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Everything posted by Joebethell

  1. Amazed no one has posted this yet! D minor the saddest of all keys! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YFM6QEPcob0
  2. I had slimmed down all my basses to one main bass and a project. I had an amp i was happy with. I had moved house so the only thing missing was a new band,after a few enquiries and trips out to meet people i have found someone to play with then comes the rub! My 30" scale passive semi really doesn't work for the band setup and with the music I'm going to be playing which is typical so the hunt was on for a 5string. I have owned a Dingwall in the past and a Mike Lull PT5 (if i could have found one i would of got a PT5 again) but i spotted this in the sales pages a couple of months ago but the ad had been taken down. So I was cheeky and asked if it was still available and after a short conversation it was on its way across the channel to me. I have heard good things about Zoot so thought it was worth the risk.(I didn't need to worry) Its a Beast one of the most resonate basses acoustic I have ever known its almost as loud acoustic as my guild. plays great and although I'm more of a passive fan I'm really liking the EMG Pre amp i can get a great punchy mid tone like a jazz bridge pickup on steroids that sits in the band mix very very well. Its got a bit of play since it was built in 2010 so I'm not worried about marks as a gigging bass and still need to give it a good clean especially the fret board as it has finger grot but I'm loving it and considering its a 34" scale the B is killer. Here are some of the specs [color=#333333][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]made in the UK in 2010.[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Slab body made of ash, maple neck&fretboard,[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]EMG 40P5 neck pickup, EMG 40DC bridge pickup,[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]EMG BQC system preamp,[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]34 inch scale, 45 mm nut width, 17.5mm string spacing,[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]only 4.1 kg![/font][/color]
  3. Heads up to anyone who is after a Wal. Just spotted this one on evil bay seems cheap although it has been messed with. Rear control cavity,Matt Black finish and only working in passive. Could be a good buy to someone who is prepared to do a bit of work http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/252438892604
  4. Have now traded and purchased from [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Marinus can't recommend dealing with him highly enough. Lovely bloke and extremely easy and quick to deal with even easier than some deals i have done in the [/color][/font][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]uk. [/font][/color]
  5. drones!! And now some double neck/chaos midi bass. Chris is bringing the a game.
  6. Think I may have found something just sorting out the funds
  7. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1466683722' post='3077850'] This may seem an odd query, but just because a band uses low tunings generally, why does the bass need to tune down? I must admit I don't really know the styles of music that use low tunings. At all. [/quote] Hi the music style has a heavy edge to it and although i can play the notes in a higher register it sits in the mix much better with the lower tunings. [quote name='Grahambythesea' timestamp='1466687908' post='3077899'] Your choice is vast so why not set yourself some parameters. Do you want a 5 string version of what you have now? You say your playing a Guild, apart from the Pilot most of them are short scale and Ibanez now make a short scale 5 string which people on here say is good. Do you want a variation on the classic P & Js, as well as Fender lots of others make them such as Lakland, Spector Coda, Schecter, ESP, to name but a few then there are some slight variations on the theme like the Gibson EB5 new for under£900, the Musicmans and G & Ls etc Then perhaps you should ask yourself active of passive? There are a lot of great active basses out there not least Ibanez, Spector Euros, Yamaha, Warwick, MTD , ACG and loads of smaller manufacturers. Perhaps an afternoon in a specialist bass shop like Bass Direct of the Bass Lounge might be helpful in deciding what you like and more importantly what you don't like. Good luck and happy hunting! So far i know i prefer passive.I have spotted the Ibanez artcore i would be conceded about string tension on the low b at 30" scale but would be keen to try one as my guild is a 30" scale starfire. I also understand i have a fair few choices and have owned a couple of 5s in the past (dingwall and Lull to name drop) so I am open to many different options really was kinda hoping some one would point out something that blew them away etc, But like you say can always head to a shop or fall back on the usual suspects like the big F, G and L ,MM [/quote]
  8. love the green Sanberg. Think its going to be hard to narrow it down to a couple basses that will do what i need then pick which i like the most.
  9. So I planned on sticking with 4strings and had got to a point of no GAS I'm still in love with my Guild but i have found a band to play with and the bass just doesn't fit. (I do have another 4string but that has other issues that will take some time to work out and Mod) A fair bit of the music is tuned down and can be as low as C# so looks like I'm going to be looking for a 5string again or at least a 34/35inch scale four that can be strung with heavy gauge/dropped string set . Just wondering on what people would recommend New/secondhand no more than 1000 ideally a lot less. Thanks
  10. The limelight P with Jneck looks sweet!
  11. I only went 2ohm as my valve head does 2 or 4(I believe you can run it at 8ohm on the 4setting but didn't want to risk it for a long period) I won't ever want a second 410 can could see no reason why I would so opted for 2ohm (coincidently they sent it configured to 8 to start with by mistake) lucky I hadn't run it at any volume before I realised.
  12. 2ohm is what I went for its a beast!
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1466434746' post='3075775'] Be aware, if you're not already familiar with amps of this ilk, that they are a glazier's heaven. We use a Hiwatt 200w (4 x KT88...); eminently suitable for the disposal of D-Day bunkers when roused. Just sayin'. [/quote] it has tone to spare so if its half as loud as i think i may be raising the dead! used to have a D180 but this seems to have much more power and a real sweet spot in the tone (kick in the resonance switch and melt).
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1466425202' post='3075667'] ... and I forgot to add 'Very nice rig, very nice basses.' [/quote] Just need to get it up to volume and the basses are great I'm in love with the Starfire.
  15. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1466423921' post='3075651'] I find that using an external host (Imgur, for example...) solves all problems... [/quote] thanks will give it a go.
  16. It's the whole IPhone thing on here haven't figured out how to stop them flipping sideways on basschat
  17. So after a couple of bumps along the way and some extremely pleasurable deals and trades with the good folk of this forum. I can show off my new setup. I moved house and area so without a band for a little time (although that may also be on the cards) I set myself the task of finding a sound I have wanted for a while. First up the head is the Traynor YBA300 a wonderful all valve beast that has so much headroom its frankly embarrassing. It's such a nice sounding head I can't wait to get it cranked in a live situation. Second and by no means least it he Barefaced 410! Yes yes it's another barefaced post but this cab is light and punchy and fits the frankly massive head with its 2ohm load. Just got to break it in as work keeps stopping me having fun. Also slimmed my pedalboard right down and took delivery of a very nice custom bass (which I am tempted to mod a little) in the not so distant future. As always this thread is worthless without pics so ....
  18. We had stand tickets at the rear and for the roses the sound was great you could make everything out. The supports not so much at all. Northern Quarter was where I ended up after as well soaked to the skin dancing away to a load of 90s indie in Day and Night Cafe till the wee hours.
  19. So I didn't make it in from the start but from what I gather doors from 16:30 first act on at about 17:40ish I got in about 18:45ish caught some reggae then PE on at 19:45. The Roses came on at 21:00. Things to note really the tram/buses were overwhelmed really on the way there and didn't even bother on the way back just walked to central Manchester. But it was a great night apart from that Mani(playing a jazz for most of the night!) and Reni on top form
  20. Bass looks great still not the same since john Left again!
  21. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1465934173' post='3072295'] I don't know how your house is laid out but if you have a porch I imagine they would have knocked on that door rather than the inner door. I know from experience that it's not always very easy to get people to hear when knocking on the door even if they are waiting in. It's unfortunate but as they are on a time limit if they don't get an answer within a certain time they have got to move on. As Twincam said I would have been at the window and would have heard the van pull up outside the house. At beaten them to the door. I've never had a problem with DPD or UPS before. Actually always found DPD to be superb. [/quote] Maybe but they then opened the unlocked porch door to chuck the no access card on the floor as the letterbox is on the inner door
  22. So as told by the person I called as no one contacted me that they had left a none existent voice mail on my given number that was with me all day? And they cannot re route the driver to me as he has left the area. After explaining I was at work the rest of the week or away they told me to drop it at a collection point! Which I have done. UPS yet another company who cannot do the job they are there to do Collect or deliver parcels!
  23. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1465916211' post='3072071'] The good news is you can go and have your shower now....! [/quote] Not yet as I'm waiting again either for a phone call or van to show up again after a call to the customer service number!
  24. having been to a lot of festivals I find some are better than others but all suffer with sound. I find positioning within the crowd really makes a difference( not always possible to get to the front but)I find if you are further out than the second/outer speaker ring(bigger stages) the sound is worse than the innerring (usually has the sound tower within this first section) and smaller stages/crowds suffer less. I guess it's a dispersion thing the further out less bass to travel etc.
  25. Even better have just found a no access card in my porch apparently people don't know how to knock doors anymore! This day just gets better and better. I have been sat waiting for them less than 3feet from the door. Even put off having a shower as I didn't want to miss them!
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