So is one mans junk anothers gold?
The reason for asking is i have somehow just realised i have a Shedload (meaning not to be confused with an exaggeration i mean an actual shed full) of old musical equipment odds and sods.
Now some of this comes from a time i was in a band with a lockup which when that fell apart a number of years ago i was left with the task of cleaning it out including all the stuff that had been left in the room from its previous studio use. The rest has been acquired over the years as we all do.
I have a mass of wires/cables some old solid-state (vintage if you like) Amps of various brands like H and H/Wem etc some PA cabs,old speaker cabs plus other bits i have forgotten about plus the appropriate amount of old heavy bass gear.
So my question is this can the none working bits be used as spares or projects by someone who is say doing a self build? is it worth my time to go through it all and see if i can clear it all out as i am going to buying a house soon and i don't fancy having it when i comes to moving? or do i just list it as a job lot on auction sites when i come to sell and hope a man with a van takes it away?
does anyone on here have experience with clearing out in this way?