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Posts posted by three

  1. As fine an example of bass-related industrial design as one might find. I've wanted one of these for ages but I'm giving-up on long-scale. Beautiful condition and in my opinion, a great price

  2. I've not taken a forensic or scientific look but anecdotally, it appears that a lot of Foderas appear for sale second hand. Some where the seller has a number of Foderas and is purchasing another/new bass of the same brand, but many where the owner is getting out of Fodera ownership. I was in the latter camp - I sold the one Fodera I've owned to buy an alternative very high-end bass. The Fodera was very well built from great timbers - it played well and the tone was even/strong but without distinctive character. The bass just wasn't for me - rigid, 'big' and not really fun to play (all very personal of course). Worth the money? The US buyer thought so and I made a good few quid - 'makes a change!

  3. [quote name='andytoad' timestamp='1414185539' post='2587000']

    Wish I'd bought this when it went up for sale!!!
    I've just put it down - it looks every bit as good in the corner as it does in those pics - just outstanding in every way!

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