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Mister RLP

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Everything posted by Mister RLP

  1. This has just appeared on the Bass Centre site! Exciting! Added this info to the Neil Murray post on General but probably needs its own post in basses. Was in the bass chair for my school's We Will Rock You musical last month so very aware of Neil Murray from this rather than his earlier work. https://www.basscentre.com/british-bass-masters/bbm-snakebite.html
  2. This has just appeared on the Bass Centre site! Exciting! https://www.basscentre.com/british-bass-masters/bbm-snakebite.html
  3. This sort of BBC Programme (including Tomorrow's World, etc.) was parodied in Look Around You S2 Episode 1 - Music. Lots of well know people in this! https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p00bt6kl/look-around-you-series-2-1-music
  4. 1983: ROCK STARS on tuning, strings and sticks | Rockschool | Classic BBC Music | BBC Archive Wow. This brought back lots of memories. Now in the BBC Archive on YouTube! 1983 was the year I was given my first electric guitar so this show was a definite watch but didn't have a VHS recorder and couldn't remember most of what they said... Good detail with the types of bass strings, though, although no mention of tapes.
  5. Snap! I tried a Flea in Andertons in August 2017 just to see what it was like - might have even been the same one! I was looking for something else at the time not a road worn jazz bass. It blew me away. It felt right. Was passing through Guildford a couple of weeks later and tried it again. Same feeling. So I put deposit on it so it could be put to one side. Staff were surprised that I wanted the display model and not a boxed one from their warehouse. When I finally went to collect the bass after raising the funds I did try a couple of other Fleas from the warehouse but they didn't feel the same for some reason. So what do I like about it? Well I always liked the look/sound of Herbie Flowers' jazz bass so I have some tape wounds on my one. The neck - back and 7.5 radius. Pickups - according to non-bassist musicians I know they sound great. The nitro finish is lovely and thin with the wood of the bass appearing through on the front body contour. It just feels great to hold and play. It feels 'organic; as opposed to some of my other basses if this doesn't sound too daft. I think this is the appeal of the road worn basses for me - they feel 'right'. Not too bothered about the 'damage' as that's not why I got it.
  6. Depeche Mode at Twickenham Stadium on 17th June.
  7. Mine arrived on Tuesday and it’s a game changer. Rehearsing for school spring concert - Back to the 70s! Ideally I’d have liked the Boss Waza Air thingy but not at that price. Previously been using a Zoom B4. Good but lots of wires and guitar leads etc. spent more time setting it up than practicing. Keeping it though.
  8. Moodhoover and the Fun Sponges
  9. First - Epiphone Violia bass Second -Rickenbacker 4001 Third - Squier Matt Freeman P-Bass (still have) Fourth - Fender fretless Jazz Fifth - Squier fretless P-Bass Sixth - Fender Flea Jazz (still have) Seventh - Bass Collection Betsy Bass (still have) Eighth- Squier fretless Jazz (still have) Ninth - Squier FSR Mustang blue (still have)
  10. How true. In the 80s I was into mainly 60s and 70s music - well out of step with my school and college friends. Had heated arguments how band like Depeche and Madness were rubbish, etc. Finally got into them when Violator came out and I was at uni. One of my friends was into electronica and played in a band which I joined. Lucky to see them four times so far and off to see them at Twickenham this year. Also did a U-Turn on Madness and go to see them every other year with my daughter who knows more of the words than I do! Also like a lot more of the 80s stuff than I did then. I think I am a bit contrary. Another friend was a huge Rush fan and I tried, I really did. By the time of their last UK tour I got them and I am glad I went. Maybe I just take a while to get some things? Get their in the end though…
  11. Thank you. Very helpful. I just looked at some pics of the pickups I took at the time - before I noticed the problem and there seem to be some stray wires coming out of one of the pickups. Didn’t notice this as was late and just taking film off, etc. Will investigate more when I have time.
  12. Thanks for getting back. The scratch plate had two films on it - one with the Fender Play sticker on it and another one underneath. I had taken off the first one after I bought it but left the other one on as didn't really notice it was there. It was only when putting some lemon oil on the fretboard that I thought I would take off the other film. I wish I just left alone, now! I think my main concern is that the screw wasn't making this noise before (I've had the bass from new for four months) and now when I rest my thumb on the pickup it makes an unpleasant scratchy noise. I took the scratch plate off last night and couldn't see anything untoward - nothing loose, etc. The good news is that the very dry laurel board now looks much better!
  13. Thought I would take off the film of the pickguard and I tried to raise the Phillips screws so that it would all come off but it just raised/lowered the Mustang pickups. It was when I was tuning up the bass I noticed that the Phillips screw near the E string was very loud like it was part of the pickup. Especially when tapped with the screwdriver. I hadn’t noticed this before. Is this a thing? Was the film stopping it making this noise? Help!
  14. Something funky like The Secret Life of Arabia. Funky as hell and I never really clocked this for 30 odd years…
  15. I was blown away by the bass when it arrived. Superb bass in qc, looks and sound. I think also it helps that it is set up really well at the Bass Centre before being shipped. And you can contact them and let them know your preferences too. I called another time about their fretless jazz and they were really chuffed when I used their colour ‘solar flare’, which was great. They are still excited about basses and their products. Always a good sign. I also asked if they were going to do a Herbie Flowers signature…
  16. I know this has already been posted in general but makes sense to have a link here too as Guy talks about his Betsy bass on SBL and the Bass Centre Betsy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SfxzLYEO3w
  17. Peach Guitars has a bunch of these with weights. Please buy as I am very tempted as one would go nicely alongside my J Mascis signature Squier! https://www.peachguitars.com/squier-gold-edition-40th-anniversary-jazz-bass-laurel-olympic-white.htm
  18. Now available in two colours! https://www.basscentre.com/british-bass-masters/bbm-betsy.html
  19. The Betsy is an incredibly well made jazz bass. Still very impressed. 1) The EMG pickups are not noisy. 2) The action came low and well set up from the Bass Centre where I believe they are set up again before shipping. 3) The original strings are still on the bass which is unusual for me as I normally change strings on basses straight away. The Elites are great.
  20. I’ve got it too. Is this legit?
  21. Oh yeah. I was told by the doctor I was getting old.
  22. I’ve tried high dose turmeric curcumin for a couple of months. Didn’t do a great deal for me.
  23. Thankfully not in hands yet but I have really bad arthritis in one of my big toes. I have had this for about three years or so. (I was sent for a X-ray for this and on my hands which are showing the beginnings of osteoarthritis.) It makes walking painful in normal shoes so I now wear walking shoes to work. I can’t run/jog anymore at all. And can still go for a walk but will really hurt after a while. Several different doctors have suggested the ibuprofen route and said that if I was a professional footballer then I would get treatment but I am not. However I am on medication that is stronger than ibuprofen for these dreadful headaches I get and it is noticeable when I come off it the arthritis gets much worse.
  24. Afternoon. Lovely bass. What’s the weight please?
  25. The bass, not the cat...
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