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Everything posted by pfretrock

  1. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1459707951' post='3018827'] I'm on the mobile site, and it looks like this is on the first page..? Am I doing something wrong? [/quote] I think you are logged in. Try logging out.
  2. Don't think I was aware he had a son, let alone one who did music, but I lost interest in the mop tops around 1968. Not much on him, found this on youtube. Does he always look miserable? [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhBzjIxHwvc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=nhBzjIxHwvc[/url]
  3. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1459467642' post='3016966'] Nothing better then a white guard on a white bass. Pimp and classy at the same time. Just looks and screams "Clean" [/quote] Can't agree. There are a million shades of white. Get the wrong shade it looks awful.
  4. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1458566151' post='3008591'] Is that a supertramp song? [/quote] No, you're probably thinking of 'Take The Log Way Home'.
  5. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1459200783' post='3014439'] ....which is how they prepare alloy bits for anodising etc. [/quote] Yep that's what it was used for where I worked, on an industrial scale. We used to get bottles of the stuff (trade name 'Genklene') from the stores for cleaning small mechanical assemblies. Now banned or being phased out, an ozone destroying chemical. [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1,1,1-Trichloroethane"]https://en.wikipedia...Trichloroethane[/url]
  6. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1459191782' post='3014326'] Worked a Saturday job in the auto industry as a teen. Brake cleaner is a lovely 'carcenogenic' liquid commonly known as......trychoethylene and is used in the metal finishing industry as an aggressive degreasant. It's not corrosive but it is very nasty indeed. If you must use it do it outside and wear a mask/gloves etc... but yes better still give ur strings a plain wipe down or fit a new set instead. [/quote] I thought 'trike' had been banned as it was nasty, remember it from years ago in my engineering apprentice days. Reckon I've had 15 cars, some done close to 200k miles and never had the need to clean the brakes! It must be one of those substances that advertisers like to sell us, completely unnecessary (like furniture polish, vaginal deodorent, toilet cleaner, snake oil.....)
  7. There is also the homeopathy approach. A gallon of spring water, just add one drop of methylated spirits. Ultrasonic cleaners also seem to shift muck out of the strings, but my flats will probably out-live me
  8. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1459148631' post='3013772'] ...because it sounded tinny. [/quote] Big mistake allowing tinny tim to guest on Ukulele.
  9. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1459068844' post='3013202'] The Paul Pry in Rayleigh, in case any local bands want to know. If you have a gig booked there, I'd phone just before you leave to m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶s̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶o̶n Cancel it. [/quote] fixed it for you.
  10. [quote name='probablypike' timestamp='1459073588' post='3013252'] Music journalism aimed at musicians is awful for excluding women. And that needs to change. One magazine that is doing amazing things is She Shreds. Check them out over here: [url="http://sheshredsmag.com/"]http://sheshredsmag.com/[/url] [/quote] Female drummers also have their own magazine [url="https://issuu.com/tomtommagazine"]https://issuu.com/tomtommagazine[/url] (isssue 24 has an interesting article on time)
  11. It says on the can: "Removes harmfull brake dust, no dismantling required". So you'll have no trouble with brake dust and you need not take the strings off. Job done.
  12. in no particular order. Paul Rodgers, Frankie Miller, Laura Nyro, Tom Waits, Sandy Denny, Steve Winwood, Janis Joplin, Steve Marriott....
  13. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1458593332' post='3008982'] The toughest bit about building a box like this is drilling the enclosure (assuming you're going for a metal one). [/quote] I use one of these (there are several makes available). Start with a 4mm hole then ream out to the required size [i]VERY SLOWLY[/i] as it is easy to make the hole too big! Stop and check size frequently. Cuts through diecast boxes like butter. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rolson-34125-Tapered-Reamer-12/dp/B00422ID9W/ref=pd_sim_sbs_60_1?ie=UTF8&dpID=31pJP82iMtL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=073R7JPW063BZ2J62F1K"]http://www.amazon.co...JPW063BZ2J62F1K[/url]
  14. Found this on Twitter, seems to be of great sentimental value stolen from a car, Liverpool area. [url="https://twitter.com/RubySkyMusic/status/711355951341821952"]https://twitter.com/...355951341821952[/url] Distinctive marks on front: [url="https://twitter.com/RubySkyMusic/status/711513754324881408"]https://twitter.com/...513754324881408[/url]
  15. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1458263211' post='3006188'] Is that similar to a 'palm moot'..? [/quote] That would be the logical conclusion.
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1458230607' post='3005821'] Maybe at loggerheads with the concept..? [/quote] I guess the forum gets busy during the early evening, then when the evening wears on the numbers of visitors decreases, rather like a [url="https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/24-352/Handouts/logdecrement.pdf"]logarithmic decrement [/url]which is spookily like a vibrating guitar string, but that may be a mute point.
  17. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1458218924' post='3005689'] This thread is a good indicator of how busy it is in GD. That is, how high or low it is on the page. [/quote] Are you logging this data, or is that just a casual remark?
  18. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1457951467' post='3003193'] Prior to forming "Wax" with Graham Goulman, Andrew Gold mooted a collaboration with Fish ex Marillion. As usual they were stuck for a name, so nothing ever came of it.... [/quote] Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends (alternative rock file). Also mooted was a trio with Keith 'fingers' Emerson*, but they could not decide between the two obvious band names, so nothing ever came of it. [size=3]* Still in shock at the news of the death of Emerson and how it happened. In my late teens he and Johnny Winter rarely left my turntable, once I'd shaken off being a passive Beatle fan (which is something like being a passive smoker) [/size] [size=3]RIP Mr Emerson.[/size]
  19. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1457909622' post='3003012'] ...and "who were the Beatles, anyway?" [/quote] Some guys from the 60's who should have been sleeping like a log (probably substance abuse, there was a lot of it about).
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1456666163' post='2991145'] No, the original [i]faux pas[/i] has now been forgotten. [/quote] We need to remember stuff, for future BC'ers, who will ask questions like "how do I log on", "how do I boil strings", "is this bass good for metal", etc.
  21. Something In The Air, Thunderclap Newman. Best thing Pete Townshend ever did!
  22. Came off an Epiphone Thunderbird, so probably only good for that or similar. gauge 50-70-85-105, ECB82 Had virtually no use, tension too high for me. Postage to be reimbursed to a suitable charity (keeps the Karma happy)
  23. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1457595607' post='2999888'] Probably because they look slightly different to a regular P bass which is an instant no no with about 50% of players... [/quote] How to confuse people. [url="http://intl.fender.com/en-GB/basses/jazz-bass/mark-hoppus-jazz-bass-rosewood-fingerboard-surf-green/"]http://intl.fender.c...ard-surf-green/[/url]
  24. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1392068832' post='2364411'] what a great first post! [/quote] yes! I'm not familiar with the instrument, but wonder why there are two LM386 chips? Is one headphones out and the other line out? Would it help leaving the headphone chip unconnected if it is not used? Great mod. (I did 20 years electronics, now do software - easier to modify!)
  25. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1457026150' post='2994620'] Is that important, though..? I doubt it. [/quote] You're right. Ears work better than science. Wait a minute, don't ears work by science? Now I've confused myself
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