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Posts posted by three

  1. I just purchased a set of strings from Sam - beautifully packaged, fast delivery, great communications and exactly as described - a fine and utterly trustworthy member of the community!

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  2. 21 hours ago, fretmeister said:

    And I just found this.


    30 inch scale Spector Bantam 4




    Weight at about 7 lb!


    If I have to move back to a 4, that would seem something worth trying.

    I use a Spector Shorty as my main bass - the Bantam is very similar if a little more rounded. The basses are light but probably around 8.5lbs (not super light). I’ve been struggling with back pain for the past two years - the Spector has not essed this. I’ve been working hard to get around the problem in the last three months as I’ve been playing more intensively and sitting hasn’t been an option. There’s been a lot of experimentation. Ia lot depends on the source of the pain but three things have helped me:

    1. longer (comfort strapp) length - I’ve shifted from a very high position to something considerably lower - over tummy rather than lower chest 

    2. avoidance of schaller locks - I noticed that these shift the centre of gravity of the bass slightly and tip the top bout forward a little. They also invite me to hold the bass in place rather than just let it ‘sit’. Just the strap with Fender strap blocks makes a significant difference in positioning the bass more comfortably and keeping it there

    3. Replacing cable with wireless - after 40 years, I’ve realised that I twist very slightly to avoid tangling or tripping on cables - with a wireless (transmitter in back pocket), my posture is more upright

    of course, all this is individual but it’s providing some relief for me. I play short scale most of the time but I don’t think it makes much difference in terms of discomfort. An Overwater PJ feels just as good with the adaptations listed sbove. Good luck - I can empathise!

  3. 12 hours ago, ianrendall said:

    Is there anyone that has played a Shuker and a Sadowsky? How do they compare?

    I've had both (and an embarrassing list that includes many of the other contenders).  As a direct comparison, the US Sadowsky had a slightly more expensive and cultured look and feel - the whole package (case, candy, hardware) just felt expensive.  The Sadowsky pre is lovely - not dramatic but a professional, studio-style gloss right out of the box.  The bass was also very light and comfortable, and capable of a very low action (if that's your kind of thing - it was highly adjustable).  All that said, it didn't feel or sound particularly 'alive'.  It was a bit 'ordinary', possibly anonyous for the price.  However, that might be what makes Sadowskys so popular and desirable among big-name and session-players.  Just an excellent Fender clone that feels familiar, is light and an can emulate a Fender tone (and then a bit).

    The Shuker was a much heavier but beautifully built instrument - somebody else's custom order that I bought second-hand.  Excellent timbers, really good construction with top-quality fit and finish (in the main).  Again, the circuit was Sadowsky, along with the pickups, so great tone on tap (if nothing extreme).  Not as comfortable to play as the Sadowsky and suffered from some fret-sprout (an easy fix and nothing out of the ordinary - this is a feature of many Alembics - but a little frustrating).  It was possible to feel and see where the extra money had gone into the Sadowsky (but maybe not the 1000-1200 at contemporaneous prices).  The Shuker had its own elegance but was a little more chunky and workperson-like than its US counterpart.  Overall tone was a little more aggressive but this is probably down to timbers and design.  Hardware was high-quality sourced-in rather than in-house.

    Overall, both very good basses if not absolutely top-of-the-line game-changers.  I picked-up the Shuker for around 1200 and the Sadowsky for maybe 1750 - prices have changed (obviously),  At the time, the premium was probably justifiable.  With current prices, I'm not at all sure.  I'd have no hesitation in custom ordering from Jon.  Excellent, professional instruments at realistic prices.  Just to throw another curve in - Atelier may be worth consideration - some bargains appear on here (and excellent Japanese build quality).


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  4. I had a couple of early Allevas with the DN boards - both outstanding basses.  Celinders are also worthy of consideration - again, some of the nicest Js I've tried.  I had a US Sadowsky too - a very well-built bass with a great pre (and light) but it didn't match the Allevas or Celinder for me - just an issue of personal taste

  5. Warwick Hellborg 500 Watt Mono Power Amp in good used condition with slight rack mount marks and some minor marking on the black case. As far as I know, this is around 5 years old. Reputed to be one of the finest power amps ever designed and built. Confirmed by two engineers to be massively over engineered. These are around £1900 new. 2/4/8 ohm operation.

    So, why so cheap? I think this puts out some slight gritty distortion behing each note. It’s been at two of the North West’s amp gurus, both of whom say it doesn’t distort, and have demonstrated this with a scope. I’ve paid £250 for the privilege. It does distort and shouldn’t and I’m sick of messing about with it. If you have some talent/knowledge, this could be a really simple fix and you’ll have one of the finest and most expensive power amps in existence for peanuts. You might also tell me it doesn’t distort and carry it away for almost nothing.

    Supplied as is without the rack case (not for sale) and collection only from Manchester. Weight is around 40lbs. Shipping would be monstrously expensive and I don’t have packing or time to organise couriers. Tons of information around (try:  https://www.kbbmusic.co.nz/shop/warwick-jonas-hellborg-signature-power-amp-500-watt-mono.html), and I saw recently that Prince used these. The highest end of high end...but I still think it distorts...



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  6. Price reduction to £1500

    I haven’t been pushing this as a result of travel commitments but I’m back and around a lot more now. The bass very nearly went last week but remains for sale. I’m dropping the price to £1500 - this is essentially a new, virtually un-played Masterbuilt. My trials with HMRC continue. If resolved, I’ll withdraw the bass. Honestly, it’s gorgeous.  I can ship to the UK, most of Europe and the US (at the buyer’s expense). Collection still fabulous around Manchester.

  7. Ron JR, I can see that you're a very new member of Basschat - a warm welcome!

    The posts above are a friendly suggestion that you'll need to include more details relating the bass that you have for sale.  It might be worth looking at some other ads in the basses for sale forum - these may give you some ideas.  Pictures are always a good idea, as are details re: originality (especially for a vintage bass); condition; playability; and, whereabouts and shipping options.

    Good luck with the sale - I'm looking forward to seeing pictures if you can upload some

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Baxlin said:

    I’ve moved the strap button on my EB3 from the body onto the base of the neck.  Only moved a few centimetres, but has made a noticeable difference.  I covered the original hole by putting a short screw in it and adding a black plastic screw cover.

    Excellent idea - I'd do something similar but don't want to put another hole in the Alembic.  Scrumpymike had a brilliant hand-crafted solution (involving advanced fabrication skills) - well-beyond me but a neat idea that isn't really feasible given production start-up costs (unfortunately).

    Back on topic - I took a look at the Rivoli, it looks beautiful!

  9. For anybody considering this, I'd say don't hesitate.  Absolutely beautiful twin valve pre - works incredibly well with Fender type Ps and Js.  It's not going to change anything dramatically but just gives that extra few percent in terms of presence, body and warmth.  Like a big desk/studio sound out of a little (but expensive) box.  The best I've found so far and just simple plug, play and forget.  I still prefer Millennia (SS) for more modern basses and tones but for classic and vintage, the Noble is peerless (for me, at least)

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