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Everything posted by douggy

  1. what about an online form , sort of like an open questionare where you fill in the boxes ( with text obviously not ticks and crosses ) for your review , this should give it some sort of consistancy and allow the readers to compare reviews eaisily and quickly . and have them different for amps / basses / pickups / cables ect just a thought
  2. bass is always put with the pa for some reason , i prefer it when it is , i dont like it scattered with all the guitar stuff
  3. i think stickers is an awesome idea! on a par with cards to be honest! doug
  4. behringer - just dont
  5. that black scratchplate looked awsome , that with the black marble behind it would be serious damage! doug
  6. asking 16 year olds for photos , the google bots will be on this thread like a hobos dog into warm chips! doug
  7. awsome! thanks for that !
  8. i know this is a bit off topic but i was speaking to the fender custom shop rep and he was saying that the actual relicing is only a few processes and not insanely hard to do , but nuggets to get to look right , apparently , fine grade sandpaper , uv lights , wire wool and the outside are the main tools but he wouldent go into detail. the brave woods are awsome , id love for my 05 jazz to look like one of them in 10 years time
  9. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='41093' date='Aug 3 2007, 09:29 PM']Nice guy and a phenomenal guitarist![/quote] i dont rember shouting paul hmmmmmm
  10. [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='40674' date='Aug 2 2007, 10:28 PM']Does this now mean 'a good thing'? I really can't keep up with these dialect changes.[/quote] yeah its a good thing [quote name='JPJ' post='40798' date='Aug 3 2007, 10:09 AM']The Newcastle SC must be the exception that proves the rule here. I have always found the staff there to be friendly and helpful, but I have been shopping there since it was Rock City back in the late seventies/early eighties. Never bought anything significant off them, just strings, pedals and the like but I am encouraged to try anything I want (and frequently do!). Maybe its because my guitarist brother-in-law spends a small fortune with them every year on Gibsons and Jacksons, perhaps they think that I'll eventually catch the bug and have to join him. Nice end to this post is that my fifteen year old daughter (who plays violin and a bit of guitar) went into the Newcastle branch with a couple of her mates on a Sat afternoon. One of the guys recognised her as my daughter and let her try out a USA tele, telling her to fetch me along to buy it for her. Her friends were suitably impressed and she walked out about two foot taller than she had walked in.[/quote] the manager of the newcastle store is now the london manager , a very nice guy called paul mabye it will have improved down there ( i have no basis of comparison ie only been in when hes managing ) anyway if me getting transferred comes off , i can guarantee im a nice knowledgeable guy so come buy your bass gear off me ( if you guys change your sc oppinions ) !
  11. come on vintage and rare is the DAMAGE! possibly the coolest shop ever , but im agreed , the gallery is freaking sweet!!!
  12. westfield p-bass copy vinage music man copy yamaha rbx yamaha trb yamaha bb fender mex jazz fender usa jazz tobias toby 6 pro think thats it , roughly equates to one bass a year for howlong ive been playing , only got the two fenders now tho! doug
  13. hahaha awsome !
  14. there is a nationwide staff training program , and music academys in some of the stores. dosent help my attitude tho doug
  15. that looks awsome , mon the basslines qp's
  16. i currently work for sc and have done for a couple of years , what weve been told is the reason sc lost x million was because it was re invested , it was x million pounds of profit that was used to start the own brand "legacy" but internally i have not see anything that suggests that sc are going under. sound control mms ( the parent company ) owns turn key , soho sound house , and media tools. and it was some directors of sound control that started guitar guitar, again one of my mates works there aswell and it seems like a pretty awesome shop , nice guys and some pretty rare gear aswell im not here at-all to stick up for any of the members of staff who have been a bit arsey to any of you , however all the sc stores ive been in ( ive never said i work in the edinburgh branch unless i was trying to get staff price ) have been pretty sound , ( most of the scottish stores and the oxford street branch ) however a colleague of mine who was on tour went into most of the stores in middle england to buy strings and he was particularly disappointed with the attitude given to him before and after he mentioned he was staff. the thing is , if your full time which i no longer am (im a student now ) , you get payed pennies , honestly. now if you look at it as " i can make myself a bit more money today if i only spend my time with people who have money so i can get some of the bonuses that go around " your going to pick and choose the customers you spend the time with , unfortunately this means being short with some who have every intention to spend money , just you dont pick up on the signs of it . the reason some of you might have been met with a blunt " put it back mate" when you grab something off the walls is; sc stores have been having a serious amount of gear stolen, and you will never guess who gets it in the neck , the managers , and sh*t understandably rolls down hill , know what i mean? but understandably looking at it from your point of view , there is a slim selection of basses and i had to fight to get warwicks in , we got 7 in sold them all and now we haven't had any for 4 months, its pretty odd. it appears that as a company they know they sell more guitars so us " real musicains :b " fall by the wayside so they can buy more guitars at a higher profit margin and ultimately make more money. which makes a bit more business sense but is a bit shan in-terms of getting cool gear in. anyway sc have been great to me have got me transfered to the oxford street branch( saveing me some serious hassle ) and personally i think the edinburgh store is great, and every one in there is a good guy ( or girl ) and in their own field is very specialized. the same for glasgow city, dundee and dunfermline . everyone ive met from those stores professionally or as a customer has been great. anyway its not my company , its a just a job , but if anyone wants any questions answered about sc on the form give me a shout ill certainly endevour to help out ( short of breaching my contract )
  17. put some jim dunlop strap locks on it some seymour duncan quarter pounders, re fret it , get rid of the gaffer and absoulutely abuse it untill the bass looks battered but plays great!!! doug
  18. as far as i know , take a case over with you with the cheapest bass you can find in it, ditch the cheap bass in the usa and bring back the shiny new one in the old case , you can then proove you left the uk with the case! apparently this works i know a few guys who have done it this way and havent been stopped. doug
  19. awsome just awsome , i await doods reply
  20. youve got it , bizarrely the band , ( pronounced colon open bracket ) make the best sweatbands for this , £3 each , got them off them when i supported and was probably one of the best things about the band or the supermario ones out of gamestation, when they are new they own!
  21. tasty
  22. [quote name='Finbar' post='28744' date='Jul 8 2007, 07:59 PM']Just wondering what douggy meant when he said 'spare sweatband for wireless unit'? Is this some groovy trick involving wireless units I've never heard of?[/quote] ahh i shal explain ive found the best way to attach a wireless transmitter to your strap is to double a small bit of gaffer back on its self so it makes a small non sticky patch ( the width of the strap ) then placing that on the outside of the strap and wrapping the gaffer round the strap a few times so its sturdy. this makes a small pouch for the wireless transmitters clip to sit in. to keep the transmitter on the strap i feed the strap with the wireless attached through a sweatband and it dont budge. i carry a spare sweatband because i have a habit of losing them!
  23. 2 jazz basses gaffa tape towel one 30ft lead torch electrical tape ( nothing sticks a strap to basses like this ) multi toolkit spare sweatband for wireless kit rack head ( amp, compressor , wireless , tuner , powerconditioner ) 2x10 1x15 spare t shirt ( im all-about running around like a mongo )
  24. how much does he charge on avarage , anyone know? d
  25. just read the whole thing , man thats awsome!
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