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Everything posted by blue

  1. I don't own or gig with a cheapest bass. However, I won't gig my German made Hofner Club, Les Paul Gold Top or Custom Shop Gibson ES 335 bass at certain bars. It's too risky. For those bars I have a couple of what I call my "work horse" basses. MIJ Fender Ps. Blue
  2. Rock and Roll and blues origins are in the States. What is amazing is the fact that our appreciation for our own stuff is nowhere near the respect and appreciation you guys have for it. If it weren't for you guys I wouldn't know anything about the blues. Blue
  3. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1474533183' post='3138572'] i was a 17 year old metal kid about 17 years ago but i never referred to the beatles as "old crap" i appreciate what they did for music, even tho i'm not a massive fan of them as band (or individually as it happens) i don't think you had to "be there" to appreciate what they have done to the landscape of music. [/quote] Agreed, you can appreciate it but never truly experienced it. Blue
  4. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1474522472' post='3138509'] Exactly, just like The Beatles would have been to an eight year old kid, but there's been another 50+ years of fading memories about that concert to enhance, enlarge and exaggerate since way back then. NB. I'm only talking about this alleged "Road to Damascus" revelation at a concert by an eight year old kid who was "impressed by their professionalism" Any general fan-dom that came after is understandable for Cliff's sake!! Within the context and realm that an eight year old (and after) kid would muster. [/quote] I'm not sure where your coming from. Are you saying that an 8 year old would have been to young to appreciate and understand what was going on? If yes, you might be right. But not when it pertains to this 8 year old. By the time I was 8 or 9 I had gotten rid of my marbles, comic books and blue jeans and moved into, rock and roll records, tight stove pipe shark skin pants and Beatle boots. I was also focusing hard on how I could procure one of those electric instruments.And believe me, I wasn't alone. Blue
  5. It's more, a lot more than understanding a band. You really have to have a decent grasp of American and British history to truly understand this phenomenon.When it happened, Why it happened, why it hit so fast and so hard. Why hasn't it happened since?(I'm praying someone doesn't think it has, because it hasn't) Blue
  6. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1473867436' post='3133704'] There are as many ways of doing it as there are bands. That's just ridiculous looking for a bass player with PA. They need to buy one. [/quote] Agreed and it makes them look unprofessional. We want a bass player that owns a pa. If I had one you best believe I'm charging for the use of it. Blue
  7. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1474495850' post='3138469'] Indeed so. It's far too easy for us Brits to underestimate the impact that the Beatles had on America. For one thing, the indescribably appalling Freddie and The Dreamers scored a US #1 off the back of it. If that's not proof, I don't know what is. I'm telling you now, it was total madness. [/quote] Agreed Blue
  8. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1474446636' post='3138019'] Wow, I have met Al a couple of times when he was gigging here with the wailers. But he is one of my favourite guitarists, completely changed my view and approach to playing guitar in a reggae band. He is one of the few guitarists I've heard that can be very busy in their playing but never crowd the music. Superb musician. [/quote] When we were in 7th grade we would all be petrified when Albert got on the school bus on the way home. We knew he was going to kick someone's butt. We just didn't know who. Albert's father was a band leader and his brother Mel was the original drummer for Twisted Sister. If Albert didn't take the the music path he could have easily went pro in foot ball. Nobody and I mean nobody could stop him when he had the ball. Chuck Burgi, drummer for Brand X back in 1976, now with Billy Joel was also a part of the music scene at our Montclair High School. So was Joe Walsh. Great days in a great place. Blue
  9. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1474489146' post='3138412'] Pity they didn't get to know this child prodigy - they could have had their minds opened without resorting to LSD or any other drugs. Maybe they'd have opened up a whole new avenue of production; The Blue Album, Blue Submarine, Maxwell's Blue Hammer, Bluebird OR........ you did? You inspired "Blue Jay Way"!! [/quote] Over my head? Blue
  10. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1474443317' post='3137996'] But that is exactly what you are saying and you can't defend that position because it's untenable. Not to mention bloody irritating! [/quote] What am I missing. I can imagine a 17 year old metal kid looking at live Beatle footage from the mid 60s ,saying " what the hell is this old crap" With no appreciation at all and rightfully so. Blue
  11. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1474457708' post='3138134'] I'm with you on that. I've never been much of a fan of Kate Bush or Mike Oldfield, but I've really enjoyed recent BBC4 Docs on both artists, that have given me insight into and appreciation for their music. [/quote] Agreed, There are a lot of band documentaries I love whether I'm a fan or not. Blue
  12. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1474487882' post='3138404'] So I presume you saw them live more than once or is this grossly overstating the facts that an eight year old kid saw? Wait, no, because they stopped touring shortly after. [/quote] My Dad took me to the Shea Stadium show when they returned to the States after filming the United Artist film release "Help". An incredibly fun movie to this day. Although HDN is my favorite. At 8 or 9 years old they had my mind open. I was more than ready at that age. Blue
  13. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1474486050' post='3138380'] I don't think it's untenable to suggest that living through Beatlemania gives one a clearer personal understanding of the contemporary impact of Beatlemania than someone who did [i]not[/i] live through Beatlemania. For example, I'm fairly interested in WW2 and have access to far more information today than did those who were living through it at the time. But my knowledge does not extend to understanding what it felt like or to participate in a flow of events without knowing the outcome. I know why Hitler halted his tanks at Dunkirk but I do not know (as my parents did) what it felt like to actually be strafed by a German 'tip and run' fighter-bomber or how it felt to wake on June 6th to learn that the invasion of Europe had started but also to have to accept that it might fail. In that respect my understanding of WW2 is different by virtue of being one step removed and knowing what happened in the end. In any event, there's no point in getting irritated by other peoples' opinions. We all think what we think - and what we think is based on our accumulated (and differing) experiences. Which is a good thing, IMO. [/quote] And I believe Beatlemania hit us Yanks differently than you guys. Because of size we had more TV, radio, magazines and concert venues as well. To me they were bigger than life. Blue
  14. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1474418456' post='3137933'] Why? Why did you have to be there? Why is your appreciation better than any others that were not "there"? [/quote] I really don't want to say my appreciation is better. I think I'd rather say it's different. It's very short period of time and difficult to explain. Blue
  15. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1474404251' post='3137822'] Just because you keep saying that it's not going to be any less BS than the first time you said it. Though to be fair - you were only 8. [/quote] It's merely my opinion. And your opinion that my position is BS.I don't take issue with that. 8 years old was a perfect age. My parents purchased "Meet The Beatles" and " Something New" for me. I played those 2 albums 24/7 for weeks on end. Blue
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1474405348' post='3137837'] We get asked for Sex On Fire more than anything by the Beatles at every gig we do. [/quote] Could be generational. We play "Come Together" and "Get Back" back to back in our first set and people love it. But we're usually playing to a 60 + crowd. I don't know what "Sex On Fire" is or who recorded it. I probably should but I don't. Blue
  17. [quote name='6feet7' timestamp='1474397249' post='3137739'] What is this ' you had to be there' rubbish. I'm not a 20 year old you know. I was young when the Beatles were around but I remember them well - my parents thought they were rubbish because they weren't Mozart so I had to listen to 'pop' radio under my bed covers or in the garden when they weren't around. I didn't like them then and I don't like them now, however wonderful and influential some people think they were. I was a Stones and Who fan. Could we stop this 'You had to be there' crap. You can only use that if you know the other person wasn't there I was there, and I only live about 30 miles from Abbey Road. I would also say that I am more influenced by the American Motown bass players and their ilk. Once again, don't assume you know someones influences. End of rant. This is getting exactly like that Pino post. [/quote] You indicated you don't like The Beatles and I said that's understandable. I didn't know your age. Your certainly old enough to understand first hand their place in rock history., Your just not a fan. I get that. Influences, I still contend that in some way on some level any of us standing vertical with an electric bass or guitar in a rock band have been influenced by The Beatles. It's more if an opinion than fact or assumption. I don't know or can't say exactly how I've been influenced but I know at some level I have. It might be something as obscure as: - How I play inside and outside of chord changes. - Tthe fact, that I didn't know what an electric guitar or bass was until I saw them. - Maybe it was how I was impressed and amazed how professional their act was. Blue
  18. I love this periodical. Blue
  19. [quote name='DaytonaRik' timestamp='1474364595' post='3137365'] My friends, family and my life partner. Possessions are just that, the people in your life are more important. [/quote] I'll give you a win on friends and family. I have 2 life long friends that are more important than my arsenal of bass guitars. However, my point was,my life primarily evolves around my band ,gigging and rock and roll. I have no other life aspirations. Blue
  20. [quote name='6feet7' timestamp='1474313553' post='3137086'] OK. I'm going to say it then. I don't like the Beatles. But I also don't like anything any of them did individually afterwards either. Whatever their influence I just don't get it or them. [/quote] You had to be there, that's why you don't get it. Not liking The Beatles is understandable. If your standing vertical and playing an electric bass guitar in any kind of rock band you are influenced by The Beatles whether you know it or not and whether you like it or not. Blue
  21. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1474373930' post='3137456'] You had to be there. [/quote] Good point, I wouldn't know Oasis from a hole in the wall Blue
  22. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1474362044' post='3137338'] Probably not, because somebody else would've done the groundwork by then. Part of the genius of The Beatles, other than the incredible songwriting and everything else was that they were pretty much making it up as they went along. There was no 'manual' to follow; they were writing the manual. They set the template that every band or artist that has come after has followed, whether directly or indirectly. [/quote] Excellent point but not sure about that question. Blue
  23. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1474390774' post='3137636'] I don't know, and again I don't know what their relative influences around the world are. However, I would probably put money on which one had more impact in parts of Milwaukee [/quote] I have very close contact with The Wailers. I've known Al (Albert ) Anderson since we were in grade school. Blue
  24. [quote name='DaytonaRik' timestamp='1474354959' post='3137259'] They're just objects. There are more important things in life. [/quote] Really,more important things in life for who? Not me. My basses and playing is my life. Blue
  25. [quote name='stu_g' timestamp='1474330761' post='3137237'] my rivertone stradobass [attachment=228320:RV1_Stradobass.jpg] [/quote] Classic! Blue
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