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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='TorVic' timestamp='1474053157' post='3135359'] [/quote] I rarely comment on clips. I listened to the first 40 seconds and turned it off. This guy knows what's happening, awesome ear, timing and groove. I knew what he was doing there was no need to listen to any more. He had taken me to where I needed to be in the first 40 seconds. Bravo! Blue
  2. $650.00 is the sweet spot for a quality used bass. I would look at used G&l, Ibenez or MIJ Fender bass offerings. Blue
  3. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1473716745' post='3132593'] Great stuff. Just watching / listening to their version of Little Wing. [/quote] Agreed, I like this band. Blue
  4. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1473624797' post='3131808'] Just watch out for radio interference if you use a wireless system! [/quote] The digital stuff should be fun. The older stuff Nigel was using was not that good. Blue
  5. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1473616979' post='3131704'] In my eternal quest to find gigs for my band I'm thinking of exploring gaining bookings in military bases. There are a few RAF bases close to us and I think it might be worth trying to get in. Has anyone done or is doing the base circuit (if indeed there is one), and if so do you have any advice on going about getting bookings? [/quote] I've never played a military gig, but I think it's a good idea. Blue
  6. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1473611514' post='3131632'] Too right, asking 'someone' without a clue to do it will result in disappointment and unusable footage. [/quote] Agreed Blue
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1473602831' post='3131529'] Nonsense. All you need is a mic / recorder that can handle the SPL and a tripod. It doesn't take a student or a pro to get something useful - just common sense. [/quote] Water of Tyne, it takes more than common sense. I really wish we had some professional video. However,gigs are the primary focus. Off topic, wonderful gig today. Outside event, great weather,food and a really fun and engaged crowd. Hot Rods on Hampton. 12:00-4:00 with 2 ten minute breaks. 20 minute commute, one way. Our third year doing this event. Blue
  8. I'd hire a student or pro, most folks have no clue on how to take even marginal footage of a band in a live setting. Blue
  9. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1473600639' post='3131504'] I would say do it if you really want the gig, get the 4 good ones nailed, and get the challenge one basically done, just to show you can do it, and say that you will get it completely accurate when you have to play it live [/quote] If this is real opportunity, a band that you really want to join and you've done your research on the band and your pretty sure your a natch, then I'd say learn it. If not cancel the audition. Blue
  10. I'd say the average is around 40 minutes. We have 1 or two 2.5 hours one way gigs, but we charge double our regular fee. This weekend I have 20 minute one-way Blue
  11. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1473353252' post='3129444'] I don't suppose 'not giving a damn' would be an option for you guys? [/quote] I like where your heads at. Blue
  12. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1473314390' post='3128901'] Having sold my Jazz bass because I decided it was not really me, I now only have one bass - a Hot Rod Precision - which I gig regularly. Only having one bass makes me slightly nervous! I prefer a P Bass (which is not the point, we've done this before....) so my choice is between an older bass maybe from the 90's or a brand spanking new one (American Standard). I have looked at the competition, but I'm a Fender kind of guy. Even if that makes me dull, that's how it is. What would you do? [/quote] I own 9 really cool basses. However my main gig basses are 2 MIJ Fender P basses. They're 1950s reissues. If you like thin necks, MIJ Fenders are great. The MIJ Squires are also really nice. Blue
  13. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1473236307' post='3128137'] Or out gigging & playing only music they enjoy, like I did for many years. [/quote] Your an exception. Blue
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1473236699' post='3128143'] If it was really as much about the business as you claim then IMO you should be honing your songwriting skills because that's where the really money in music is. [/quote] Unfortunately have absolutely no song writing skills and no interest in writing songs. I have an interest in getting paid every Friday and Saturday night. Blue
  15. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1473232302' post='3128112'] Sounds to me that the rock 'n' roll police are out again, telling people what they should and shouldn't know. But actually there is no special reason for knowing those lines. I don't even know half of the songs let alone the basslines. [/quote] It's more like a wise suggestion. Blue
  16. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1473191975' post='3127925'] I'm the same. Apart from the first few years when I was first learning I've never really learned any "Famous" bass parts - I never saw the point of wasting time learning something that I'd never ever have to play. A lot of these "essential" bass lines are from songs I can't stand anyway (Rhythm Stick, Town Called Malice, pretty much all Soul & Motown stuff). I always found it far more enjoyable to just play stuff I enjoyed rather than what was thought of as essential. [/quote] You know where most guys that are limited to only music they enjoy. In their bedroom and rightly so. Blue
  17. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1473206438' post='3128047'] I usually agree with a lot that you post, I generally think that even though you have an American slant on things, there's a lot of wisdom gleamed from years of experience. However on this occasion, I disagree. I don't see that there are certain licks that you should know. What is music if it's not art ? [/quote] Music was probably not the best choice of words. I should have said Rock and Roll. To me Rock and Roll is not art, it's fun and about having fun. Blue
  18. Off topic. Be careful about learning any more than 5 songs for an audition, unless you are certain you are an all around match for the band. Even if you are spot on an nail every song if your not a match, by age look, gender, ethnicity or whatever you won't get the gig and usually they will not tell you why. Blue
  19. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1473116204' post='3127171'] They're all really straight forward. I think I'm just being lazy/belligerent. [/quote] Then you might want to consider stepping down and only taking on projects your enthusiastic about with material you like and have a connection to. Blue
  20. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1473153758' post='3127356'] This is why I could never play in a covers band, I just don't have the discipline to learn a load of songs that I don't like & have no interest in. I would find it a pretty miserable experience. [/quote] Learning covers correctly is hard disciplined work and not for everyone. Blue
  21. [quote name='JohnR' timestamp='1473178608' post='3127719'] I do most of my song learning away from the bass. I like to write out a chord chart and map out the song structure. I have a Word document template I always use for this. The process of writing it out really helps me remember things like variations and fiddly sections. I also use iReal Pro app to programme in the songs and play along with as it helps me concentrate better than if I were to just play along with actual recordings. There are no short cuts and it is just a matter of putting the hours in. I try to make it more educational by learning the song on guitar or keyboard so at least the time spent is helping refine my playing skills (I don't have any) on those instruments. You will find ways to keep it interesting. When all else fails just play muted dead notes to cover any gaps. Good luck. [/quote] For learning covers there are definitely short cuts. Back in my day, you learned from moving that needle back and fourth on the old record player. The bass tracks in many cases were buried in the mix. The short cuts, now there are YouTube clips, tutorials tbat will show you the position to play in and all the notes. In some cases there's isolated bass tracks. Contrary to a few bass chat members there are excellent tutorials out there on YouTube. There's no reason to suck anymore. Blue
  22. [quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1471433477' post='3113006'] You deserve it mate.....really fun read and would make a great tv series....I am one of the many 5star review givers on Amazon. [/quote] They tried it on US TV. It was about a wedding band. Bloody awful. Blue
  23. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1473079242' post='3126627'] [size=6]AAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size] [/quote] Cosmo, the guy is good, he will sound good on any bass. It's the way this stuff works. Blue
  24. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1473070548' post='3126498'] ... that's the point of GAS, though. 1. Irrational desire for something you don't need, underpinned by the certainty it will "make you sound better" 2. Brief honeymoon period of using the thing 3. Boredom sets in, accompanied by the realisation that it doesn't "make you sound better" and the fact that it will require a certain amount of hard work 4. Chuck it on the "unloved" pile 5. Sell it on six months later [/quote] Agreed Blue
  25. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1473191975' post='3127925'] I'm the same. Apart from the first few years when I was first learning I've never really learned any "Famous" bass parts - I never saw the point of wasting time learning something that I'd never ever have to play. A lot of these "essential" bass lines are from songs I can't stand anyway (Rhythm Stick, Town Called Malice, pretty much all Soul & Motown stuff). I always found it far more enjoyable to just play stuff I enjoyed rather than what was thought of as essential. [/quote] I enjoy playing stuff venues are willing to pay for. I can find enjoyment in just about every bass line. For some of us this is a business, it's not about what I enjoy. I've been at this for 50 years and I have never been a bass lick snob. Blue
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