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Everything posted by Jenny_Innie

  1. [color=#ff0000]All sold. Good place this isn't it?[/color] [s]Up for sale are the pickups from my Japanese Fender Jazz bass. These are the stock items from the bass - a late 80s model. Proper Jazz rumble from them too. I've just replaced them with a high output crazy P / J set up (with some routing) from Hot Rod Pickups as I like it hot and punky. £35 posted[/s] [attachment=182494:IMG_3827.jpg] [attachment=182495:IMG_3828.jpg] [s]Also, here's the pick guard from the same bass. Had to change it due to the new P/J thing[/s] [s]£17.50 posted/[/s] [attachment=182496:IMG_3830.jpg] [s]Come and get 'em.[/s]
  2. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1422612231' post='2674546'] Great sound ! Is that a Hugh Cornwell track ? [/quote] Yeah. Some post on here a while back linked to some band he was in - and, coincidentally, I went with my mum to see one of her fave artists on tour and he was the other act on the bill. He had a girl bassist who was the bomb and I bought his album from the merchandise stand. All pretty dope. That's a track on that album with a well-cool bass line.
  3. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1422551731' post='2674039'] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xby81m1GtH8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xby81m1GtH8[/url] [/quote] Say jit gone BAM or what?
  4. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1422551826' post='2674040'] I also think it's rather sad episode. But this point did make me smile! [/quote] Old men and hair has always perplexed me. See, girls who colour their locks have it done in textures and layers and subtle changes of shade here and there. Now, I guess this guy has money - so why did he have such a crap job done all in a colour that doesn't exist in nature? And don't get me started on old blokes with pony tails.
  5. Man he so old even I could put him down. Hope he didn't smudge his hair dye.
  6. So, y'wanna know what a Barefaced Retro Two10 sounds like? This is my TC Electronic RH750 played through a 12 Ohm Barefaced Retro Two 10 and a Barefaced 2nd Generation Compact together. No pedals, no nuthin. [url="https://soundcloud.com/the-innies/god-is-a-woman"]https://soundcloud.c.../god-is-a-woman[/url] The bass is my Fender Japanese late 80s Jazz with replacement pickups by Hot Rod Pickups. It's got a "Thumper" P-bass pickup (had to be re-routed) in the neck and an '84 at the bridge. This tune uses the P-Bass and the tone full-on with the bridge about 1/4 on. Played with a pick of course. Some "Tweeter Tone" and "Tube Tone" For the detail-minded: captured the sound in the local village hall, nobody there but me, cabs in the corner and two SM57s pointing about 3 inches from the grills mid-axis - one at the Compact and one at one of the speakers in the Retro Two10. Both going through a Focusrite interface straight into my MacBook Pro with Logic Pro X. Drums courtesy of other Jenny and her programming digits on Logic. She knows a groove. Now don't go playin' this thru no lame-ass sound system. You gotta play this though an audiophile stuff or with some absolutely no tat allowed headphones. This is the sound I'm talkin' about. Those two Barefaceds with the RH750 are [size=6]MONSTER![/size]
  7. You don't do covers exactly like the originals do you? If you did, you might as well have a DJ playing a CD.
  8. Do you think it actually will be 2000 watts? Will it be much louder than a PF800 or an RH750 for example? It's also quite a cheap thing. Does that mean it'll be quite low quality?
  9. Have you heard this bass? Probably not. Because you would be dead! [attachment=181990:bass with balls.jpg]
  10. [quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1421495236' post='2661937'] Looks like I spoke too soon. Sorry for the blurry image..... Merton, as you can see I went for the silver cloth grille, but after seeing the photo of them in the shop., I'm kind almost wishing I went for the black! I have tried them at low volume and sound good as a pair (neighbours aren't keen on the noise) - really light too which is what I wanted. Just waiting for Monday night when I can really put them through their paces! I'm happy to meet up whenever you want - would love to try your Super Compact! [/quote] Well?
  11. [quote name='ColinB' timestamp='1420812346' post='2653757'] Don't listen to him..... it's going to be great! [/quote] Ain't no disappointment comin' my way. Depend on it!
  12. The logo is alright. No better or worse than others I've seen. If you get hung up on that, I suspect it is a 1st World problem. The cab, taken as a whole, looks rather good. Bit of an update on the cab. I've had a chance to play around with it. I'm sort of changing my mind on it a little bit. Played part of a set with it at the weekend - firstly with a Guild electro acoustic bass along with a sax player, an acoustic geetarist and a brushes drummer. Still using the RH750. It was great. Then (unexpectedly to me) we cranked up, got rid of the brushes and in came a Telecaster - and it was fine (as a one cab thing). 3/4 of the way 'round the dial on the RH, but still great. i loved the sound. Mind you, I did put a Line 6 Pod thing in front of it - so maybe a little bit of pre-amp goes a long way? I dunno. I think, part of the problem might be other Jenny - our drummer. She's a bit on the loud side - which makes the band a bit loud altogether ....... hence me running out of headroom maybe? Changed my mind a little bit on it. I think, in the right circumstances, it could (even at 12 Ohms) be a one-cabber. Although, still would get a 4 Ohmer if that's all I was gonna have. And I still have in mind that the sound with the Compact is the utter bomb. I'm now contemplating if I should run with two of these instead of one of these and a Compact. They look cooler, are effectively as light (see my previous comments) and a bit smaller and easier to store. Might look way cool to have two of these. I shall speak to the man and see wot he says.
  13. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1420141271' post='2646086'] To the OP: Great review! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with us But.... as this thread title mentions the dreaded word "Barefaced" - lots of other issues raise their heads! Not only that, but the old chestnut about TC and their "liberal" power ratings... Once again to the OP: Many of us old crusties on here have spent decades in our quest to find the ultimate in amplification, never mind the relatively recent phenomenon of the "one-cab-solution"!! You have embarked on a long and interesting journey - one fraught with euphoria, frustration and depression in equal measures. You will grow as a person while on that journey, but (and this may be news to some) you may never reach your destination... Still, as Swing Out Sister once sang - "It's better to travel". Good luck on your quest young one! [/quote] This is a winning post.
  14. ...... err, I'm actually 5'4". But I have had more of a fiddle with the Retro Two10. The two cab sound I'm getting is to die for. I'm getting the hang of this expectation thing.
  15. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1420141954' post='2646097'] Nail hit firmly on the head there! [/quote] Yeah, but you have to remember that life looks a little different where you're 5'2" and 8st 4 lbs. Light and small gear is good. Heavy stuff isn't an option.
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1328997434' post='1535958'] My fave JJ moment: When the bass comes in on Hanging Around. It really sounds like the bass amp is actually in your room, playing along to the track. Fantastic bass moment that. [/quote] OMG. Hello. Who are these guys? Now THAT is a bass sound. Where did that come from ?
  17. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1419980379' post='2644652'] I never saw Most of this thread till now, it took me all day to type my reply out in between work and playing shadow of mordor. What a load of moaning old nit pickers. [/quote] Old geezers eh? Whoda thunk?
  18. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1419946999' post='2644184'] Well, for me there are a lot of conclusions drawn from one rehearsal; [/quote] The clue is in the title of the post.
  19. I get the idea that the 12 Ohm version is intended as a modular thing. I obviously didn't order it, so didn't make that choice. In fact, he who did, says he figured I'd use it with the Compact. I'm just saying that the RH450 and especially the RH750 will blow the roof off the shack at full chat through the Compact (and the same with the MiBass 550 I used later) - while through the Two10, they were not loud enough to compete with a drummer and guitarist. If you're using one of these as a one-cab solution, I'd go for the 4 Ohm version. I guess that's how they were intended. I'm not sure what to make of all of the mumbo jumbo about watts. Here's my thinking. The RH450 (whatever wattage it is) is crazy loud through a Compact. The couple of times I have used it live, I couldn't get the dial past halfway without complaints from the drummer and guitarists that I was too loud. Our drummer (also Jenny) is like the muppet drummer too. She has one level - ear shattering, which is both annoying and good at the same time. The RH750, noticeably more so. If you need more than one of either of them in a pub or club gig - then you need a hearing test. The only issue I have now is the look of the two cabs together. I might go looking for a Compact with a silver cloth front (assuming the new Retro Two10 cloth is the same as the Compact).
  20. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1419894844' post='2643837'] - TC E's rating of 450/750 watts are inflated (as many D class manufacturers do), the 450 putts out 236 watts continuous at 4 Ohm and 133 at 8. I do not know what exact 750 figures are but it will be around 475 at 4 and 250 at 8. It will be max 150 at 12 Ohms. - Barefaced created the 12 Ohm 210 to be part of a modular speaker system not a standalone cab. They offer a 4 ohm version I believe. - Doubling power only gives you marginal increase in volume, increasing speaker surface area is much more effective. - Playing with a pick often requires a tweater to get that high end fizzle So if you want a single cab solution go for the lightest cab with most speaker surface area, a 212 is indeed a good suggestion and get one at 4 ohm with tweater. Volume difference between a 450 vs 750 watt D class head is pretty much negligible with the cabs you have. [/quote] I disagree with pretty much all of this post. "Playing with a pick requires a tweeter"?????? C'mon!!!!!
  21. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1419893652' post='2643817'] whats 4 ohms between friends? :-) Yeah you would expect them to br the same, are you going to do the crossover thing alex meantions on his website to make it a 4ohm? [/quote] Hmmm. I wonder if it will give enough lows to be a viable one cab solution. That 4 Ohm thing might also affect its performance when twinned with the Compact. The TC can handle down to 2.66 Ohms according to their website. So the resultant 3 Ohms of the two cabs pared (with Two10 in 4 Ohm guise) would be okay .... but I'm wondering if I should just keep it as it is.
  22. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1419891603' post='2643768'] I have no idea how the power management on the tc head is interpreting a 16ohm cab.... probably not a goix match [/quote] 12 Ohm you mean. I have since had a go with a MiBass 550 too and get the same thing.
  23. See my initial review here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/252266-barefaced-retro-two10-first-thoughts/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/252266-barefaced-retro-two10-first-thoughts/page__fromsearch__1[/url]
  24. So, I got this Barefaced Retro Two10 for Christmas. I already had a loaner Compact Generation 2, going spare from my Dad’s bass player. I like the Compact. It has a great rumbly sound, but I’ve had a bit of trouble with it in a live situation. Great by itself, but when the guitar, drums and keys come in, I couldn’t get on with it. No matter how much I tweaked my TC RH450, I couldn’t get enough definition. I tried Ashdown and Ampeg heads and got different versions of the same thing. Everyone out front and in the band said the Compact sounded great, but I couldn’t hear some of the notes I was playing. What was I expecting from a 1x15 cab with no tweeter I suppose? So, courtesy of Moneybags, sorry I mean Dad, in comes this new 2x10 (again with no tweeter) from Barefaced. He didn’t tell me how much he paid, but I can see that would have been just short of £500 with postage. Few things to consider. I play in an all girl punk/pop three piece with guitar, bass and drums. We also have a new keys player too who synths, Hammonds and Wurlitzers it like a good ‘un (in rehearsals now). I play a Precision and a Jazz with a pick. I do need something sort of small and light as I’m too small to carry heavy things and I can’t always get someone to do it. I like to hit it hard when I play and I move about a lot. You can hear my bass. So that’s the thing. Now down to the cab(s). I have reached a conclusion about these two cabs. The smarter of you will be able to guess the answer without reading on. But here goes. This is all based on a rehearsal we had in the old village hall on Boxing Day. Big old room, with us at one end. I got there early and tried lots of settings and combinations by myself and then did the same with the band. I was also using a borrowed TC RH750 – which I’m hoping to hold on to for a (long) while. The Compact is very good. It’s very light and not too bulky. It looks a bit funny though. It’s a bit like a big lump of coal. The handle is in an odd place on the side. I thought it should be on the top. Looks well-built enough, although I don’t think the grill would take too much to dent. Sound-wise, the Compact is great. Get’s a nice rumble and full sound. Good with a bit of distortion too. I like the teeniest of imperceptible dirt in there and that’s good with this cab. It also handles as much power as I could throw at it without “cab distortion”. It took some over zealous EQ tweaking to get the Compact to struggle with the 750 watts of power. Impressive. So what’s not to like? Nothing really. Well that is, apart from the lack of definition thing when the band is in full swing. It’s a real issue, as I prefer to forget about my gear and just play. When I have settings and levels and positioning on my mind, I don’t feel as able to perform. A bass player I know said I might want to stand still when I play. Yeah, there are spots on the floor where the sound is better. But, as if? Maybe if it had a tweeter or an extra six inch speaker? I think they do them. Bottom line is, it’s a good cab, with a lot of things going for it. Love those 15” lows, but needs a bit more bite. You can’t get these 1x15 versions any more. Shame that. Here’s a link to the product website: [url="http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/Compact.htm"]http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/Compact.htm[/url] And then there’s the new Retro Two10. First thing worth saying. Unlike the Compact, it’s a cute thing. I mean, not well cutesy, but still a looker. I got the 12 Ohm one (more of that in a minute) with the silver cloth front. Finish quality is excellent. In what I hear is a break from Barefaced tradition, this one is covered in tolex and not the company’s lump of coal effect thing. The tolex looks a bit better than your average too. I’ve seen too many Marshall etc cabs ripped here and there. Very smooth with no grain effect really. That’s probably good. I’ll still be careful with it though, as you know tolex. Anyway, I know it’s 3 kg heavier than the Compact, but it doesn’t feel like that. It sort of feels the same weight. In fact, it’s a bit easier to carry as it’s a little bit smaller than the Compact. I do worry carrying a tolex cab about though – especially as RoqSolid don’t do a cover yet. I have sent dimensions to them though. I plonked it on top of the compact (both on their side) and played it by itself and with the Compact. When A/B’ed with the Compact, I noticed that the Compact has a cleaner sound. The Two10 is almost grainy sounding beside it. Maybe it’s that “old school” sound, whatever that means. There’s also a funny thing. When using it on its side (as I think it is supposed to be given the orientation of the logo), the TC head didn’t sit on top easily. The handle gets in the way. Again, I think the handle is in the wrong place. Should be on the short side. One big thing became immediately apparent. The Retro Two10 is nowhere near as loud as the Compact for any given point on the volume dial. In fact, I struggled to get enough volume with the Two10 by itself playing with the band. As I said, I was using my other Christmas present, a TC RH750. Through the Compact, it’s totally deafening at full chat. Through the Two10 – it wasn’t loud enough. It’s a 12 Ohmer isn’t it? Nuff said. The Retro Two10 could handle all of the power of the TC RH750 without any issues – but, as a 12 Ohmer, that was probably only 300 odd watts. Also, it doesn’t have the lows of the Compact. It had definition, but the sound was a bit thin and wasn’t loud enough. However, paired with the Compact, it was right on it. Brilliant sound, nuclear explosion loud, a real “slam-dunk”,“hit by a freight train” sound. Ooh, it gave me the shivers. [url="http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/retro-two10.htm"]http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/retro-two10.htm[/url] Conclusion 1. The 8 Ohm Compact is really good, but, as a 1x15 with no tweeter, isn’t the answer by itself. Great rumbly lows, but not enough definition. 2. The 12 Ohm Retro Two10 looks good and has a slightly “coloured” grainy sound. Good, although it lacks some lows. But, it’s not loud enough by itself, even with a 750 watt amp. I’m not even sure that having two of them together would be what I need? I wouldn’t buy one of these, in 12 Ohm guise, as a stand-alone cab. 3. Both cabs together are the bomb. Massively loud, a rumbly bad girl deep sound, with battering-ram lows and every note is very clear. Brill. It’s the conclusion I was hoping wouldn’t happen I suppose. I am looking for a lightweight one-cab solution, and neither of the Barefaced units is the answer. Paired together, they are amazing. I guess that’s entirely predictable. Although they’re both light, you will need both of them to get that slamdunk sound. But what a sound. It’ll take an extra walk out to the car on gig nights – but could be worth it.
  25. Does anyone else, other than me, actually have one of these? I'd like to hear their thoughts.
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