amalgamation of its parts. Even playing covers, the different input from the different players can make an old standard sound new and fresh. For me music is about creativity and we all bring what we have to the party. If the way I play is not a fit then I need to find another party. If you dont want a musicians input then tell them at audition time, "we make the decisions and you play what we want you to play" If that's acceptable to the musician then all is fine. Not for me though. [/quote] Understood, it's not an environment for everyone The input question is one any serious player should ask before joining a band. Blue
[quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1493978189' post='3292271'] My instinct would be to hire the best guitarist and then worry about BVs (if I can learn how to do it anybody can ). Too late to worry about it this time around of course, but even so... [/quote] After 50 years of doing this, I always say go with the best person. The best guitar player could be the worse person for the band Blue
[quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1493977412' post='3292255'] Maybe he felt the negs ? Or realised he was not good enough? There are many possible reasons.. [/quote] Agreed 100% Blue
[quote name='peteb' timestamp='1493977598' post='3292263'] Unfortunately there are plenty of bands out there just like that, where only input from one or two members are welcome. It doesn't sit too well with me either - I'm pretty opinionated and don't like holding my tongue, but I have done just that on occasion [/quote] Agreed, Unfortunately it's a great example of what happens and the down side when you're dependent on the money the band generates monthly. Blue
[quote name='Yank' timestamp='1493976261' post='3292237'] Even though I might be told that a song is to be learned per the recording, and I copy down the outline per the recording, come first practice, if it deviates, I'll mention it if it diverges, but l always ask if they want to change the arrangement. I don't care. My job is to enhance their vision of the song. Where they lead, I follow. [/quote] Enhancement should always be welcome by any band. Hopefully you both share the same opinion of enhancement Blue
[quote name='SpikeBass' timestamp='1493962767' post='3292120'] That is correct, the neck does have binding, it is not clear in the photos.The year is almost certainly 1964. [/quote] Understood, mine obviously has the neck binding. I prefer the pre 1964 models without the bound neck. It's still a very admirable treasure. I'm jealous Blue
[quote name='blue' timestamp='1493961782' post='3292117'] How about asking these questions, after you've been offered an opportunity; 1. What is the band doing right now? 2. What will the band be doing over or during the next 6 months? Now, we'll all be looking for different responses. But, we should all share this. A logical, coherent, short articulate answer to both questions. Blue [/quote] For example they're response might be; "We're not doing anything right now." "We won't be doing anything but jamming once or twice a week to get an idea on how our styles blend for the next 6 months" That wouldn't be for me or many others here. However, for the guy that struggling to find people to play with it might be a perfect match." Blue
[quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1493969714' post='3292167'] Sorry blue, but I just find this remark very strange. Perhaps I've just been lucky, but I could never be in a band situation where I was made to feel this way. For me, it's 100% about the music and if I think something isn't right, it gets vocalised. [/quote] I understand and I wish things were different. I'm in a situation where I can't afford to bring any type of friction to the band. Blue
How about asking these questions, after you've been offered an opportunity; 1. What is the band doing right now? 2. What will the band be doing over or during the next 6 months? Now, we'll all be looking for different responses. But, we should all share this. A logical, coherent, short articulate answer to both questions. Blue
I'm a huge fan of the German made Hofner bass guitar. Fell in love with them in 1964 for obvious reasons. I own a Limited Edition made in Germany Hofner Club Bass with Cavern Club PU spacing. The bass pictured is really cool. My concern is the year 1964. I thought that was when they started adding the binding around the neck? Blue
[quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1493944802' post='3292101'] c'mon us bass players are ALWAYS critical of the drummist.....you know the way they speed up, especially through the rolls - getting to the 1 a fraction early all the time....no? Is it just me? [/quote] It's not just you Twignan. I deal with the same traditional drummer issues, however I would never vocalize it. Remember, I do this for a living and subscribe to the "keep my mouth shut" doctrine.😀 Blue
[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1493944194' post='3292099'] Everyone gets sacked at some point. You might stand a chance if you own the van, the PA or band name. You can be best mates or the greatest bassist they've ever seen but if your face doesn't fit and someone wants you gone, there's nothing that can save you. [/quote] Very astute comment Chris. I agree. You never know. And while I get on quite well with my band members of 5+ years, I still keep my distance. Blue
[quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1493933516' post='3292033'] Nope - about 3 weeks before I got the email, I'd done a function gig with them and no hints dropped about my imminent departure. I guess it is what it is... I was a bit p.o.'d about it for a while after it, but I've put it behind me now. One sacking in 32 years of playing isn't bad, so it just proves that I must have some qualities that keeps me in a band. [/quote] 32 years, that's really cool. Blue
[quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1493935900' post='3292053'] In my case, it's a matter of learning not to criticize the bloke who's band it is about his playing😂 [/quote] Agreed, Leschirons even if your playing and execution is flawless criticism of others is generally not a good idea. Especially if you've joined an established working band and it's your primary source of income. I make plenty of mistakes.There is no way I would ever critisize a band mates playing. Blue
[quote name='Number6' timestamp='1493934039' post='3292038'] Do your research if at all possible before joining a band so that you know the exact requirements. [/quote] Agreed, However, I do think there are certain areas where you can be blind sided. I would also suggest that in addition to understanding the requirements of the band, the band meets your requirements. In other words know exactly what you are looking for in a band. If your married make sure you have 100% committment from your wife. Blue
This is my response to the active thread "Getting Sacked" Getting sacked for the most part is not fun. Especially for those who depend on this as primary income. Thoughts and suggestions. Blue
[quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1493915920' post='3291841'] I've only been given the elbow from one band in all my time, happened about 3 years ago. One of the bands I was involved with (had been with them for about 2/3 years) gave me the news via email that they'd been trying someone else out who had a greater skillset than me, and it was "thanks for all your work over the last 2/3 years". That's life.... [/quote] Did you have any prior indication or signs from the band that your playing ability was in question? Blue
[quote name='Monkey Steve' timestamp='1493818302' post='3290910'] So, there's mine. No sex or drugs, no criticism of my playing abilities, just a classic case of musical differences and the sacking put me out of my obvious misery so no hard feelings either - it was the right thing to do, helped hugely by the singer behaving like a grown up. [/quote] Musical differences, probably the #1 reason problems arise that can end in being sacked. I have musical differences with my band. And they're differences I will never bring up or discuss with them. I have a mortgage and other bills to pay. When joining or making a decision on whether to join a band or not, my musical taste take a back seat to work. I'll play polkas if you have work. Blue
[quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1493914459' post='3291825'] I joined a band about 14 years ago, just as they were losing the drummer. They found a new guy, and me and him hit it off pretty quickly. Unfortunately, when they decided they wanted to sack him, I was guilty by association and booted out at the same time. I got us both into another band that lasted a good 10 years after that. I think it might have also been my refusal to play my 4 string Squier in favour of my new shiny 5 string Cort C5. It just didn't "fit their image" - that and me being a 6'3 ginger fat bloke looked odd with the rest of the "cool dudes" on the band photos. I'm not bitter after all these years...much.... [/quote] If the pay is decent, I would let the band know I have 9 bass guitars, list them by name and ask which one they want me to play. Blue
[quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1493824888' post='3291015'] Mainly due to ambivalence from other band members for me. I've quit 2 bands in the past because of other band members not wanting to learn new songs, albeit one of them was also due to gig clashes with my other (originals) band at the time becoming a problem. My particular favourite being when the band members agreed on 3 new songs to learn, and so I booked a rehearsal room for a week's time. Turned up for rehearsal the following week and it became obvious that the drummer hadn't even listened to them. I just asked him outright if he'd learned them, and he replied 'I've had a quick listen'. Spent the entire 3 hour rehearsal on one song. I put up with it for ages as he was a reliable guy and not a tw@t, but in the end enough was enough..the band didn't continue without me. Says it all really. [/quote] How long did it take before you realized it wasn't for you? The reason I ask, once it took me 4 rehearsals when it should have taken 1. Blue
[quote name='mikel' timestamp='1493810641' post='3290809'] Lots of reasons on here to do with vocalists. What is it with singers, is it compulsory to be a flake if you want to sing? The last band I left spent 18 months in startup due to problems getting a singer. We tried 7 over that time. Pick one or more reasons from.... not learning the words, where to come in, no sense of timing, health issues, my partner is not keen on me being in a band, changed my mind, to the one that finally made me pack it in....being a big headed control freak who wasnt really very good. Argggghhhh. [/quote] A good example of what happens in one way or the other to 99% of start ups and why I personally never recommend them. The thing that really bothers me about failed start ups is leaving an overall bad and wrong impression of what being in a band is all about. Blue