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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1472767558' post='3124178'] A black two door? Even better! Like this one? [/quote] Love it, you could fit a cubic ton of gear in that ride. Blue
  2. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1472757334' post='3124012'] I am the oldest in my band by a fair bit. The Kid is the guitar player at 61 or is it 62? There are certain gigs where it really doesnt matter if you are an old fart. Ask Gilson Lavis. [/quote] I remember some bloke asking me if I was our band leaders Father. I didn't like it. Blue
  3. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1472754939' post='3123976'] Drum kit, PA, bass rig, guitar rig, guitarist, drummer and me in a Volvo 240 estate. I'd rather have Blue's 1967 Buick Skylark, though. [size=3][b]Buick Skylark[/b]: 1967 4 door version. (Drools)[/size] [color=#f0fff0][size=3].[/size][/color] [/quote] Cool, yeah my mom's was a black 2 door. Great days. She bought me my first bass, an imitation Hofner Violin bass made in Japan. Thanks for posting that pic. Blue
  4. I use to fit my SVT 8 10 cab in the back seat of my mom's 1967 2 door Buick Skylark. Blue
  5. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1472730536' post='3123716'] For me punch is just as much getting the balance of volume right between myself & the kick drum & being tight . [/quote] Another really good definition. Blue
  6. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1472687867' post='3123387'] Not a Sabbath fan then Blue? [/quote] I guess I'm a fan. I played with Chuck Burgi, drummer from my High School. Chuck played with Brand X then went onto playing with Rainbow. So there's some sort of a connection. Right? Chuck has been with Billy Joel the last 10 years or so. Blue
  7. [quote name='Ashweb' timestamp='1472691529' post='3123403'] I came in as Geezer Butler too. Guess I'll have to learn Paranoid next then.... You weren't in Cameo, were you, Blue? [/quote] I wish I had been in Cameo. Blue
  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1472686335' post='3123379'] [i]I [/i]am Geezer Butler (according to the quiz..!) (...Cries from the swelling crowd... "[i]I [/i]am Geezer Butler..!"... "[i]I [/i]am Geezer Butler..!"... "No, [i]I [/i]am Geezer Butler..!"...) No, seriously, he's the bass player behind Black Sabbath. You know, [i]Black Sabbath[/i]... What's Black Sabbath..? What..? The group that toppled the Beatles and you don't [i]know [/i]of them..? Ah, yes; I'd forgotten. one had to [i]be [/i]there. [/quote] Oh yeah, I saw them open for believe it or not TOP at Montclair State College back in the 70s. Ozzy was in that band, right? Blue
  9. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472675715' post='3123256'] You can't just choose, you have to take the quiz [/quote] Ok, well it says I'm Geezer Butler. Who's Geezer Butler? I'm serious. Blue
  10. [quote name='zonular' timestamp='1472623835' post='3122616'] What's in your collection? [/quote] 1.1951 MIJ Fender P Bass (Tele Headstock) reissue 2.1954 MIJ Fender P Bass (Tele Headstock)reissue 3.1991 Gibson Thunderbird 4.1990 G&L ASAT Bass with active pre-amp. 5. German made Hofner Limited Edition Club Bass, Cavern Club PU spacing with flight case. 6. Gibson ES-335 Bass in vintage faded cherry 7. Gibson Gold Top Les Paul Bass Personally, I wouldn't invest in another bass until your actually in a working band. Blue
  11. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1472468360' post='3121276'] My lot, Asylum Affair, at the Ash Music Fest a few weeks ago! A bit of Boston!! [/quote] Nice Job Barne!. Those vocals are not easy. Blue
  12. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1472571374' post='3122234'] For me, punch is where clarity and fundamental meet with the added short decay of the notes. [/quote] Miles, I like your definition. It's perfect. Blue
  13. [quote name='bassjim' timestamp='1472643831' post='3122835'] This weekend just gone I had three gigs back to back. Gig 1 = shitish room. bass sound doable but not great. Couldnt get my mojo going but rose above it and stayed profesh. Gig 2 = Excellent room. Great bass sound. Great band sound. Great levels. Great playing all round but private party so typically wasted on most of the people there but still left gig in high spirits. Gig 3= probably worst sound ever due to the corner of the room creating a wierd bass trap. In fact so bad that I actually could not distinguish an G from an A ect. I could have twangy like a guitar or mushy bass or turn it off.[/quote] You had 3 paying gigs in one weekend, that's fantastic! I personally love 3 gig weekends, we had one a few weeks ago. There are guys here on bass chat that won't see 3 gigs over the next 6 months. Blue
  14. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1472631964' post='3122699'] I am surprised no-one has mentioned ageism by name in this discussion. In the front-line of "the business", live performance, isn't ageism actually an integral and dare I say necessary part of the job? It seems folk are afraid of the word in these PC times. [/quote] In the States let's say one of our high in demand functions band has an opening for bass player. Let's say they're in their 30s. Even the 60 year old that nails the audition will lose to a 30 year old with marginal playing and singing abilities. Yes, age discrimination is out there and nothing much we can do about it. Blue
  15. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1472418844' post='3121033'] As for you not having a say after 5 years. Either you don't speak up or they don't value your oppinion. That doesn't sound like a good situation to be in. I firmly believe a good band is a band that works together and all members have a say. My band is like that, although I'm the most pushy so it's normally me that makes suggestions. [/quote] Dave, I'm 63 and I have no interest in having a say. I trust the decisions of our BL. It's a great situation for me. We have one decision maker, our BL and that's the way I prefer a band to be run. Personally , I'm not into the " everybody has a say" protocol. Blue
  16. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1472544443' post='3121896'] I've broken far more strings than amps. BTW, as I mentioned in an earlier reply, I have a spare amp! Mind you, it's tiny.... I mean really tiny. It's a Euphonic Audio 550W head, and it fits into the pocket of a gigbag, with room left for spare leads. I keep it in a hidden compartment next to the spare tyre in the boot of my car. I'm not massively keen on its' sound - it's rather too "clinical" and hi-fi like for my ear, but it's just so small, it's really handy as a spare... But I really doubt that players break more amps than strings - unless they're seriously overloading the amps? Maybe you should start another thread Blue? [/quote] I can't speak for others. I play a lot and haven't broken a string in over 50 years. Blue
  17. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1472304447' post='3120200'] I'm very fond of a drink, but at gigs usually stick to water. Apart from the playing, it makes the drive home less stressful if you know you have nothing to fear from the breathalyser. I've never played with anyone who was better after a few drinks (or the dreaded pre-gig spliff). [/quote] Alcohol has not touched my lips since 1976. I've made comments about keeping a professional attitude. Even though I personally don't drink alcohol,I wouldn't drink at a gig any sooner than drinking at a traditional 9-5 job. I like control and being in any altered state would have an impact on control. Blue
  18. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1472557878' post='3122061'] Why not? Here this weekend (just gone) was a bank holiday, so there tends to be more gigs, as people have the monday off to recover! [/quote] We usually play most Friday and Saturday nights. I think a few members had the weekend blocked for vacation. Blue
  19. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1472507679' post='3121745'] Wow., I've never read anyone say that about being in a band. I suppose if you just turn up, play, get paid and go home, and you are happy with that, then good luck with it. I can now understand your being replaced comment. [/quote] We all show up, we perform, chat with fans and have fun like most bands. BTW, when your in a band making money there are cats with no work lined up waiting for an opening. We can all be replaced easily, that's reality. It's worked well for me for the last 5 years. And I don't know if you know that I'm 63 and have no interest whatsoever in band management. Unlike many, I knew what I was looking for when I joined and these guys had it. It's why I haven't had to jump from one band to the next being disappointed time after time. Guys, if your looking for a band have a clear understanding of what you want from a band and the band experience. Ask question and research any band you decide to audition for and ask questions. For me, I knew I was looking for; 1. An established band with book of business and a history of strong bookings. 2. Honest, rational, stable, intelligent, experienced and trustworthy band members. 3. Local to my home. Those requirements are crucial for me, not volume, genre or what sings they play. Make sure it's a match on both sides before you commit. Oh yeah, one last thing. There's no perfect band. Toodle Pip Blue
  20. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1472172991' post='3119179'] Never had a bass fail but I've actually had an amp fail, just put what I could through the monitors and finished the job, got paid, went home. Wasn't a pleasurable experience by any means but I'm certainly not carrying a spare just in case, this has happened once in 35 years of gigging. Les [/quote] I know what you mean Les. I carry a spare head, but I really don't want to be lugging a spare cab. Blue
  21. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1472201038' post='3119316'] But isn't that what they are made for? [/quote] I guess, it's still not the same as playing through an amp. Blue
  22. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1472458564' post='3121166'] but couldn't this to a degree, depend on how you accepted the gig in the first instance and your input and contribution during your early membership? [/quote] I signed on to play bass guitar and sing backing vocals. I did not sign on for management responsibility. We have a BL for that. Blue
  23. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1472452835' post='3121126'] I would think I want a say of the types of gigs and everything. I they canvass my opinion and then we go with a vote then fine.. Otherwise if they just want bass and to shut up then they get a fee for the services and a time I'll be there. [/quote] I actually did have a say regarding gigs. I made it clear when I accepted their offer 5 years ago that I don't play freebies. Blue
  24. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1472501262' post='3121663'] Ugh. And people complain that nobody goes and sees loud music. Vocals are number one. If the PA can't compete with the guitar amps on stage, the amps are too big. The PA should be way more powerful than anything else. Give the guitarists circa 20w max and a mic if they need any more. [/quote] Agreed, vocals are number 1. Having a "star" out front also very important. Great lead vocalist EBS. Blue
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