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Posts posted by Fisheth

  1. So we're doing Trillians in Newcastle on the 14th of January, if any BC'rs are in the North East area :)

    Edit: Could a mod change the title so that Newcastle and the date are in there? I thought I'd put it in but clearly not!

  2. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1451147152' post='2938559']
    I will be there, i know where the place is now cos i work round the corner! would anyone actually be interested in having a play of my `Funder Jeff Bass` (jazz on a budget) that i knocked together a few years back? if so i`ll bring it.

    For sure!

  3. So I'm sitting here trying to Intonate my Mexican Harris and the strings aren't staying perfectly in tune once intonated, is this a sign that I need new strings on it? (This is my first attempt at doing this, I often left it to a shop to do, but I wanted to learn over the new year) Or is there something else that it could be?

  4. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1451410206' post='2940279']
    Seems that way, I received a reply this afternoon to the email I sent this morning.

    Hm weird, I'll leave it until after new year and try from another Email address, sending an email to one that I know works was fine, so maybe it's on his end.

    Still can't wait to get mine though.

    Sent him a message on the FB page, I got a reply within seconds. Really fantastic stuff, can't wait for the build to finish now.

  5. Sent him an email to see if I could get it shipped out with Flats and if there was a potential date yet. Still no reply back, admittedly it is new year, but as I got no reply with my other emails I'm guessing either my email is suspect or he's taken some time off.

    See what happens.

  6. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1451117883' post='2938325']
    I received a reply from Adrian on Wednesday, just need to iron out a few details, but it looks like I'll be joining the club (at least in terms of tenterhooks) shortly.

    Another one joins our legion!

    If I emailed Adrian, do you think I could get some pictures of the bass as it is now?

    Only cause I'm an impatient sod and want to know where it is in the pipeline :D

  7. [quote name='peety' timestamp='1450809946' post='2936116']
    Wanted a PJ for a new project and as an alternative to my Bob Glaub been watching the thread with interest and based on the comments about people's experience and quality of the instruments decided to order a jake from stock.

    Buying experience was excellent bass arrived 3 days after ordering it

    First impressions really light, excellent finish quality hardware , haussel pick ups are really hot , neck slimmer and shallower than I would normally choose but found it really easy to get used to

    Used at rehearsal last night sounded great in a full band setting, normally use flats but have left the rounds on and am liking the contrast.

    Sorry about the poor quality pictures but you get the idea

    So you're the person who bought that one! Was looking at it and it went sadly, looks lovely!

  8. [quote name='Sumbabba' timestamp='1450548269' post='2933843']
    Anyone in London got a Jake I can try out? I was looking for a vintage P-bass, then thought about getting another Sandberg but now I'm tending towards one of these puppies....

    I don't live near London sadly, but I'm sure someone in here or on a local Bass Players mart would have one for you to try! :)

  9. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1450537400' post='2933754']
    The Vintage Modified range from Squire seem to be very nice quality and great value for money. I'd recommend a try before you buy with them because the few I have played have varied a great deal in weight and wood grain quality - but find a good one and they're lovely.

    Was about to suggest this.

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