This friday I'm going to use a valve amp for the first time in our Pink Floyd tribute band.
It's a Laney Supergroup 100 I bought from Moonbassalpha. The thing sounds bloody phenomenal!
It has no DI out so I was thinking of micing the cab - a nemesis 1 x 15. A good idea ot not?
if I mic it, what would be the best mic to use - I have a choice of:
A JTS kick drum mic,
T Bone 57 copy
Behringer 8500 (I think?!) 58 copy
Where would be the best place to put the mic?
Would I be better sticking a Behringer BDI21 after my effects and DI'ing from that. trouble is i would lose the sound of my amp through the PA, and I don't want to taint the sound of my amp by using the valve emulation on the BDI21.
Any other hints, tips or tricks of using valves live would be much appreciated.