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Everything posted by ben_eat_pie

  1. That's bad man... you thought of going on the game? Lots of capitol letters too....?
  2. Hi there, I've just been fidling around with my gear as I have a few spare hours (of which I should be revising in). I plugged in as per usual and started playing. After messing around with the tone controls for a few seconds I realised that there was a huge boost of sound when I was touching the bass pot. When I let goof the pot there's a huge decrease in bass output, and therefore it's bloody hard to actually set the bass up accurately as the levels dip in and out as you change them! It also makes a difference if I'm touching the strings (+pot) too - even louder! I opened her up and had a look around inside and there's no obvious loss of connection - here's a few pics of inside: [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/37914818@N02/3575300651/"]Bass[/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/37914818@N02/3576107966/"]Troublesome pot[/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/37914818@N02/3576107778/"]Other pots[/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/37914818@N02/3576108138/"]Earthing thing[/url] From what I can see there is no wiring problem - but why is there this huge difference in sound when I'm touching the pots? Any advice/information would be great! Thanks for your time! Ben
  3. I love the fact that the neck is even slightly bent at the base! Sweet looking bit of wood - but not practical enough for my liking. I'd have it on the wall though! Ben
  4. Wow that's expensive! I'm going to email him and tell him how much this one sold for and see if I can get the price a load more reasonable! Glad you're liking the sound.... Thanks for the first dibs offer! Ben
  5. This man is awesome! Excellently patient, quick and reliably packaged parcels delivered at speed! Awesome dealing with this gentleman, highly recommend! Ben
  6. My god that's gorgeous! Would you do a part exchange for a set of speakers and some cash! Does it have a case Would love this guitar so much! Ben
  7. Is the bridge pick up active or passive? or does it not matter! Ben
  8. [quote name='ben_eat_pie' post='486157' date='May 12 2009, 05:21 PM']This looks gorgeous! Would love it if I had the money - I'll see if I can get some extra work! Bump for a lush looking amp![/quote] Bugger..... I actually got some extra work too - enough to cover the cost of buying this amp! I'm gutted.... can I have 1sts on it if you ever want to sell it sir? Ben
  9. here's a link to the speakers: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=48692"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=48692[/url]
  10. I don't believe many people have! It was a friend of the guy who I bought the cab off who had a small production line in custom cabs. E.L.K - no idea what it stands for unfortunately. I've taken the badge off simply to save hassle at gigs! "Who's that cab made by then?" I agree, It's a long old way to travel! Ben If you like the speakers a lot then you could but them on their own - then they could be posted. I've already listed them as I bought another set to put in the cab temporarily while I built a BFM cab.
  11. WOW i've only just seen this - what the hell is going on! I gave feedback on nobody! Despite this I did buy some straplocks a long time ago - from here!
  12. That's taysteee! I'd eat it if I had the cash! I'm going to have to check the finances before I say I'm in! I've got a whole jazz bass with a warped neck waiting to be fitted!
  13. I've got an ELK! [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/37914818@N02/page2/"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/37914818@N02/page2/[/url] if you're interested! Ben
  14. what colour is this? There are two (or more) tortoiseshell pick guard colours.... is this the lighter or darker of the two? Thanks
  15. Bump, these are literally going to sitting unused until I sell them. Any offer of a trade or cash will pretty much seal the deal! Ben
  16. [quote name='Jesso' post='486258' date='May 12 2009, 07:11 PM']PM'd[/quote] You mentioned a PM, I havn't got it! Ben
  17. Hi there, Any reason for sale? Would you trade one for my pair of my Tayden's? It would give me yet another project build to complete! Cheers, Ben
  18. This looks gorgeous! Would love it if I had the money - I'll see if I can get some extra work! Bump for a lush looking amp!
  19. Hi there, I have a pair of Tayden Audio Systems ltd. 10" 150W 16 ohm drivers up for grabs. I've recently sorted myself out a pair of replacement speakers, so these a are surplus to requirements - make an offer, and I'll probably take it! My plan is to re-speaker my current cab and replace with speakers to make the cab a 4 ohm rather than 8. This is basically to minimise the amount of gear I'm lugging about. The cab they're in isn't amazing, so I'll eventually build a BFM 10.5 or something on the lines of that for a better enclosure, using the speakers I've just got hold of. No idea on a price, I've no idea what they're worth so make an offer! Oh they're red too, email if you want any specific pics. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/37914818@N02/3488524923/"]Back panel on speaker[/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/37914818@N02/3489338602/"]Back panel[/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/37914818@N02/3489339052/"]Cab[/url] I'm based in South Norfolk, and have transport so can deliver within reason. Thanks for looking, Ben EDIT: Price £40.00 + delivery (around £10)
  20. Looked into prices, and unfortunately they're a bit unreasonable for my wallet!
  21. Let us all know! Ben
  22. Yeh, makes it a bit heavy - but noting on what the combo weighs, and I'm not interested particularly in the speaking in the combo. If you want any tips or measurments doing I'll happily oblidge - I drew the idea up on a Computer Aided Design program called prodesktop to get a good idea of what it'll look like. It's getting a hobby now, so if you want something designing I'll do it just for laughs, and I can email you screenshots etc. Have you though about changing the speaker in you 1 x 15 cab to mak it 4 ohm to get the full power out of your amp? Cheers, Ben
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