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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1470656947' post='3107345'] Well, we arrived at about 6.30 and there was another band on, and the place was busy. They finished about 7pm and the place strated to empty out. By the time we started at 8pm there was only about 50 people left - I reckon 15 were ours. Most of the people seemed to be enjotying it, but some had clearly been there a while and I'm aftraid some ran out of stamina. I think by the time we finished there were about 30 people or so left. Apparently not many Sunday bands get invited back. The venue gave us some fairly strong feedback, liked the setlist, didn't like the pauses between songs (we have a few numbers where the guitards detiune - not sure what we can do about that). They said we would be great in a years time, as long as we practice. I must admit its not the best we have played, and we made a few mistakes - probably because we weren't really bouncing off the crowd. It looks like the quality of bands they are expecting is pretty high. Having said that they pay pretty well for a Saturday. The good news is they liked us enough to book us for a paid gig. The bad news is that - its not until next August,(yes you read it right) - it will be a bank holiday Sunday - so at least its not a school night. We spoke to the sound guy after the gig, and he reckons we might have a chance of Saturday cancellations as well if our diary is free. Overall I think the fact we have a booking here will be a good indication to other places nearby, but this is a fairly long payback time for a free gig. [/quote] Interesting story, I've finally learned that the pub, bar and even fair and festival gigging is different in the UK than in the US. Overall, I think it's harder for bands in the UK at the pub/ bar band level to get consistent bookings. You just don't have as many places to play as we do over here. Blue
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1470432218' post='3106036'] This is a 'guy' (Penny for the Guy..? Remember, Remember, the 5th of November...) ... I'm much more used to 'blokes', 'fellows', 'chums' and, in some circumstances, 'mates'. There was a personality a while back whose catch phrase included 'Guys an' Gals'... He is little quoted nowadays, and looked upon with disfavour. Do we have hot dogs..? Some would maybe admit to such, but probably mask the 'taste' with brown sauce. [/quote] Even over here in the States it's hard to find a really good hot dog. Mine are OK, but not great by any means. Blue
  3. [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1470430829' post='3106021'] Thanks for that Pinball - always rated him highly but hadn't heard anything from Loud Hailer. My vinyl copy of Truth (Jeff Beck Band with Rod Stewart on vocals) still gets a regular play. [/quote] Truth and Beck Ola, real rock and roll! Blue
  4. I'll take a listen. Jeff has always been #1 for me. Blue
  5. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1470445380' post='3106109'] Just back and chilling with a couple of beers. Eight hours away from home for two 45 minute sets...but it was a good gig and therefore worthwhile. Our most westerly gig yet, between Bristol and Bath, and we're keen to do more. [/quote] And I was complaining about a 40 minute drive tonight. Blue
  6. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1470465907' post='3106135'] Have you attracted any "gropey" groupies Blue? [/quote] I'm 63, I really don't attract anything. I perform, have fun, get paid and go home. Blue
  7. [quote name='geoham' timestamp='1470427961' post='3105991'] Wonder if any of you have any advice... My covers band has recently lost our drummer - who did all our backing vocals. The replacement drummer can't sing at all! I can actually do most of the harmonies well enough, until I try playing bass at the same time! If I'm playing something really simple (Gimme All Your Loving for example), or if the vocal is the same rhythm as the bass - then I'm fine. Anything else - I'm rubbish! Either my bass rhythm starts following the vocal or I just stop singing! Can anyone else's brain only deal with one rhythm at a time? Has anyone got over it? [/quote] It's hard , it takes time and practice. I sing background vocals. It was gigging that got me up to speed with singing and playing. Your sort of forced to learn. Blue
  8. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1470416001' post='3105895'] [URL=http://s30.photobucket.com/user/KevB64/media/salutation%2029_07_16_zpspunq0shx.jpg.html][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/KevB64/salutation%2029_07_16_zpspunq0shx.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I know, at my age. But I'm past caring now. [/quote] Awesome, simply awesome. Blue
  9. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1470014572' post='3102705'] I suppose ultimately it doesn't matter how or when you get paid. The important thing is you have something in writing setting out; how much you'll be paid, when you'll be paid and what you will be paid for. Then everyone knows exactly what's expected before you accept the gig. [/quote] Agreed, for wedding and function bands a binding contract is probably best. For bar bands in the US, if you presented a bar owner with a contract you'd be laughed right out the front door. Blue
  10. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1470351669' post='3105496'] Well, whoever came up with 'hot dogs'..? [/quote] Yous guys don't have Hot Dogs?😁 Blue
  11. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1470411562' post='3105863'] But they don't stay for the full set of 4 hrs..? In the U.K... you wouldn't want most gigs to go beyond 2 hrs. Altho of course they are exceptional crowds and nights so they wont let you go. Besides your £50 plus per head wont get bands playing longer anyway. [/quote] Some of our real loyal fans will, but as a rule nobody stays for 4 hours. Some will stay for the 1st and 2nd set and some will come in late for the last set. Tonight were playing at Buckey's in Oconomowoc WI, tomorrow were at at festival at the Manitowoc Expo Center (1.5 hour set, Yay!) and Sunday were at The Wisconsin State Fair in Milwaukee. My point, there will be some fans that will follow us all weekend. That's really cool. Blue
  12. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1470384394' post='3105585'] When my current band starts gigging it won't be just because that's what bands do. It will be because we're doing great versions of great songs and the public deserve to experience the awesomeness of it all [/quote] And because you find venues that are willing to hire you. Blue
  13. [quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1470038603' post='3102767'] Hi Blue. I know what you mean about having nothing without gigging. The only time I really feel happy is when I do a gig....for the couple of hours I play the pain fades into the background and I just lose myself in the music. The recovery is the problem ,increased pain levels and tiredness. My band has just broken up so gigs seem a long way off at the moment. keep going for it Blue, I hope you have many more years to come. [/quote] Thanks Raymond You'll find a new band soon. Sooner than you think. Blue
  14. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1470252603' post='3104538'] The difference between pubs dates now and 20 yrs ago, for example, is any pub can put on music with hardly much thought...so they do. A large town on a sat night can have 9 pubs doing music so pubs expect bands to draw and with social media it is so much easier. But pubs are always too much work for the money so make sure your reasons for doing them suits you and works.. [/quote] It's a little different in the US. It's the originals clubs that always expect the band to bring a crowd. And ironically in Milwaukee most if not all have a cover charge. Most bars and clubs that hire cover bands have a built in crowd. Blue
  15. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1470321469' post='3105123'] After we did the second one, (the Brit wedding) they kindly provided us with bacon rolls and brown sauce. Absolutely perfect at 2.00am when you're starving. The two Frenchies couldn't quite get their heads around the Daddies sauce though but I think they'll be back for more [/quote] Brown Sauce? There's got to be a better name.😁 Blue
  16. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1470339794' post='3105353'] Can see your dilemma. I have never played just for money. I like to be paid but its never really bothered me. I've taken on bands where set list was boring and couldn't take to it. There was no natural power or energy in the songs. It was more like routine playing just for the sake of it. Prefering rock or Prog bands i like that raw energy and that's where i get my fix. Knowing that the energy i put into a song pushes it that little bit more. There's nothing more satisfying than doing a classic rock song and it all just works so well the audience can't get enough of you. Then my alarm usually goes off and i need to get up for work LOL I won't play in another band just to get gigs. I'll only play in bands i actually like the songs and really want to put 110% into playing. Dave [/quote] I really like Prog and other progressive genres. However, when it comes down to gigging and making a band choice, I'd pick a Polka Band with paying gigs over a Prog bsnd with no gigs. Blue
  17. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1470343513' post='3105415'] I want to work!!! I like money... [/quote] So do I. Blue
  18. [quote name='kusee pee' timestamp='1470321633' post='3105129'] Depends if you get your fun more from the music you play or how the audience responds. We play largely bland stuff from my point of view but when it gets a crowd up, dancing and happy then it's all worth it in my book. In an ideal world, I'd be playing early 80s new romantic dance grooves to a wild audience but the latter rarely seems to be drawn to the former. And it's the latter that is needed to let me play bass live on a regular basis. [/quote] Excellent point! Blue
  19. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1470320488' post='3105103'] Just been offered a position with a covers band who do regular gigs and get good money doing so. All weddings, no scrotty pubs and clubs... The band I'm currently in hasn't gigged in ages and to be frank, they're pissing me off so I don't mind leaving them behind, and selling the PA would see a return into my pocket. The thing is, I've been sent a set list and it's all so bland I can't bring myself to be excited about playing any of it. I've just played 36 songs without having played them before and grasped them to a passable level. Is it wrong to be turning down £100-£200 a gig just because of be bored shitless playing the tunes? I could do with the cash while Mrs T is on maternity as the general use and savings are being used to supplement income loss. There just doesn't seem to be any flexibility or room for change in the set, and to be frank some of the tunes are the songs I'd turn the radio off if they came on - undoubtedly popular tunes but the kind of stuff I completely hate. It's easy money, sure, and I'd feel guilty for turning down the money...especially 14 gigs before new year and I'd be a knob if I went back to moaning about the lack of work with the old band... I'm sure this makes sense somehow...I just need a kick up the arse and "take the money and run". But just as I was giving up on the covers band thing, this has come along. [/quote] It's not wrong. However, if your in this to play only music you enjoy and your not flexible, your probably better off in the basement with a band with no gigs but play's music you like. Let someone who want to work and make some money take the wedding band opportunity. Respect Blue
  20. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1470229405' post='3104274'] We are playing at a local music venue. The deal is we play Sunday for free, and if we are considered good enough they will bok a regular slot. Personally I think this is a bit f a liberty being taken, but we have been struggling to get gigs and the rest of the band think this is worthwhile. h venue has asked us t play a cancellation - they gave us les than a weeks notice. That's fair enough I guess, but thy are now indicating that not only will they be judging our performance, but they also expect us to bring a crowd and will decide whether to book us based on our pulling power. We might get a few family and friends, but bearing in mind this is Sunday gig, and the venue has not advertised the band because we are a late cancellation stand in, I think this is totally out of order. Isn't getting an audience in the venue's job? [/quote] Building a fan base of people that will show up to your gigs on a consistent basis takes time and a strategic plan. Unfortunately how good you are has little to do with anything at the local level. Blue
  21. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1470184197' post='3103973'] Let's be honest, guys like that are operating at a different level to most of us and you wouldn't expect to hear of those opportunities. The thing is that the better bar bands would never put an ad out for a new bass player. [/quote] True and I agree. Pete what I see is when a band is actually offering an opportunity to make money it's never advertised. Blue
  22. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1470183965' post='3103970'] Every great band was a start up at some point. Quite often the best, most creative players want to start a project that they have a say in what it does, rather than fit in with an established band. Players of that standing have plenty of contacts and don't have problems finding work for a new band. [/quote] That might be true, However, everyone I know that's gone the so called creative route is broke and gigless. But that's just what I've personally seen in my backyard. Blue
  23. To me, yes. I play a Custom Shop Gibson ES 335- bass in vintage faded cherry with white binding, a Gibson Gold Top Les Paul bass and Limited Edition German made Hofner Club bass with cavern club PU spacing So yeah that 60s look is important to me. However recently I've been gigging my Fender Telecaster basses. Only because, I don'tfeel safe bringing the basses listed above into many of the clubs we play. Blue
  24. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1470135696' post='3103451'] Those don't look like real adverts to me. If they were real, they would all demand that applicants be *** COMMITTED *** and probably that they must *** WANT TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN ***. [/quote] Or "Let's Rock" Blue
  25. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1470152987' post='3103656'] I don't think that there is anything wrong with any of those ads, but as stated above better bands will tent to recruit by word of mouth - either people they know or recommendations from people they know. [/quote] True, here in Milwaukee you'd never see an ad from Greg Koch or Daryl Strummer (Genesis) looking for a bass player. Blue
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