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Posts posted by three

  1. Both pickups have quite a distinctive voice and both are surprisingly hot.  The difference in volume between this and a Wilcock Mullarkey (no shrinking violet itself) is significant. 

    i spent around 45 minutes setting-up mine to my preference. All very straightforward. The nut-slots were fine so just intonation, saddles, and truss adjustment, then pickup height.  The bass was wearing very heavy tapes when it arrived and now has light nickel rounds. The rod probably required a full rotation over a few days but moves very smoothly and the relief is fairly minimal now. I have the action really quite low and the bass plays very nicely.  A bit of attention and a tweak and these can be really nice players with a couple of distinctive voices.

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  2. 15 minutes ago, three said:

    I’ll weigh mine later - it feels pretty light but not insubstantial - really nice set neck and overall solid feel 

    Just 8lbs as accurately as I can get it. Great balance on knee or strap for me. The blend control doesn’t blend quite as much as I’d like and there’s a sort of ‘switch’ effect at the mid-point. To be honest, very little to dislike about these - fab little bass at the price, and IMO, a really cool look

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Old Horse Murphy said:

    Does anyone who owns one of these have an idea of the weight of them? 

    I’ll weigh mine later - it feels pretty light but not insubstantial - really nice set neck and overall solid feel 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 18 hours ago, gjones said:

    The Sailors Hornpipe.


    I heard some guy throw it casually into a bass solo once and I said to myself, 'That guy doesn't take himself too seriously but it still sounds cool'.

    I think that would be Gerald Johnson playing with the Steve Miller band - 'threw some pretty cool shapes while he did it too.  I've seen it on some very old concert footage.  There's an allusion to it years back on Talkbass, with some footage of Gerald with Dave Mason - playing a P with a left-handed body and right-hand neck with the strings inverted.  Great player and very cool...):





  5. I’ve had a few basses with this - known as fret-sprout and even Alembic alludes to the condition and resolution on its website. It isn’t sprout, of course, but wood contraction resulting from drying over time. Any decent luthier can sort this easily and cheaply. Be careful though, one well known luthier went a bit too far on the G string side on one of my basses, to the extent that I had to re-cut the saddle slot to prevent the G slipping off the board. Moderation and care are key!

    • Like 1
  6. The more I see and hear of the Newport, the more I like it. Not the tonal range I’d normally favour, but I’m intrigued. A fun little bass for very decent money. Really impressed by the colour options too, especially sunset and coral. I think I could get over the glitches - reasonably easy fixes and just a full set-up and new strings really. I’d do that with pretty much any bass. I hope this is a bit of a hit for Epiphone - good to see the company trying 

    • Like 4
  7. Definitely heading North.  Interesting (or not) to see where this one lands: I suspect there will be much excitement and a deep space destination.


    If anyone is interested, Summerseat is a lovely little place and worth a visit without travelling to part with a wedge.

  8. 1 hour ago, jazzyvee said:

    Would you really take large drill bits to your alembic?

    Sorry, it was a bit of a cr*p joke. I’ve done some pretty daft things over the years but even I wouldn’t take a big drill bit to an Alembic. I do genuinely admire the OP’s handiwork though

  9. Wonderful basses and strangely, I was just thinking this week that one sees very few of these on the market - I'm not sure that they're still in production (?) and I suspect that only around 50 were built.  It appears that, in general, owners want to hang on to them.  For me, simply one of the finest shorties ever conceived and built, especially with this pickup configuration.  Build quality and playability is sublime.  One of these and a Wilcock are my go to basses for pretty much everything (other than fretless)

    • Like 2
  10. Hi Nick and welcome to Basschat.  Pangbournes are beautiful basses and really quite rare - great to see some images when you have time. I had one some years ago but not the higher end model (Warlord).  The active circuit may be repairable and I hope this is the case.  I've had some fairly obscure custom electronics re-built and brought back to life in the past.  If there's a real problem, there are very many alternative circuits.  A lot of players use Bartolini though I tend to prefer the Aguilar OBP-3 - great for 2 pickup basses.  I'm sure that many others will join the thread with alternatives (Glockenklang, East, Seymour Duncan etc.)  I'm also sure you'll get the bass working and lovely to see it if you have a chance.

  11. Some may be interested to know that a 5 string Mk 2 has popped up at the Gallery for £9.5k.  Much more manageable.  Others may have spotted this so apologies if I missed something in the thread.  If anybody has a Wal to which they're not terribly attached, this does seem to be a good time to be moving on such desirable wares.  

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  12. 1 hour ago, Bill Fitzmaurice said:

    The reliability factor is determined by the quality of the connectors


    1 hour ago, Downunderwonder said:

    There isn't a reliable cable made that can compete with anyone's time when they are free

    I’m really not trying to convince anybody that they should spend £70 plus - just offering options for chunky cables. On reliability, I’d agree in large part on connectors, though I’ve had speaker cables on which the cable itself has failed (without rough handling). On ‘free’, of course, I’d agree. If I was paying I’d probably go Designacable or BA. I’d consider EA. I’ve had one for over 10 years and would expect to get a further 10 of reliable service. It’s a cable I use pretty much every day so less than a penny a day. Almost disappearing

  13. 6 minutes ago, Bill Fitzmaurice said:

    That's an insane price for a one meter cable. As for all the claims they make, they're piffle 

    I tend to agree Bill but I don’t pay for them and I’ve found them to be very reliable (the most important consideration in my case). The Designacable seem similarly reliable. Soldering/screwing my own isn’t a cost effective use of my time

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