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Everything posted by ash2008

  1. generally im looking for a brighter sound so i reckon hartke is more for me. So the 7000 isnt just an extra 300watts, its a different model so to speak?i read on in hartkees brochure that the 4000 is 'latest in hartke amp technology' which made me think it has more features. sorry noob question coming up: would i be right in thinking with the 7000 i could link two cabs due to the 2x350 whilst with the 4000 only one?i currently own a 8ohm cab at 400w, now if i connected that to the 7000 and then bought a 4ohm cab and connected that to the head too would i have a 4ohm in parallel with a 8ohm thus making 2.67ohms total, which would be too low for the 7000? i think i said that right...
  2. looking for a new head and wondered if anyone has had any experience with either head? found the 7000 at 100quid more than the 4000 and wondered if it was worth the extra money?out of interest would i be right in thinking these are both better than an ashdown mag 300?
  3. Anyone have experience with the head in the auction?worth 100 quid? better than ashdown mag 300 or hartke ha4000, which are also going for 100 quid!too many options!
  4. haha thought £65 was a bit cheeky! deal at £70?il pm you
  5. £65 you got yourself a deal. i live in derby too
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