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About Fisheth

  • Birthday 10/01/1994

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Total Watts

  1. Oh, er. It's been ages since I was last here. Just changed strings on my 62 RI and it sounds lovely now. 

  2. Oh er, these stories have given me qualms about ordering another Jake.
  3. I'm wanting a 5 string Jake to compliment my Lakland J-Sonic, what colour would be a good compliment for Gold chaps?
  4. I'll hopefully be ordering another Jake in April... We'll see!
  5. The Gig with Dream Tröll was a massive success, we almost hit the venue cap. Made tons of cash and paid every band and I'm 80 quid up. A fantastic night all round. 

  6. Where can I get one in the UK?
  7. Playing a show with one of my favorite bands next week! Dream Tröll from Leeds!  Very excited! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kevsy71


      Just checked them out on Bandcamp - wow, they're ace! Enjoy the shöw :)

    3. Fisheth


      I'll try Kevsy! 

    4. discreet


      @SpondonBassed That comment really gets my goat.

  8. Nothing wrong with a Mexican Fender, I had a Harris Fender that was Mexican and if it wasn't for the weight I would have it now!
  9. Tempted to sell my SVT, I quite fancy a VBA-400 or a Orange AB200 

    1. mart3442


      Owned 3 valve svt's, all great in their own right..... You won't be disappointed with the Orange, especially when you lift it!

    2. discreet


      I've owned an SVT and Orange all-valves, they're both good. if I had to choose I'd go for the SVT - just to annoy you and plant a seed of doubt. ;) But it doesn't matter, they're all good amps, you can't go wrong.

    3. Lozz196


      I liked the idea of the VBA400, right to the time I saw it took 2 people to lift it on top of an 810.

  10. Sorry to hijack the thread a bit, I've had numerous bits of gear back from Martin, he's been spot on and reasonably priced everytime (Especially when my SVT burned it's caps out) Very interested in the TE discussion as they're now back.
  11. `Very Grand Magus! I like. Nice one.
  12. Gorgeous. Treasure her.
  13. My new pointy bass could be ready next week...

  14. They certainly do punch above their weight. Great cabs and I'm happy to be a user for 3+ years.
  15. Got some pictures of my custom Boult... NBD insanely soon I think! 

    1. Marc S

      Marc S

      Please share the pics :)

    2. discreet


      Yes, I desperately want to see this Boult.

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