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Everything posted by blue

  1. Thing is most guys that do this for a living and need cash and usually have enough work. The other guys that only do this occasionally, get rusty and don't keep their chops up, hence they become inexperienced. Blue
  2. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1483920751' post='3211206'] It's an interesting point raised about social media. Music is one of the biggest parts of my life, but if you scroll down my Facebook wall, you'll see a whole lot of stuff (largely tagged by my wife!) about the kids, dogs, current affairs and politics, semi-amusing distractions I've found while browsing the web on the toilet, but relatively very little about gigging. I make my living playing and engineering but I couldn't tell you the last time a picture went up of me on stage or behind a mixing console. Is this why I haven't been asked to join any A-list bands yet? Is it something people are looking at when making decisions about hiring a band member? Be interesting to hear! [/quote] The only thing you'll see on my Facebook page is where my band is playing any particular week and a promo pic of the band. I am not married or in a relationship other than gigging. No life, and it took a long time to gain the "no life" status. Blue
  3. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1483448760' post='3207168'] I've got a cab for sale. And I'm absolutely gutted. I've had it for quite some time and I love it. But after being made redundant and having a mortgage to pay. I've got to let it go. Has lots sentimental value and sounds incredible. Hopefully it won't sell and fate will intervene. The thing is I've let basses go that I've made a huge mistake doing. I once let a Sei Jazz bass go for £900 7 years ago because I was in the same situation. Desperate. [/quote] Cash is tight for me doing this for a living. I'm thinking of selling my Gibson Gold Top Les Paul Bass. It has to be worth almost 2 years of condo association fees. Blue
  4. [quote name='torby' timestamp='1483835574' post='3210570'] 5 piece band, 2 members own all the PA right down to the stands , mics and cables. For contingency purposes a kitty is suggested, this kitty will no doubt grow and grow, perhaps to purchase a bigger rig or van. One band member has said this is a good idea and if however someone leaves the band....they lose everything in the kitty. DISCUSS....GOOD OR BAD IDEA. [/quote] Personally, for the bar band level I don't believe in Kitty's. If the band wants to buy something and I've been with them for over 5 years just ask and I'll contribute my share. But your not going to take it out of my pay. Blue
  5. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1483873961' post='3210702'] Sounds like compression and chorus to me. Goth bass, right there [/quote] Chorus is an effect, compression is processing. Neither are tone. Blue
  6. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1483821370' post='3210452'] I've started experiencing quite a lot of pain in my forearm and elbow recently (picking hand side). As a result I have started using a pick more as this seems to help. Rehearsal the other night saw me playing my Precision with a pick with palm muting as and when suitable. What a sound! Sat great in the mix and sounded fat and full. I have played fingerstyle exclusively for around ten years and it was a real eye opener realising how great and varied pick style can be. I'm converted. [/quote] Started playing with my fingers back in 1966. Switched to using a pick in 2009. To me the pick is better for rock stylings. It gives me a more aggressive attack for executing lines, riffs and licks. Blue
  7. The bar band business in the USA isn't exactly like the pub band business. Similarly it's dieing a slow death. People don't have much of an interest in live rock music anymore. Blue
  8. [quote name='julesb' timestamp='1483825826' post='3210497'] I've had this happen to me a couple of times and it drives me crazy. The worst example was when I even offered to pick the individual up from the train station because he had no transport, (which was confirmed the night before), he said 'great, thanks see you there.' Never saw or heard from him again. He was a guitarist though...😂 [/quote] Some of these guys don't think before they audition. Some of these guys are clowns, they don't know where their at or what they're looking for. Blue
  9. I play the electric bass guitar, I'm a bass guitarist. Bassist , I think that's more for someone playing jazz on the double or upright bass. Blue
  10. Iplay the electric bass guitar, I'm a bass guitarist. Bassist , I think that's more for someone playing jazz on the double or upright bass. Blue
  11. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1483737695' post='3209795'] Love my Trace Elliot gear, the weight I can live with, but I really wish the power button was on the front instead of the back... Love my Bass Collection Nanyos but I wish the input socket wasn't at such a daft angle on the side.. So what lets your gear down?? [/quote] I've been using GK 1001rb's for about 7 years. I still have to search for the "on" button. Blue
  12. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1483692325' post='3209246'] I love that Blue actually takes the time to reply to pretty much every response to his threads. Too many times someone starts a discussion and then just leaves it to fester, ne'er to return. Class! [/quote] Thanks Nancy, I'm retired and have the time 😁 Bllue
  13. There are really only a few reasons to give up. Health issues that prevent you from playing, no opportunities, wife won't allow you play or you were never really in the game in the first place. Blue
  14. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1483555700' post='3208240'] You should be able to get a decent 500w amp head and a 4 × 10 cab for that much. That's your classic guitar band gigging rig. Headwise I'd be looking for a second hand Hartke (which will weigh as much as a small house by the way), which should leave you plenty of change for a decent second hand cab. [/quote] I saw a real cool looking Mark Bass 2 X 10 combo for $699.00 Blue
  15. 64 and It's still fun for me. However if my band folded I think I'd have a hard time finding good people, with pro attitudes with good pay again. Blue
  16. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1483686746' post='3209216'] Experience/number of years chalked up doesn't tell you about a person's skill level, dedication, commitment, enthusiasm or a whole host of other things. One rule should apply, does the person understand what the role entails and what is required of them? Basically, can they do the job? The best 2 people I've been in a band with had the least experience of bands. They were head and shoulders above a lot of people I'd encountered who'd have vastly more 'time served'. I tend to avoid bands advertising for a bass player with experience. It generally turns out to mean "our bass player left 2 days ago, we have a gig at the weekend and want someone that knows our 30 song set...and there'll be no rehearsal". They're essentially call outs for a dep player, which I'm not. [/quote] No argument from me. Blue
  17. The classic vibe series is awesome. Especially those MIJ. Blue
  18. Back to experience. How many of you guys have been through this one. You schedule an audition and the guy is a "no show" with no call saying he can't make it. Definitely a trait of the non experienced player. Blue by
  19. [quote name='sammybee' timestamp='1483613911' post='3208633'] I pay £22.50 for full set up. Based in Northampton. [/quote] I pay $61.00 for set up and new strings. Blue
  20. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1483567263' post='3208407'] Some of us do not use FB, Twittter or any form of social media. This is a consequence of the day job where such things are inadvisable at best and career limiting at worst. [/quote] Agreed, some conservative companies might look at a Facebook page and if they see that your in a rock band they might assume your either a bum, alcoholic or drug user. Blue
  21. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1483559056' post='3208285'] Why on earth not?? All you are being asked to do is work out how to play some songs and then perform them on stage. The same skills or required whether you are playing covers or originals... [/quote] Except with an originals band your usually required to do it for free. Huge difference. Money is motivation for many of us. Blue
  22. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1483555205' post='3208234'] What about an old car? [/quote] The thing with old car is not really fair. Old car or new car, you don't want this call at 7:00 on a Friday night; "My car won't start , I have no way of getting to the gig." Guess it could happen happen to anyone with any car. Blue
  23. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1483542409' post='3208076'] TBH I wouldn't use Facebook at all. If I was answering a band ad, I'd let them know what I'd done musically in the past, and send some links where they could hear some recent and maybe some musically appropriate songs I'd done previously. I was assuming that someone was then looking me up on Facebook from name and location. [/quote] You might not use Facebook when applying for a job with a band, but if they have your name there's nothing stopping them from checking your Facebook page if you have one. Blue
  24. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1483476395' post='3207546'] If you looked at my Facebook page all you'd find is interior design ideas and some cat stuff posted by my girlfriend. All my music posts are on a separate Terrortones persona page. [/quote] And if I saw that page I might assume, music and playing in a rock band is not really much a part of this guys life. I checked his Facebook page and it seems like he's mainly into interior design. It might not be right, but it could happen. Blue
  25. [quote name='radiophonic' timestamp='1483479238' post='3207594'] I think that 'experienced' is often code for 'over 30 by an unspecified amount'. Age seems to be more important to some younger bands IME. It saves everyone subtracting 5 years from their chronological age or fudging about which side of 40 they are on. As far as whether this matters in an audition? When you sign on as a new band member, you are more or less still auditioning for the first 10 gigs or so anyway. Beyond the ability to play the material, showing some affinity for the style/ genre and bringing something unique in either style or sound; the experience part plays out in knowing how to be in a band. Reliability, sussing the internal politics, identifying who is really in charge, not bailing out during breakdown, working out your role and whether you are going to be happy with it. Most of this is about knowing how to deal with people - and often comes with age. Lead singers aren't the only prima donnas! [/quote] It's riskier hireing the unexperienced than the experienced. If you owned a newspaper and needed to hire someone to run a printing press are you going to hire the guy with press experience or the guy with no press experience. IMO it's the same when hireing a musician. Blue
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