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Everything posted by Hit&Run

  1. ...aahh, as I suspected. So, the bottom line with passive J pickups is: they'll hum unless there's a matched pair of them on full volume? Looks like I'll be checking out full humbucking PJ sets then.
  2. Like it says in the title, what happens to the hum from a J pickup when it's used with a P pickup? Does the P make the hum go away, unless the J is solo'd? Your thoughts please, ladies & gentlemen.
  3. Mine weighs quite a bit, but a nice wide strap sorts that out! I swapped the pups for dimarzios, put a badassII on, and then went mad and got a j-retro and fender headstock decal just to complete the pimping. Mine's got a figured maple neck (I think). It looks sweeter than a bog standard maple neck. Maybe I should photo it? I took my VMJ with me when I bought an ashdown amp from steve-soar (on this forum). He thought it was the real deal. 'Nuff said.
  4. [quote name='Adee' post='139667' date='Feb 13 2008, 04:50 PM']Got my brand new Fender USA S1 P-Bass in Milton Keynes Sound Control for £499 what a [color="#FF0000"]Fupping [/color]BARGAIN ! Its the Butterscotch Blonde, Black plate with Maple board I love it ![/quote] Someone's been watching Father Ted.
  5. [quote name='Rumple' post='139134' date='Feb 12 2008, 10:17 PM']I have no idea how the OLP's play...[/quote] ..I've got one, and they play nice. Very good VFM and nice looks too.
  6. I've got a VM Jazz and it's awesome; nice looking and nice playing.
  7. I've bought mine in the past from this US [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/MyMusicStuff_Electric-Bass-Strings_W0QQcolZ2QQdirZ1QQfsubZ3QQftidZ2QQtZkm"]ebay shop[/url]. The prices are good.
  8. [quote name='Jase' post='137908' date='Feb 11 2008, 12:09 AM'][url="http://www.guitaremporium.co.uk/"]http://www.guitaremporium.co.uk/[/url] Take a look [/quote] I had a look as soon as I'd asked the question (like usual!) I think I was getting guitar emporium mixed up with fareastguitars.co.uk, but I'm sorted now. It looks like Malc can get his hands on quite a bit of swag...
  9. [quote name='Chopthebass' post='137767' date='Feb 10 2008, 07:28 PM']I just placed my order with Malcolm at the guitar emporium, and I'm glad I did. There is a price reduction on the Jap range, plus I also negotiated the price down a bit more.[/quote] Can 'Malcolm' get his hands on anything (Japanese Fender wise) then? If so I may have to drop him a line. Bo!
  10. So where does definitely ship Japanese fender goodies to the UK? I quite liked the look of www.rockinn.co.jp, but their banner states "sorry, we can only accept orders from Japan only". I need a white Japanese jazz bass real badly!
  11. Don't forget the Highway 1
  12. I've got some dimarzio model J (DP123) pups in my squier 70s VMJ and they're sweet. Series & parallel wiring/switching is an option I took advantage of (why not?), and Dimarzios can be had for very reasonable prices from the [url="http://www.bestbassgear.com/dimarzio-pickups.htm"]USA[/url]. I think Bass Player did a shoot-out of jazz bass pups a while back. Both the dimarzio sets faired well I seem to remember.
  13. [quote name='theosd' post='105439' date='Dec 17 2007, 05:22 PM']Does the drummer remind anyone else of Nick Frost (Shaun of the Dead, Spaced)??[/quote] He looks like a cross twixt Nick Frost & Rolf Harris. "Tie me six-stringer down mate!" Impressive playing nontheless.
  14. I remember seeing him play a 6 string headless on TOTP. I think.
  15. Post a link to the video and I'm sure more 'chatters will furnish you with their wisdom. I don't have any wisdom to give.
  16. [quote name='Dave_MuadDib' post='133392' date='Feb 4 2008, 02:37 AM']On ebay, I've seen Daisy Chain extensions for DC adapters that provide 5 or more outputs[/quote] I've got one of these 5 way adapters and am now after a variable voltage (9v, 18v, 27v, 36v etc..) 'wall wart' to plug it into. Any ideas on what to use or where to get one? Or can I plug the 5-way into a normal 9v adapter and run multiple pedals off that? I think it sounds risky, but I don't know enough about it to be sure either way. Also, I've only got 2 pedals that I want to run off it at the moment, though this may change in future. So assuming I find a suitable variable voltage power source (if needed), would I be alright plugging 2 of the 5 ends into my 2 pedals and leaving the other 3 'hanging around'... until I have more pedals? Bo!
  17. He must sho' love 'em T-40s!
  18. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='130609' date='Jan 30 2008, 12:50 PM']Just seen this on German ebay...some interesting other basses from this seller too- check out the 6 string bass ! [url="http://cgi.ebay.de/HK-AK-47-4-SAITER-BASS-TARNFARBEN-LACK-SONDERFERTIGUNG_W0QQitemZ330207738677QQihZ014QQcategoryZ87492QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.de/HK-AK-47-4-SAITER-BASS-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote] Not that I want to be anally retentive, but that looks more like an M16 than an AK47.
  19. [quote name='evilLordJuju' post='131380' date='Jan 31 2008, 04:30 PM']Bach will make you anything, if you can get together an order for 25 of them....[/quote] Do you need to have an order of 25 instruments, or is that just for custom orders to make it worth their while?
  20. [quote name='beerdragon' post='131423' date='Jan 31 2008, 05:34 PM']When i first saw the site they had a ric copy. but that seems to have gone. maybe if i email them....[/quote] ...anything like [url="http://www.bachmusik.com/en/p101035/rbb-2-hb/"]this[/url]? It's set neck, not through neck though. They've got shedloads of basses on this site!
  21. One of [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Peavey-T-40-T40-T-40-1978-bass-precision-made-VGC_W0QQitemZ190194485989QQihZ009QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]these[/url] is on t'bay again
  22. What wattage and ohmage(?) is this cab?
  23. [quote name='Bassassin' post='21965' date='Jun 22 2007, 02:51 PM']Hi Roman - glad you signed up here - there's quite a lot of interest in your instruments , I think. So, if I order a bass through the Bachmusik website, would €28.50 be the shipping charge to the UK? Cheers, Jon.[/quote] ..no reply to that then! I'm lusting after some of these babies [b]big time[/b]! I generally pimp up budget basses anyway, so these look sweet as a nut.
  24. Did anyone on here ever order a 'BaCH' bass from the czech republic? Seeing that their [url="http://www.bachmusik.com/en/p100985/bach-jb-04s-bk/"]Marcus-a-like[/url] comes in at under £200, I'm sure someone on here must've had a punt with one of their basses. Is the Czech Reupublic in the EU as well? Would that mean no customs/import etc..
  25. Apparently he had a solo album released in 1983 called 'Glad to Be Here'. Presumably released when Chic split. An ironic title with hindsight. I've not heard it though, so I can't comment on what it's like. I imagine it'd be quite rare. Edwards was a bass colossus. I can't wait for Stuart Clayton to release his 'Ultimate Funk & Disco Grooves' book. In my opinion it'll be a 'must own' for groove disciples... and naff bass players like me who want to groove.
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