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Everything posted by Jenny_Innie

  1. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1424975484' post='2702542'] Which way are you putting the amp in the bag? Front first or back first? [/quote] I put it arse-end in with the knobs point up beside the zipped end.
  2. Bit of a problem. My TC RH750 ....... God I luuuurve it ........ has an issue. I got it out of its official TC gigbag the other day and two of the knobs were missing. I nearly died. But ..... they was both at the bottom of the bag. Sick! Happened again next time I used it. I've had a look at the knobs - and there's nothing wrong with them. No cracks or damage or anything - and the internal bit look okay. But they slip off well too easily, and I will lose one of them one day. What do I do? A dab of glue? What kind? It's still under warranty from Andertons, but I don't get I need to go that far for this issue.
  3. I watched the programme on Youtube. It wasn't the best idea hiring their son/stepson as a Chief Exec was it? It is rare that a family member is the best person for the job. The fact that he didn't know that amps were tested in 73 seconds says a lot. He should have department heads who report to him and report key indicators and performance - and he should know what they are. He should know what goes on in his showcase shops and the fact that their first in-store gig (which he said was crucial the the brand) was a disaster - is actually his fault. Not surprised they are restructuring. It's very rarely bad luck that companies hit on hard times.
  4. [quote name='Mook' timestamp='1424169479' post='2693299'] Just getting a gripe off my chest......I have been playing bass for many a year now and like to think that my ear is good enough that I can get a close enough approximation of a bassline by listening to it. But I find that now whenever I need to learn a bass part I reach straight for the dodgy youtube clips of people playing the lines. Even if their wrong it gives me the general impression of the line and saves me doing the hard work of working it out by ear. It is way too easy now and I can totally understand why people use them or tabs to learn bass parts, but this has to come at a price when you are learning to play. I have, what limited musical ear I have, because I had no choice but to sit down and pick out a bassline bit by bit which could take weeks. It's a shame that no-one really needs to do this anymore and it can only limit future generations musical ears which is so vital, not just for learning songs but for improvisation and last minute dep work. It's a shame.......that's all. Thanks for listening [/quote] I just don't think that has any truth at all. If you have ever used a guitar teacher, she will show you how to play certain things. You will see where she puts her fingers and what it sounds like. The two go hand in glove. If you refused to look and used your "musical ears" alone - she'd go all WoW.
  5. Is Peavey restructuring or in trouble or something? Is there a big story I have missed?
  6. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1424724360' post='2699743'] You've not listened to a lot of Hiwatts lately, have you..? Ah, the innocence of the youf of today; it's charming..! [/quote] It's the H&H I'm referring to. His like a snake they do - all of 'em.
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1424721196' post='2699676'] He's not wrong... ...although this was the original rig I was using (for PA...), back in England, mid-'70s... Two columns like that with the one DR205 head; awesome. No, I don't now have them; I stupidly traded the cabs later, in France. I'd love to find 'em again. Heavy..? Nah..! [/quote] I think the hisssssssss from this set up would be deafening.
  8. I mean, I have the best bass heads it is possible to have - but this guy has got one too many from the endorser as a touring spare and it's a one-way supply which they won't be taking back - so it's going spare. It's a kind of trivial thing as i have a main head and a backup - but think this may look too kewl for skool for a bit of fun before I flog it somewhere. I get it tomorrow, or the day after, so I'll update you.
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1424643328' post='2698758'] Yeah, but they're all pensioners, aren't they..? What would [i]they [/i]know..? [/quote] Word.
  10. Basically, can I do it? Can I use a 100 watt all valve guitar head to gig with? It has switchable 4 ohm, 8 ohm and 16 Ohm outs - and I have a couple of Barefaced cabs? Should be alright shouldn't it? Someone I know has a spare one that I can have and I think it looks cool. I can give it a try at a low key gig in a couple of weeks. Would there be a downside?
  11. You gotta move on dude. Also, we don't need people to walk in front of our cars waving a red flag any more. The form of music you are talking about is dying anyway.
  12. Granny arrives in the middle of the stage, sort of queuing up to talk to us. Tries to attract my attention in the middle of a song, by shouting in my ear while I'm still playing. I thought she must have been from the pub and was telling us to stop as there was a fire or something. We finish the song, I say "wot is it?" and she says: "Can you play Sweet Home Alabama?" "We are a punk originals band" "But it's my favourite song" "Who's it by anyway?" [size=3][i]** I thought it might be a Rihanna song or something by Beck - but it turns out it's something by some old age pensioners.[/i][/size] "I don't know, but it's my husband's favourite too" "No sorry, can you get off the stage" "Well you don't have to be so rude!" This type of thing has happened at half of our 7 or 8 gigs so far. Everything from Sex on Fire to One Direction requests. Is it me?
  13. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1423471010' post='2685026'] You want to get another 2x10 and stack them vertically. Sound revelation. It's like having an 8x10 behind you only with the clarity of a smaller can. And obviously less than half the weight. [/quote] Although I read Alex saying somewhere that they can be used that way, but are designed to be horizontal.
  14. This is what I'm talking about. Retro Two10 on top of Generation 2 Compact - driven by RH750. Props. I like the 2x10 and 1x15 thing. Although, the rig would look prettier if both the cabs looked like the top one. Maybe I should get a Gen 2 Compact with a silver grill from somewhere? Or I could get another Retro Two10 and see how they go? Might miss the 1x15 though. [attachment=183341:BeFunky_Cab.jpg.jpg]
  15. Meh. Ain't go not guts. Too top for me.
  16. You want the Pedaltrain Volto. As elegant as it gets. http://www.andertons.co.uk/power-supplies/pid31469/cid591/pedal-train-volto-lithium-ion-rechargable-9v-pedal-power-supply.asp
  17. [quote name='andytoad' timestamp='1423092984' post='2680826'] the sg bass therefore looks like a silly little imitation girly bass. [/quote] Grrrrr!!!!!!
  18. I weighed my Barefaced Retro Two10 the other day and compared it to the weight of the 2nd Gen Compact. The Retro Two10 has 2 x 10 inc speakers - the Compact has 1 x 15 speaker. Surprising results. They both weighed [i]exactly[/i] the same. Barefaced says 13kg for the Retro Two 10. It was 13.1kg on my scales with its RoqSolid cover on. They say 12kg for the Gen 2 Compact, but it was 13.1kg - also with its RoqSolid cover on. The Retro Two10 is easier to carry as it has smaller physical dimensions. That's all.
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422971739' post='2678985'] The main thing is that cone size has no bearing on frequency response: [url="http://barefacedbass.com/technical-information/speaker-size-frequency-response.htm"]http://barefacedbass...cy-response.htm[/url] So essentially (in theory) larger drivers don't necessarily sound 'bassier', nor do smaller ones give you more 'top end'. [/quote] I'm not sure about this. Every time I have had, or experienced, a 15" speaker, it sounds the "bassiest" to me. I at least have a perception that you get low stuff from those big ass speakers. I would like to do an A/B test with a Barefaced Compact and Super Compact. I would put my money on the larger speaker sounding deeper.
  20. [quote name='Bottle' timestamp='1422796674' post='2676806'] I've now listened to the track again through a decent pair of headphones, and it sounds soo much fuller. It's got some real low-down grunt but the note definition is much better with the 2x10 added in as well. [/quote] Yeah, honestly. Headphones and good speakers are great - but Listening live, it sounds like there is a sub in the room.
  21. Oh yes! Look at my topics. I have a TC RH750 which I use through two Barefaced cabs - a Generation 2 Compact and one of those new fangled 2x10s of theirs. Both weigh in at 13.1 KG (with their RoqSolid covers on) and are easy to carry. As for the sound? Nailed!
  22. [quote name='Bottle' timestamp='1422782533' post='2676619'] Haven't been able to play through decent speakers yet, and my laptop speakers have absolutely no bass response but what I've head so far sounds great. That BF cab combination is going to take some beating. @OP Have you tried playing through just the 2x10 or the Compact for comparison? [/quote] Yeah. The Compact itself is great. Lovely sound, but put it in a punk band situation and I sometimes can't distinguish the notes. People in the audience said it sounded great and meaty and room filling - and the other Jenny our drummer likes it ....... but I need a bit more definition. The Barefaced on its own is better in all those respects. It has a sort of grainy sound ...... old skool I think a lot of oldies would call it. Very good BUT .... I've got the 12 Ohm one and, even with a TC RH750 ...... which shatters the earth's core with the Compact ...... doesn't give enough volume. I'm just about to order a 4 Ohm one. Together, they are colossus. Best sound ever, ever. Lots of everything. Sounds so low that you would swear that there is a sub in the room but all the bite you need. Interestingly, the geetarist and I sometimes compete for spectrum - but not with the Compact-Retro Two10 set up.
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