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Everything posted by Lebowsky

  1. Damn, I'm not on facebook but I guess I might have to break with my ethics if it's to find people to play with! I'll let you know in pm once I'm setup, thanks!
  2. Hey everyone! Just realized I didn't give feedback to your advice. I visited all music stores you guys listed during the summer, except the Guitar Guitar in Edinburgh because it wasn't really close to where I was. The Guitar Guitar in Glasgow has a huuuge bass department. Merchant City and CC Music had some nice instruments as well! In the end, I ended doing my removal by truck, so I brought my own basses with. It was still cheaper this way than buying a new bass Just moved a week ago, loving the city so far! Two more questions for you guys - whats the best classifieds website for general second hand equipment in the UK (music, but also computer gear, etc,)? ebay and gumtree? Any other to know about? Also, what about new music on CD (no vinyl), any stores carrying them in Edinburgh? Or is FOPP the only one? All those I tried only had second hand albums. Mono in Glasgow of course, but I need the equivalent in Edinburgh (I wasn't able to visit the Record Shak, closed when I went by, or Vinyl Villains, wasn't on my itinerary last summer, haven't been able to go back since I arrived)
  3. thanks for all the replies and tips so far, sorry I haven't been able to reply earlier, it's been a hectic week! one more thing I just thought about: what would be the best way to find people to play with in Scotland? are there specialized ads website or so? or if you know some bands who have a bassist with a broken wrist Mainly in the heavy rock/noise/hardcore/post-rock/post-metal etc. genres cheers!
  4. Hi there, long time since I have posted something! I will be moving to Edinburgh for a year in October, and before that will travel there as well in July. I was thinking of maybe buying a bass during the summer and leaving it there (will already have access to the flat). This would avoid having to bring a bass from Switzerland and then back, along with all the other luggage. Any recommendation for instrument stores in Edinburgh and Glasgow? Especially some that might carry decent 2nd hand instruments? Otherwise I might just haunt the classified section for a while Also, if you know of any good records shops in those cities, I'd love to get some addresses as well :) Thanks!
  5. Heliotrope sold
  6. Analogman sold
  7. Tonebender sold
  8. EBS are both the smallest, lowest profile and cheapest you'll ever find.
  9. here's my stuff. here's my new stuff. main board (PT-JR): edit: here's the chain: Mini -> PS-3-> Looper -> Loop 1 = Micro Boost -> Xotic -> Nano Pog -> Loop 2 (no switch) = Woodchipper -> Loop 3 = SubT -> Polytope -> Xero Deluxe -> Frantabit -> Nimbus -> Procession -> Proteus -> DD7 new Metro 16 add-on board: whole setup: (tuner is rackmount = room for more pedals ) main board (PT-JR): chain: Mini -> PS-3-> Looper -> Loop 1 = Micro Boost -> Xotic -> Nano Pog -> Loop 2 (no switch) = Woodchipper -> Loop 3 = SubT -> Polytope -> Xero Deluxe -> Frantabit -> Nimbus -> Procession -> Proteus -> DD7 Metro 16 add-on board: whole setup:
  10. so, just a small update on this. I changed my mind (well not really, but I didn't plan big enough ), and I needed to power only the Whammy + Blower Box. I tried to run the voodoo lab output splitter (last one [url="http://www.voodoolab.com/shop/index.php?cPath=22_24_33&osCsid=orpa9lkhou99sjcfrc63l80m74"]here[/url]) out of the 1-spot, but I guess the gound lift cable and Timelord don't work well together, because the Blower Box wouldn't light up. I then tried with a standard daisy chain cables with 4 outputs and it worked fine. So now I ordered [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Luxury-2-Way-Daisy-Chain-with-Small-Right-Angled-Plugs-for-Guitar-Effect-Pedals-/221555849002"]this[/url], because I don't really want to have those loose DC outputs...
  11. Sold a Micro POG to Michael, everything went smoothly, thanks mate!
  12. I a/b'ed the active and passive EB volume pedals. Tried with both an active and passive bass, and effects in front, and just bass -> volume -> amp. There was asbolutely no difference. The passive EB volume pedal has a switch inside, which allows to change the swell to something more linear (default is more logarithmic), hence why I prefer it.
  13. micro POG is sold
  14. If I was in the UK I'd check out the COG stuff... but you already did
  15. yeah, I'll make sure to report back!
  16. [b]Trade interests: [/b]Dr Scientist Bitquest, Red Panda or mwfx stuff and Earthquaker Devices Afterneath [b]Prices [/b]include shipping from Switzerland to the UK! [b]Earthquaker Devices Organizer[/b] - new [b]130£[/b] incl. shipping [b]Boss PH-3[/b] - This one is basically new, almost got not use at all. [b]70£[/b] incl. shipping [b]Catalinbread Heliotrope[/b] - Like new, cool bitscrushing / ring mod fuzz - [b]SOLD[/b] [b]90£[/b] incl. shipping [b]Analogman Chorus[/b] w/ depth toggle and internal mix trimpot - [b]SOLD[/b] [b]150£[/b] incl. shipping [b]EHX Micro POG[/b] - [b]SOLD[/b] [b]105£[/b] incl. shipping [b]Colorsound Tonebender[/b] - [b]SOLD[/b] [b]150£[/b] incl. shipping [b][sfx] custom shop Stage4[/b] - [b]TRADED[/b] [b]190£[/b] incl. shipping All pedals have velcro on the bottom, which can be removed, except the Heliotrope and Organizer (which have none). All pedals come with stock boxes and manuals. All prices include shipping to Europe only. I ship worldwide, but there might be a few additional shipping costs. Additional Stage 4 info, quoting max: [QUOTE]- Vol. Set the output level. The max volume gives small boost. - Shape. It controls the tone/frequency response. - Mids. The standard tone shape has a scoop on the mid frequencies. This switch linearise the frequency response. - Sub. It adds low frequencies to the signal. It is useful then the shape knob is turned clockwise. With the shape knob set to more than 12:00 the low frequencies are cut, this switch add some of the low frequencies. - The pedal is powered at 9V but internally it operates at around 18V. - The pedal has audio grade components for the active stages. In other words, the filter is similar to the Tonebender but everything around it has been redesigned.[/QUOTE] Feedback thread is here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/263481-feedback-for-lebowski/"]http://basschat.co.u...k-for-lebowski/[/url]
  17. I got a reply from the gigrig, they said they "can't guarantee it'll work with the 1spot because they only test with the rest of the gigrig system", so I ordered it anyway
  18. preordered my Metro 16 with hardcase here in Switzerland as well... can't wait!
  19. oh sorry, should have been more precise. I want to use a 1-spot to power the new Bass Whammy along with 2 other analog pedals. The Bass Whammy is 250ma, so the Gigrig or Diago Isolators are not powerful enough. There will be two other analog pedals in the 1-spot daisy chain (a bypass looper and a Fuzzrocious Rat Tail). I've read too many reviews that the Bass Whammy gets noisy in some cases when daisy chained, so the Timelord seems like the only option. A full power supply with isolated output just for those 3 pedals is overkill as I already have a 1spot. Unfortunately no room to use both the 1spot for the two analog pedals and the dedicated Bass Whammy PSU together.
  20. Thought UKers might be prone to be using Gigrig stuff Any of you using the Timelord to isolate a pedal from a daisy chain? Does it work with a 1spot or is it only made to be used with the rest of the Gigrig system? (I wrote them a couple of days ago but no reply yet)
  21. well those pedaldecks are looking good, I'd buy one if I was in the UK... but yeah, they kinda got beaten to it by the whole new pedaltrain line...
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