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Everything posted by pfretrock

  1. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1499868067' post='3334173'] Still a drop in the ocean when compared to what G4S, Amazon and google etc don't pay. [/quote] Yes, 6bn is only about 0.8% of UK public revenue (income, NI, VAT, corporation, etc)
  2. Pound/Dollar rate: June 14 $1.70 Apr 15 $1.46 Feb 16 $1.39 Oct 16 $1.22 Today $1.29 Tomorrow $??? Add to that possible raw material rises and CITES costs.
  3. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1464010567' post='3055708'] Well, the only thing I found inside was a couple of little stickers attached to the pcb with, what I assume is, the assembler or tester's name on them. Hi Nate if you're reading this...! [/quote] Old thread, but someone may find this useful. If there are any audio op amps inside (TL071, TL072, TL074 were common) they may have a 4 digit code printed on them, for example 8935 would be week 35 of 1989 when the chip was made. Output transistors may also have this code. These codes were common in 70's to 90's. Modern parts seem to be more obfuscated these days. Hi Nate !
  4. Radio 3 Late Junction, next week. Unequal temperaments, alternate tuning. [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08q2rxv"]BBC Radio 3 - Late Junction, Verity Sharp with Unequal Temperaments[/url]
  5. I've tried ultrasonic cleaners, they work well but check this hazard warning if using IPA. Ultrasonic cleaners produce significant emission of vapours (they are used as humidifyers) [url="http://www.tovatech.com/blog/3953/ultrasonic-cleaner/how-to-safely-use-ipa-in-an-ultrasonic-cleaner"]http://www.tovatech....rasonic-cleaner[/url] Maplin also do a cheap one. Avoid using 'washing up liquid" it may contain salt, as a thickening agent. I use flats, so don't usually bother.
  6. It is probably dual screened cable, like figure of eight but with a flat outer moulding. Only way to tell is to strip back the insulation to see what is there. Some modern cables are made from quite tough material. Are there plugs on the headphone end? It looks like the cable on my cheapo Sennheisers are replaceable, stereo 3.5 jack one end and two mono 3.5 jacks on the headphone end that plug in. Having said that I don't know how to get spares.
  7. [quote name='Yank' timestamp='1492077126' post='3277683'] Yeah, Centerfold was their weak, pop period. Hated the whole album. Loved their earlier bluesy stuff. [/quote] First album was just amazing. Second good also. Gave up with Centerfold, pop not bluesy R&B.
  8. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1491904180' post='3276265'] Who's going to pay their food and housing bills now? [/quote] They'll get lower pay working in illegal trade?
  9. Some info on CITES on Thomann's page - get/keep a receipt for anything you purchased before January 02 2017: [color=#8b4513]"You can register items you have previously acquired with your local authority. In order to do this you only need thomann to show the invoice for your product, which you can download at any time from our customer centre. This will suffice as written proof that the instrument or piece of equipment was bought before January 02, 2017, i.e. before the materials contained were classified as endangered."[/color] Also effect of brexit and importing from the EU: (depends whether there is a good deal or a train crash, I suppose!) [color=#800000][b]"Deliveries into non-EU countries require a complicated and sometimes lengthy approval procedure.[/b] This may delay delivery by several thomann weeks and may cause further fees in the recipient's country. Please make sure you understand the relevant rules in your country before making a purchase."[/color] [url="https://www.thomann.de/gb/compinfo_cites.html"]https://www.thomann....info_cites.html[/url]
  10. Never saw them live, so this works for me: http://www.theclash.com/gb/music/albums/from-here-to-eternity-live
  11. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1491156291' post='3270898'] Has the log now been rescued from being in trouble? [/quote] No, it's being investigated under CITES regulations.
  12. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1490651369' post='3266836'] Just spotted this. Is it new? Anyone seen one? 32" scale Squier with rosewood neck, 42mm nut. [url="https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/squier-gary-jarman-signature-bass"]https://www.pmtonlin...-signature-bass[/url] [/quote] Looks like it has been discussed before (must read more posts!) Not a lot of love for it, it seems. Perhaps it will also be as long lived as the Rascal and 32" Telebass. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/278317-squier-gary-jarman-signature-bass/
  13. Just spotted this. Is it new? Anyone seen one? 32" scale Squier with rosewood neck, 42mm nut. [url="https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/squier-gary-jarman-signature-bass"]https://www.pmtonlin...-signature-bass[/url]
  14. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1490431626' post='3265060'] You put bleach on the fretboard/neck of a bass. ??!! [/quote] Looks like he did. Must have been in a disgusting state. Think I'd use Milton. Edit: thick bleach contains salt (I think). not too good to get under your frets, which may go green again...
  15. [quote name='Bbiigg Kev' timestamp='1489931580' post='3260873'] Cash up front, got to agree with the man. R.I.P. [/quote] Caught the end of an item on BBC Radio H&W this morning. The Rocking Berry's Chuck ( Botfield ?) told of a gig at Barbarella's in Brum, the audience wanted an encore from Chuck Berry, Chuck Berry wanted an additional $1000
  16. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1489155357' post='3254804'] feeler gauges, trouble is you need a load of them together to get 2 or 3mm and they tend to spring apart not a problem when you doing spark plugs but it is when it's easy to move one of the things you're measuring, like a string, they're really designed for narrower gaps, well that's what I've found anyway [/quote] Motorist gauges are too thin. I've got one of these, which start at 1.0mm and go in 0.05mm steps, so you only need a few. Not sure where I got it from, been in tool box for years. Probably just as easy to guess!. I go as low as possible without buzz. Job done. [url="http://www.countyindustrial.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=1_19&product_id=3253"]http://www.countyind...product_id=3253[/url]
  17. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1487928448' post='3244152'] I've got one of these bad boys - Squier Vintage Modified Telecaster Bass Special. I think now discontinued . It's sounds feels, and I think ,looks awesome. [/quote] Neck pup a bit muddy? There is a topic on here somewhere about rewiring it from serial to parallel. Worth doing!
  18. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1487798646' post='3243109'] Does anyone know if there's ever been a "wide neck" version of a Thunderbird? [/quote] Fenderbird?
  19. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1485905578' post='3227696'] Yes, regular size P pickup. Not changed strings yet but if I do I'll be going for a set of TI flats myself. [/quote] I think TI flats are 34" or 32", not seen a 30" set. I've got Status Hotwire flats on my shorty , but they sound a bit thumpy, no top end. I've got some 32" TIs on another bass, I'll check with a tape measure but I suspect E, at least, will have the fat part of the string around the post if you fit 32s.
  20. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1486042860' post='3228724'] Anyone seen dyerseve ? [/quote] Invisible man gloves are available on ebay.
  21. [quote name='Rexel Matador' timestamp='1485693924' post='3225819'] Weird that it's happening while you're not using it though! [/quote] Cosmic rays.
  22. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1485608542' post='3225268'] Have you heard about Marc Bolan? [/quote] Rolan Bolan: "Did you know my dad?" John Entwistle: "No, but I used to live near the tree."
  23. B Street Band have dropped out, we now have Not Trump Rock http://www.planetrock.com/news/rock-news/audioslave-reform-to-protest-dystopian-nightmare-donald-trump-at-anti-inaugural-ball/
  24. There is an inauguration band booking, the BStreetBand. Ironically a Bruce Springsteen cover band! [url="http://consequenceofsound.net/2017/01/the-b-street-band-americas-no-1-springsteen-tribute-band-agrees-to-play-trump-inaugural-ball/"]http://consequenceof...inaugural-ball/[/url]
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