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Everything posted by Hit&Run

  1. I paid for a bass from the US on 16-12-07, and was quoted 6-10 days delivery time. Obviously being around Xmas will slow things down, but this thread isn't doing me any favours with horror stories! I paid $120 shipping, and don't know how or who they're shipping it with. Maybe I am a born pessimist, but this could get messy at my expense... It was off ebay so hopefully I've got some form of 'buyer protection' (I used paypal).
  2. they've got the 5 string jazz new for £209.99 plus shipping [url="http://www.dv247.com/invt/froogle/38606/"]here[/url]
  3. [quote name='Buzz' post='107914' date='Dec 21 2007, 10:42 PM']+1 for BassPartsResource Roughly half price AND they're a lovley bunch who mark down the parcels so you don't pay customs.[/quote] I've bought badass bridges from basspartsresource and the prices were much better than in the UK. I got stung by customs, but I did order 3 of them!
  4. [quote name='fede162162' post='110427' date='Dec 29 2007, 02:15 AM']BEHRINGER Tube Composer T1952: 110 euro (4 tubes!)[/quote] Does anyone have any experience of these? They can be had for about £100 from UK dealers. Would they be suited to bass use or are they more for general studio use? Harmony central has some positive reviews but none look bass specific.
  5. [quote name='Toasted' post='111054' date='Dec 30 2007, 05:47 PM']Chris, where was this stolen from? Also, I didn't know you were in BWB [/quote] I'm a Bradfordian, so I'll keep my eyes peeled locally. I'd also be interested to know where the gear was stolen from. What's BWB?
  6. Haven't we seen this before somewhere? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hand-made-fretless-bass-active_W0QQitemZ260197968304QQihZ016QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]warwick prototype[/url]
  7. Aphex's 'Punch Factory' is meant to be pretty good. I haven't got one myself but they did get good reviews in magazines (IIRC). There's bound to be a few people on here (basschat) that do have one, and I'm sure they'll chime in. It looks pretty simple to use with 2 rotary controls and an on/off footswitch. Price wise, they're about £85 delivered from a UK supplier, or about £60 delivered from the US. Though you may get stung for some VAT/import duty if importing from the USA... I've been thinking about one for a while...
  8. Are these basses the same as the original Bass Collection instruments? They look extraordinarily similar in design, and as a bonus are very cheap. It's even called an SB301!! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SX-SB301-Bass-Guitar-Fusion-Bass-Guitar-Red-Brand-New_W0QQitemZ290194393281QQihZ019QQcategoryZ4713QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem"]SB301[/url] What's the deal, guys? (Apologies if someone's already asked this question.)
  9. I've got a Peavey Black Widow (4 ohm) and it's 700W 'program'. Whatever 'program' means. It's very manly, imho.
  10. I think OBBM (on this forum) makes guitar leads (amongst other things). I generally buy a cable that looks meaty & decent, then replace the jack plugs when I break 'em. I never have problems with the cable itself, it's the jacks that take the battering.
  11. A lot of bad sh!t goes down at Xmas, which is why I hate this time of year. On a slightly more positive note, those basses look pretty tasty, and kicking off at £100 with no reserve you'll sell 'em with no problems. I hope your situation improves in the new year.
  12. I've gone for the P-pickup spot because that's where I like to rest/anchor my thumb. [quote name='Bassassin' post='108916' date='Dec 24 2007, 01:56 PM']Lately I'm using more of a floating thumb tech, resting my forearm on the top of the body..[/quote] Resting your forearm on the top edge of the body can lead to [i]carpal tunnel syndrome[/i]. Or so I've heard. That said, I wish I could get some decent floating thumb action going down. Then I wouldn't be limiting my choice of basses and their respective pickup placements.
  13. That 11 string Benavente looks like a right handful! Breedlove = Bleedlove. Awesome. Cai, I concurr: that PRS is stunning. Is it just me, or does Mark Egan always look quite ill?
  14. Well I've found this [url="http://www.bulldogproducts.co.uk/gstraps_c.htm"]strap[/url], and for £26 inc UK P&P I think it's rather good. I hope they're still trading... *Edit* or there's these [url="http://www.sound-insite.co.uk/Straps-and-plectrums.shtml"]plain[/url] which look very good vfm. They reckon they'll have 'em back in stock in 3 weeks.
  15. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='108562' date='Dec 23 2007, 02:28 PM']Item no. 150197376630 Anyone have any clues? Considering ponying up, and having a warlock body I have laying about routed for the ultimate in bad taste. I really don't see it being practical in any way. Apparently it comes with no routing guidelines, but fits like a floyd Rose. I asked: 'Hi we don't have any instructions Because Installing like a floyd rose system also Include springs and claw ,hinge post etc. Thank you for asking'[/quote] Go for it; you might like it!
  16. He (Stuart) should get someone to make a headstock decal that says 'Zender' in the style of 'Fender', and then he won't have to tape over it.
  17. [quote name='Alien' post='108376' date='Dec 23 2007, 12:09 AM']What about buying a big leather belt, cutting it in the appropriate place, and punching holes for strap buttons? Mate of mine had a strap that started life as a belt.[/quote] ..worth consideration, though I doubt I'd be able to find a strap wide enough that didn't have a New Look/Primark slogan emblazoned on it. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled just in case, though.
  18. I agree about Squiers: [color="#0000FF"]"you often forget that you're not playing a much more expensive instrument! This seems to be something that Squier are getting very good at these days. The current range of Squier basses never seems to feel cheap or built down to a price as such"[/color]: I've bought 2 Squier basses in the last year, and I may get another! OTPJ: How much did you fork out for the Wentz?
  19. [quote name='99ster' post='107896' date='Dec 21 2007, 10:01 PM']Something like this??? [url="http://www.eldoradostraps.com/products-over.htm"]http://www.eldoradostraps.com/products-over.htm[/url][/quote] They look a bit pricey to be honest. I'm a hardcore skinflint. I've had a bit of a search myself and found UK places offering straps for what they (eldorado) would cost. It also looked like they were thin straps with a wide shoulder pad, and I was after a strap that's wide all the way along it's length. Cheers for posting it anyway 99ster.
  20. [quote name='Jase' date='Dec 21 2007, 08:30 PM' post='107845']does anybody now of a practice aid where I can just lob a disc in, plug my bass and headphones in and work on covers and practice without the worry of something crashing!!!! Tascam bass trainer? [url="http://www.tascam.com/details;8,21,17.html"]tascam[/url] I got one second hand for £60 locally, and they often pop up on [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TASCAM-CD-BT1-mk11-Portable-CD-BASS-Guitar-Trainer_W0QQitemZ120200177816QQihZ002QQcategoryZ15199QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]ebay[/url].
  21. I'd quite like a nice black guitar strap with a buckle, [i]a la Marcus[/i]. It doesn't have to be identical to his, just as long as it's black, has a buckle, and is preferably quite wide for load-bearing duties. I haven't seen one in a shop for a while; so do any of you guys know of products and/or retailers that fit my requirements? Bo!
  22. [quote name='Damien1080' post='106262' date='Dec 18 2007, 11:33 PM']from what ive got from using google- the SSD's are humbuckers/soapbar and the HZ series are the Precision,Jazz or PJ pickups[/quote] I see...
  23. [quote name='Shockwave' post='106104' date='Dec 18 2007, 06:02 PM']Older ones have HZ's newer ones have SSD.[/quote] Which variety are considered 'better' (HZ or SSD)?
  24. [quote name='99ster' post='101041' date='Dec 7 2007, 05:59 PM']GAS is a weird thing - once it gets you - you're done for...there's no way back now![/quote] Amen Bro. I personally agree with that statement, though not all will. There is no right or wrong number of instruments. Where is the line drawn between collector and player? Can both co-exist or are they mutually exclusive? If you have the money and the urge, buy as many as you have room for. A bass will retain some residual value should you ever fall on hard times. If you're happy with your 'bass soul mate' then stay faithful to her. Everyone's personal viewpoint will be dependent upon the factors that influence them (money, storage, insurance, transport, nagging spouse, stage clumsiness...etc)
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