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Everything posted by Jenny_Innie

  1. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1433274472' post='2789732'] Ha ha no technobabble - I'm not qualified. I have 2 x 8ohm Compacts and the set-up you describe sounds worth investigating. I'm not particularly looking to change anything but you know how GAS gets hold of you... [/quote] Oops. Sorry. Getting defensive there. I forgot myself and thought I was in one of those "tone is in the hands isn't" debates again. Must be exam fever. I think if I go down this route, I might look at trying to find a Gen 2 Compact with a silver cloth grill.
  2. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1432825198' post='2785335'] ..........No bass other than a dull thud, harsh barky mids and fizzy treble ...... [/quote] It's not the stadium. It's them. They sound that way on their albums too.
  3. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1433249415' post='2789349'] if it's the hump at 60Hz you like then an EQ pedal or the like could do that. Maybe try boosting this frequency with your 2 2x10s plugged in, see if you can get the sound you like [/quote] Alex said that, not me ..... but I take your point. Good call. I'll get the Retros together in a stack again and fiddle with the frequencies about there and report back.
  4. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1433244848' post='2789256'] Just out of interest, are you running (your perfect sound set, that is) a 4 ohm Retro 210 with an 8 ohm Compact? [/quote] Please don't tell me you're thinking of going techno-babble with how that's an incorrect configuration. If so, then I'm not all ears. That's 2.66666667 (or so) of a load which my RH750 and RH450 can handle. Sounds spot on to me.
  5. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1433244056' post='2789240'] The irony is that the Retro Two10 goes lower than the old 15" Compact. But the Compact (like its replacement the Super Compact) has more output in the ~60Hz region. [/quote] Yeah, I get that. But my perception is, when I A/B them, that one over their sounds deeper than that one over there. Maybe its my perception of "deeper" and "lows"? Together though, they are an awesome pair.
  6. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1433239493' post='2789152'] Sounds to me like it's a no brainer - if your favourite sound was the 210 plus compact, and that was loud enough, then ditch one of the 210s. Actually, sell one 210 and the compact, then buy a Gen3 compact with silver cloth grille - smaller and better and looks the part. Believe me, those Gen3 12" drivers go very, very low. [/quote] Yeah - and it might save some space too. I'd have to A/B it with the Gen 2 1x15" though. I know the technical theory is that lows ain't related to the size of speaker - but that Barefaced 1x15 is a gem. Haven't heard lows like that from anything else.
  7. I'm on the horns of dilemma. I had a Barefaced Compact (Gen 2 1x15") - loved the sound but missed a bit of definition in a live gig. Still got it. I bought a Barefaced Retro Two10 (12 Ohm) - loved the sound, not loud enough by itself and missed the 15" thump. I bought another Barefaced Retro Two10 - (4 Ohm this time and had the other one factory converted to 4 Ohm as well). Ran them together using a factory-supplied serial cable - loved the sound, well loud enough, looks way prettier than anything ever. Very happy. Also, each one is capable of gigging by itself. Plenty loud enough. However, I've now played a couple of gigs with a mate's band using the Compact sitting on one of the Retro Two10s - and it was sound heaven. Proper loud enough, deeeeeeep lows from the 15" - bit of grain stuck in there from the 2x10. I think this is my sound. I haven't got the space for three cabs (parents insist my stuff lives in my bedroom) - plus I'll be going to uni soon where space will be at a premium. One of them has to go. It's just a dilemma. [attachment=193413:Barefaced.jpg]
  8. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1432763986' post='2784843'] As long as they have been pressed or tapped in flush at either side, I would have thought they should hold OK. Same principle as the latch pin on this [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TOcarNMWb8"]SKB 'How To' Video[/url] [/quote] Yeah. Identical to that, except the pins are about half as long as that. They are a "push fit" I guess - so should stay snug in there once tapped in - and would need to be tapped out. I'm at a loss to figure out how one of them fell out then - causing the damage. But hey - all fixed now.
  9. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1432744219' post='2784546'] Sounds like a result, Jenny [/quote] Yeah. The handle appears to be held on by two "slide in pins". There doesn't appear to be much holding them in. They're a bit of a snug fit, but not massively so. All done and fixed. Yay!!! But I'll be keeping a weather eye on it as I don't want the P Bass to go bouncing down the road.
  10. [quote name='Muppet' timestamp='1432740258' post='2784468'] Is there an obvious fault in how the pins attach the handle to the case? steve [/quote] I dunno Steve. I never thought about it until it went "snap". I'll be looking at that in detail tonight though when I try to put the replacement one on.
  11. I picked up my OEM Fender case the other week (it's made by SKB) and the handle ripped off. Turns out, one of the two pins holding the handle on had fallen out (dunno how) and when I picked it up, the strain on just one part of the handle was enough to rip the handle off. Dammit. However! I searched the web and saw that I could order a replacement handle (with pins) from SKB in the US for £12.83 inc postage to the UK (no import duty as it is too low value for that). A mere SEVEN days later - it has arrived. That's cool. Here they are, broken one and new identical one. [attachment=192950:IMG_4594.jpg]
  12. It's just business. Nothing else. No emotion involved. Say yes. Say no. Or say maybe. That's all.
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1428936702' post='2746108'] Nope - you talk to OBBM instead. Explain what you're trying to achieve, and he'll make up the cabling/lead that you need. [/quote] OK. But who/what is OBBM?
  14. Is you the bassist for Disaster Area?
  15. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1428952363' post='2746394'] how loud are the 2 retros? do they need a big head? have a nice tax return coming soon and thinking a couple of these might be cool but the ctm-100 being 100w would this be as loud as my 810? andy [/quote] Hi Andy. I played them together at the weekend. One is a 12 Ohm, the other is a 4 Ohm. Played together, at a private party with 200 or so rowdy rugby club people, they were just too loud. It meant that I couldn't get the RH750 volume knob on more than 2 - which makes it borderline cut out. Might be different on a big stage, but way too loud as they were. The problem is, that if I have them both converted to 12 Ohm, then one of them isn't loud enough on its own. Lozz's post earlier on piqued my interest in that I see you can get a box or lead which means you can run cabs like this in serial. So, if I get them both converted to 4 Ohm (or the one that isn't at least) then I can run the pair at 8 Ohms together. I might also start using a smaller amp unless the room is very, very big.
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1428445314' post='2741431'] ...........the special lead that connects them both in series (I think). [/quote] Talk to me about this!
  17. I should say I pay my way! We have a joint property portfolio Dad and I ...... which I've expanded significantly for us and increased the returns. So he'd better keep the sweeteners comin!!!!!
  18. I used a markbass 2x10 combo once. It looked awful and sounded terrible. Never again.
  19. I think that will vary differently given the band you are in and the song that you are playing. I like bands where the bass is loud and proud.
  20. [color=#ff0000]Now sold[/color] I have one more neck than basses - so this one has got to go. It was on a Fender MIM bass I had for a while recently before I converted it to rosewood. It's not a Fender neck - but it's that style and is logo'd that way. More Jazz girth than P Bass. Good condition all round. No issues. Nice and straight. What else is there? It's a neck. Yours for £20 posted. [attachment=188415:IMG_4039.JPG] [attachment=188416:IMG_4040.JPG] [attachment=188417:IMG_4042.JPG]
  21. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1428010838' post='2737135'] The black one on the bottom doesn't match. I'll gladly take it off your hands. [/quote] It might come to something like that. I can't actually use the stack of three like that, as together they're only just over 2 Ohms. If the two silver ones sound good together, the 1x15 Compact will have to go.
  22. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1428005229' post='2737045'] Jeeeeez can't imagine how loud that'll go. What amp you running them with? [/quote] Mainly a TC Electronic RH750.
  23. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1427994467' post='2736882'] Very nice. Great Dad. Edit to ask, does he play anything himself, he obviously knows a bit about bass gear? [/quote] Yeah. He's a Tele and Vox freak and Mum plays keys. That's how they met - in a band in the late 80s. Dad manages a couple of bands, out of boredom I think, as his companies are now run by his managers. He deps a lot too - sometimes on keys, sometimes on guitar. Gets into some surprising gigs doing that. It's sorta his hobby now. Mum and Dad have got a room in one of his warehouses chock full of gear with their own studio which is quite cool - so he knows his gear.
  24. Boom !!!! [attachment=188148:4x101.JPG] [attachment=188149:stack1.JPG] [indent=1]Dad: I've just bought you another one of those Barefaced cabs you like. Though it might be good for your gig this weekend![/indent] [indent=1]Me: Eh? When did you order it?[/indent] [indent=1]Dad: Yesterday.[/indent] [indent=1]Me: Silly sausage. They take months to get here. But you are the best.[/indent] [indent=1]Dad: It's in the back of my car right now[/indent] [indent=1]Me: Eh?[/indent] Turns out he snapped up a stock item. Oh it's good. Let the audience disembowelling begin on Saturday! Win.
  25. Tick, tick, tick, tick ........
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