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Everything posted by Hit&Run

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='837138' date='May 14 2010, 01:43 PM']Could you check the resistance?[/quote] Possibly, if I knew how. What equipment would I need to do this? My lead guitarist may be able to help out. [url="http://www.stagebox.com/proddetail.asp?pid=152"]This[/url] looks like my cable, so it's not like it's a super premium lead or anything. Still, I don't want to damage anything of mine by using it incorrectly. Maybe they ran out of correct jack plugs when they were making mine? I could always carry it as a spare, and hope one of the guitarists needs to use it before I do. Thereby minimising risk to my gear...
  2. A mate has given me a guitar lead, and I wonder if anyone could shed any light on it, so to speak. Here's the stats: [list] [*]It's black [*]It's got a coloured plastic ring at each jack (green at one end & yellow at the other) [*]It says "Series X Professional Audio Sound Cable For Electric Guitar" [/list] Now, I've got other guitar leads (directional?) where there is a mini guitar icon on one jack plug & a mini speaker icon on the other plug so you know which 'way' to use the cable. This guitar lead has a speaker graphic on both plugs, so does this mean it's a speaker lead? The fact the actual cable has "Series X Professional Audio Sound Cable For Electric Guitar" written on it would lead me to believe that it's a guitar cable, but why not have guitar icons on the jack plugs rather than speaker ones? Has anyone else ever come across this sort of thing before? Thanks in advance, H&R PS here's a couple of photos so you can check out the icons on the jack plugs.
  3. Passive I think. The battery is just for the lights under the control knobs.
  4. [quote name='charic' post='797671' date='Apr 6 2010, 03:46 PM']Done mine through Endsleigh. Cant remember the cost tho...[/quote] Endsleigh seem to get a lot of love on here, so I gave them a call and they quoted me £187.50 pa for £15k of cover. I remember that someone somewhere said their cover was more than £10k, which the Endsleigh online calculator didn't seem to like. Having just spoken to the Endsleigh characters, it turns out I'd need 2 policies, one to the max of £10k and another for the remaining £5k. £187.50 is probably the best quote I've had yet, but I'd like to go lower if applicable. How do you guys get cover for £35 a year? Or is it the £15k amount that pushes my premiums into the stratosphere? H&R
  5. [quote name='jonny-lad' post='797406' date='Apr 6 2010, 12:16 PM']Mine's through the MU, with Hencilla Canworth - you get £2000 of insurance free, and then 'top up' to include extra that goes over that...Lot's of other similar benefits aswell when you join the MU.[/quote] Having spoken to my insurers 3 times today, I've now been told that they won't insure me, and I've got a 7 day 'grace period' to sort out new cover for everything. Every person I spoke to at theAA gave me different answers! Looking at musicguard it'd cost me over £300 pa to have my stuff insured, with 25% being covered away from the 'main address' and including theft from a car. Ouch. How much does the MU insurance cost, on top of the MU joining fee? This may work out cheaper. Any other offers? Please keep 'em coming. Looks like I'll have to sort this out sooner, rather than later. H&R
  6. Apologies if this dead horse has been flogged before, but I've got an insurance query. My band has recently got exclusive access to a (locked) rehearsal room, so I was wondering if my gear would be insured if it was stolen from that location. My lead guitarist says his home contents cover sorts his gear out irrespective of where it is located. The git. I hope he's read the small print. I'd purposely taken out extra cover with my home contents insurance, and paid extra for cover away from home to make sure my gear would be ok, but having phoned my insurers this morning (theAA, underwritten by zurich) it turns out my harem of basses (about 30 instruments, eek) won't be covered as: 1) They're musical instruments 2) They're worth too much as a collection/unit (about £10k) ....and I was advised to take out separate insurance for my music gear. Do any of you guys have a home insurance policy that covers your gear at gigs & rehearsal rooms as well? If so, how much are you paying? My current home & contents insurance is about £400 pa, and specialist musical insurance on top will be at least £200, if not more (from somewhere like musicguard). So, what's the deal guys? Have any of you sorted out decent insurance for minimal outlay? Thanks, H&R
  7. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='786454' date='Mar 25 2010, 11:00 PM'][url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/kramer-disciple-bass-guitar-black-cayenne-red--66869"]HERE[/url] BB[/quote] About a minute after I posted that I googled it myself and found quite a few. What a fool! I deleted the above post before checking if anyone had replied. They seem pretty good value for what you get. H&R
  8. I think the badass 3 bridges can take through body or top loading strings. Hipshot make at least one bridge that'll do top or through. I think it's called a transtone.
  9. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='771441' date='Mar 11 2010, 11:53 AM']Are the instruments otherwise identical? Other factors may influence the cost, especially the country of manufacture![/quote] They seem to be pretty similar. I had thought that the cheapest squiers may have alder off-cuts used as a 13 piece body. Maybe squier thought that an alder body on their entry level jazz bass may sway a few more people away from other 'budget' brands?
  10. According to the squier website the standard series have agathis bodies, and the (cheaper) affinity series have alder bodies. I had thought that alder was considered 'tonally superior' to agathis, or is this just an old wives tale? Thanks, H&R
  11. Is this strictly trades only, or would you sell it?
  12. [quote name='redstriper' post='768352' date='Mar 8 2010, 07:06 PM']Flats may not be your thing by the sound of it - if you like the tone of new rounds, then you should forget flats cos they'll never do that. The older they get, the duller they sound, which suits me fine but may be you're idea of toneless mud ![/quote] I'm not that massive a fan of box-fresh rounds, I like low end, and I knew the flats would sound different. With more time, playing and EQ tweaking I'll be a lot more qualified to judge the sound of the strings. I have got some rotosound pressure wound on a fretless, which are like a half rounds, I think. They feel a bit rougher on the fingers than the flats.
  13. I think one of the 'budget' brands did a transparent purple perspex bass. One of these would definitely fit in your price range.
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='768303' date='Mar 8 2010, 06:25 PM']It'll be a while before they break in anyway...[/quote] Apparently 3 years or so. At least it'll save me buying loads of roundwounds! I just want evrything today, but I guess there's some things that you just can't rush.
  15. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='762831' date='Mar 3 2010, 12:22 PM']Just some advice to the OP... Flats generally sound terrible in a solo bass situation, but bear with them.[/quote] I thought that my LaBellas sounded sweet when playing solo (& unamplified), but then got a bit lost in the mix at last weeks rehearsal. Or so I thought. It was a louder than usual rehearsal. I thought they (the flats) were maybe a bit too bassy, but the lead guitarist reckoned they were too trebley! Do flats take a bit of time to 'bed in' then? And how long will this take before I reach the 'promised land' roughly? As an aside, once the Labellas were on my SX P bass, I found I could lower the action quite a bit on the bass, certainly lower than with the rounds that were on it previously. Is this a common by-product of stringing up with flats, ie lower action? Is it because they cause less fret buzz? Thanks, H&R
  16. What colour is this bass?
  17. I decided to go for status hotwires on the fretless and LaBellas on the SX P bass in the end. Unfortunately the D string from the LaBellas snapped at the machinehead before it was tuned up to pitch. I emailed LaBella on Saturday morning about this, and today a replacement D string landed up. I bought the Labellas from Stringbusters.com, and they've sorted me out quickly & easily. I recommend stringbusters.com, as do many on here, because their service is top drawer. And they were cheaper than some other sites I looked on as well. A lot of people had mentioned that the LaBellas have a high string tension, or apparent high string tension. Is it likely that I'll need to tweak the truss rod a little now I've got all 4 strings on the bass? Thanks, H&R
  18. Is this the normal width strap or one of the 3" wide versions? Thanks
  19. Does anyone know of any guitar teachers who do lessons at their students' home (peripatetic?). in the Bradford area? The student is the son of a colleague of mine, and he's 8 years old. As such, I don't think he's bothered about anything that heavy, just learning some old classics would probably do. Do you know anyone who would fit the bill? Thanks, H&R
  20. [quote name='obbm' post='757747' date='Feb 25 2010, 11:59 PM']The clue here is in the title AC/AC.[/quote] I can't believe I didn't pick up on that. I never even thought about it! I had seen one on RS, but I don't know if the jack would fit the preamp box, so I reckon I'll get one from [url="http://cpc.farnell.com/1/1/70759-ac-ac-adaptor-9v-2600ma-me090a260uk-pro-elec.html"]here[/url]. It's not a wall wart, but I don't think that will matter for my intended applications. As always, thanks for the advice. H&R
  21. I bought a behringer tube preamp/DI box off ebay, like [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/mar04/articles/behringermic100.htm"]this[/url] which comes with a power supply. Unfortunately the power supply has a 2 pin mains plug, so I have to plug it into my shaver adapter to use it. I bought it off someone from Ireland, I don't know if 2 pin plugs are the norm over there or not. That's beside the point... It's not physically very stable when being used with the shaver adapter. I assume that I'd be able to get a 3 pin version from a behringer dealer, but chances are it'll cost an arm & a leg. I'd have bought a 'proper' make if I wanted to spend big(ish) money! I've got loads of boss style 9v adapters (admittedly they're from a brother typewriter, BT answering machine etc..) but the jack end is too big to fit the behringer. I've got a couple of variable voltage/variable plug-size adapters that fit the unit, but it won't light up with them. The unit does light up with it's provided adapter & shaver combination. I was thinking it must be the high mA requirements (it says 1300mA on the behringer adapter) that means my 'variable' adapters don't light it up. So, is it the high mA requirement that means a 'normal' pedal 9v adapter is insufficient? And, do you know where I could get something that that would suffice? I saw [url="http://cpc.farnell.com/1/1/70759-ac-ac-adaptor-9v-2600ma-me090a260uk-pro-elec.html"]this[/url] online and wondered if it would do, though it's 2600mA, and I don't want to blow up the valve or the DI box! I'm uber-confused. Can anyone help me out with their wisdom on this matter? Thanks, H&R
  22. Don't the aerodyne jazz basses have a jazz body & neck with a PJ pickup configuration?
  23. In the spec of this bass you state the pickups are bartolinis, but in the pictures they look very much like SD basslines. Did you do a swap at some point? Thanks
  24. [quote name='xgsjx' post='749038' date='Feb 17 2010, 10:24 PM']Be careful as some flats aren't recommended for thru body stringing (it weakens them).[/quote] [quote name='Balcro' post='749109' date='Feb 17 2010, 11:12 PM']I must echo this advice. La Bella don't recommend the use of flats with thru-body stringing. Some people have got away with it, but don't be surprised if they break. There are plenty of posts on here about the subject, maybe also in the wiki![/quote] This sounds ominous. I remember reading about this in a previous thread. Is it basically through body strung = forget LaBella? [quote name='EssentialTension' post='749046' date='Feb 17 2010, 10:27 PM'](flats)... do last along time.[/quote] That's what I'm hoping.
  25. [quote name='umph' post='749002' date='Feb 17 2010, 09:50 PM']he should know how it sounds if hes already got one![/quote] he doesn't already have one, he's currently using a marshall dfx100 combo, but is looking at getting a valve amp. Cheers H&R
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