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Posts posted by three

  1. Just now, Gabriel1918 said:

    Thanks three.  I was thinking the same.  I've also been looking at the Aguilar DB750/ 751 too and I have a good feeling about that, so thank you again for your suggestions.   Do you know offhand if they are Class D or A/B?

    No problem - both the DB750 and 751 are class A/B.  As a result, they're pretty monstrously heavy.  As far as I know, the power section is very similar in both and each weighs in the region of 42lbs (though frankly, the 750 feels a little heavier to me).  

  2. I’ve been using a Monique for around 18 months. The best pairing to my ears is undoubtedly with the power section of an Agi DB750 - all the width, depth and dynamics are there. However, there’s an obvious drawback in terms of physical weight. The least pleasant pairing was with a Wayne Jones powered 110, but I’m pretty sure that’s down to the cabinet design. I’m not massively keen on playing through studio monitors and that’s sort of what you get with the WJs. Another very nice pairing, though well short of the Agi with critical listening, is with a GSS Baby Sumo. Super light, fast, accurate and reasonably priced. I also use a Warwick Hellborg stereo power amp but haven’t had the pleasure yet with the Monique. Knowing the Hellborg quite well, I suspect the pairing would be excellent. Problem is, I can hardly lift the Hellborg (the weight is nuts). I’d honestly be thinking class A/B with the Monique if feasible. Good luck - some excellent suggestions above

  3. It's a really frustrating problem and I sympathise.  I have dead spots on many basses (I'm pretty sensitive to this) including on a short-scale fretless at around D and Eb on the G.  One of few basses that I have that doesn't have any noticeable dead spots is an early, headless Status SII.  Another is a fretless J type with a Status graphite neck.  This sort of adds weight to some of the comments re: NS and resonances above.  Changing strings can make a short, frequently temporary improvement, as can tweaking the set-up - mainly truss-rod - though I tend to play with a very low action and a flat board (minimal relief).  I've found over the years that dead spots are just something that I have to tolerate.  I've not been able to remove them completely on any bass, though it has been possible to reduce their prominence.  I've not tried a fat-finger, that said, I rarely play Fender-type basses.  I tend to obsess a little with dead spots, though when playing live and even recording, unless they're really severe, they become a bit of a non-issue.  Perhaps better to listen to the bass overall rather than the dead-spot (I'm telling myself this)?  


    • Like 1
  4. On 26/05/2023 at 17:04, Old Horse Murphy said:

    So for purely ergonomic reasons I decided to part ways with my Guild Starfire I as it just wasn't working for me. I did however, miss the weight as I've got an issue with my hip that (although healing slowly) is still problematic. 

    A few days ago I saw a used Spector Bantam advertised on Bass Direct and decided I'd go and try it out. I've never owned a Spector before but was attracted by the weight (just over 7.5lbs) and wanted to see how the bass would sit, given the top strap button sits a bit further up towards the dusty end than my usual Fenders which are near enough level with the 12th fret. 

    After kindly being lent a strap to try out, I found the placement of the strap button meant the nut and lower frets sit pretty-much in the same place as my 34" scale basses so the Bantam immediately felt familiar and my hands didn't feel cramped at all due to the shorter scale. 

    The bass is immaculate and I loved the EMG electrics so decided to take it home. We have our first proper date tomorrow but the way things are going right now, I think I'm on a promise. 





    Love this - I’ve not tried one but have a Spector Shorty - similar but heavier (my go to bass along with the Mullarkey). The Bantam appears to have the more dramatic, and nicer to me, body contouring. Gorgeous - I need to take a closer look

    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Clarky said:

    @FinnDave this might fit the bill for your shortie tryout and three is a tremendous BCer to deal with?

    Hahaha, thanks Clarky - that's lovely and it's entirely mutual!  I think what Clarky means is three is bl**dy clown and spends every spare penny on basses and bass ephemera that he doesn't need or have the talent to use properly

  6. 43 minutes ago, snorkie635 said:

    And, what looks like an L9S?

    Excellent spot!  It's my old Gibson Ripper, though a massively modded one - it's what we did in the '80s.  Completely re-finished by the inestimable Ted Lee, plus fitting of a SD precision pickup between the Ripper pickups, and an active circuit cloned from the Fender Precision Special of the time.  It's a beautiful bass but sadly a bit big for me these days and I only really play shorties.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Reduced to £225.  


    A lovely coral Epiphone Newport re-issue.  Pretty much as new, other than the tort scratch plate.  The new plate has a small scratch and of course, has implied new screw holes above the pickups: that said, it imparts a real Serek vibe.  The bass is currently strung with Fender light nickel rounds (40-95) and the E is a bit dull.  However, I'll include the original strings and a set of nickel rounds that I think are cut down from a long-scale set.


    Playability is good and the tonal range is excellent.  The bridge pickup has a solid aggressive growl, and the neck a very old school vintage thump.  I don't have an accurate weight but these are a very light and comfortable bass.


    I have the original box and scratch plate.  Shipping within the UK only is at the buyer's cost and risk (about £20 I'd think).  I can double box for shipping if you want to organise a courier.  


    Any questions please just ask. 





    • Like 7
  8. I’d tend to concur with most of the above re: the OBP-3, though it’s certainly one of my favourite conventional on-board pres! A little goes a long way and I tend to just cut the mids slightly at 800. Not for everybody of course, but much depends on your goals. For me, the OBP-3 is glorious with EMG humbuckers (in a Spector). Lots of different configurations of the pre too so should be able to accommodate 3 pickups

    • Like 1
  9. I was a fan of these years ago when the workshop was in Partington. A mate of mine has a gorgeous hand-built black P that was gifted to him some decades back and I owned a lovely semi acoustic bass.  Good to see use of the Gypsy design in a bass but these get very expensive very quickly if one adds in some of the options. I’d be interested to see/feel the quality of the new instruments given the price (the originals were very lovely)

  10. On 03/05/2023 at 11:26, Rayman said:

    Probably a stupid question, but will an Epiphone Newport fit into a regular lead guitar gig bag? 

    I've tried my Newport in a Fusion Urban guitar bag and it fits fine.  There's not a lot of clearance at the headstock but the length of the bass doesn't appear to be an issue.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, jazzyvee said:

    The bass I dreamed about playing was also an alembic and now I consider myself extremely fortunate to own such a bass and, it surpassed everything i expected from it. I know they are not the sound that everyone likes but for me it's a dream bass fulfilled. I hope you get to try one out one day. I have to say getting your head round using low pass filters does take some getting used to. All the best.

    I just spent the afternoon listening to SC - I enjoy some of the tones that he gets out of his Series I but others not so much.  I agree re: the low pass filters, they can produce some pretty mundane tones alongside the extraordinary.  I too have an SII but it's a four.  I was just thinking the other day, I'm not sure I've ever really spent much time with a Ric - I've certainly not owned one (or a Musicman).  I shall seek out a Ric this weekend - thanks for the thread - I'm inspired.

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