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Mister RLP

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Everything posted by Mister RLP

  1. What’s the weight on this please?
  2. +1 Mick Karn. Very drawn to other fretless players like John Giblin.
  3. Nice. I love the idea of the idea of swapping necks. I have a Matt Freeman bass and they are up there with much more expensive basses.
  4. Loads. But when I listen to the playback for the musicals I do I can’t hear them because bass in in the mix. Not as obvious as you think. Also bass parts for musicals are odd and so playing some wrong notes can actually sound right...
  5. I had one of these as my first bass. Really good build. Regret selling - although it now belongs to the head of music at my school so I can still play it if I want to!
  6. Afternoon. Wanted - a good home for two boxes of Bass Guitar Mag, Bass Player and Mojos. Will need to be collected from the school where I teach at in Brighton.
  7. +1 for weights of the basses.
  8. For some reason a word I want to use is being changed to 'pink torpedo'. Which seems worse than the original word. Possibly.
  9. No. Which is a bit odd as I always think that I should. A little bit excited, maybe. Perhaps it's because I am not that good that to get through to the other side without too many pink torpedo ups is an achievement...
  10. Thanks for getting back asap.
  11. I have been trying different strings on my p and j basses and have come to the conclusion that I still like Chromes on my p bass and the strings that the Flea Jazz bass came with. So moving on the Fender Fender .45 - .100 Flatwound strings 9050L. They are opened and cut to fit p or j bass however they were on the bass for less than a week. With the original packaging. £15 including postage.
  12. I have been trying different strings on my p and j basses and have come to the conclusion that I still like Chromes on my p bass and the strings that the Flea Jazz bass came with. So moving on the Fender .40 - .100 7250L Strings. They are opened and cut (well the E and A string are) to fit p or j bass however they were on the bass for less than 30 mins. With the original packaging. £12 including postage.
  13. What's the weight of this, please?
  14. My Matt Freeman (CV in all but name) is 8.5.
  15. Bobby Vega very entertaining but missed most of it as arrived later than planned. Good to hear Yolanda Charles playing with a top notch guitarist and drummer on the main stage.
  16. I liked the way they had divided the rooms up rather than having one big space. Didn’t seem as noisy.
  17. Really nice. These are great to play. Very tempted.
  18. Didn't realise Aimee Mann was a bass player. But not from the UK so doesn't count.
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