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Everything posted by TheSiberian

  1. I had the same problem, so I decided to sell them instead getting them dusty in a storage... Lol But seriously, you have to be sure the temperature is constant, the place is secure and place the basses in their cases in a standing position. And one more thing, you have to have easy and imediate access if you need one of them. In case you don't... Just sell them. Best
  2. Strange enough... Nobody know the Genelec? If you want a real good monitor for home or studio ( or better said, if you want to hear the same sound at home and in the studio) you better choose the Genelec line. For example 8240A. Best
  3. I have a vintage 1969 Framus Caravelle BL-16 semi hollow bass in a "time capsule" state, original thin strap, tear drop case and keys included. Absolutely gorgeous bass. It's a pitty Warwick didn't reissue this specific model. Best
  4. [quote name='mrbassman_de' timestamp='1412007740' post='2564786'] It's made of Abalone and not fish bone - it doesn't smell - believe me ... [/quote] Hahaha...Rainer is the funniest bass collector around. Btw, great bass. Best
  5. [quote name='The Saint' timestamp='1395607586' post='2404338'] And just to complete the picture, I only play kazoo when playing in my ukulele band...... I now wait to see if I'm ever allowed to post on this forum again. Graham [/quote] Why not posting again? I also wear my 5711 when I play kazoo. Best
  6. I always considered Stewart Copland as "ahead" and John Bonham as "behind" In both cases there was a hell of groove out there and both Sting and JPJ were stellar. Best
  7. Go ask him what is he expecting from you. Best
  8. ...or at least a Moog Taurus 3. Best
  9. It looks Gibson's R&D bass department is only colour oriented. Funny enough even their RD Artist bass was a tolal flop... Great job. Best
  10. If you buy new saddles from Rickenbacker they are not cut. Instead of cutting them by yourself it is much wiser to let a pro do that. Like this all will be aligned and checked. Many of the bridge's problems come from an amateur kind of work. Best
  11. I believe you should lower the saddle's height or to buy a 125 B string. Best
  12. Welcome back to the forum. Best
  13. Wecome to the forum. Best
  14. Welcome to the forum. Best
  15. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1411150264' post='2557066'] I've been fortunate I suppose. Got a few nice basses (several Thunderbirds/a Ric) and a rig that a few years back I would have sold a kidney for, but I just keep looking. I can't quite put my finger on the feeling. I guess if Gibson stepped outside the box and did some better coloured Thunderbirds I'd feel a little more excited, but now I just feel a little meh. Edited bit here. I went on eBay the other night and just sorted the bass content by selling price...there's some lovely vintage stuff that (with little fear for my testicles), I could easily buy right now, but I'm like, 'what's the point?' [/quote] Maybe all you need is a challenge. The colour of basses are not ment to make us better musicians... Maybe you should upscale to five or six string basses. There you'll see it's a lot to learn and study, and like this your GAS will come back. At least for me worked pretty well ( twenty years ago ) Best
  16. Hi there, Unless you sleep in the garden let her moan about your basses, mine is in the same club. Lol I don't have a Thunderbird but one of my favorite player is Martin Turner of Wishbone Ash...on the Argus album you can hear some gorgeus sounding Thunderbird. Welcome to the forum. Best
  17. Hi Alessio and welcome to the forum. Best
  18. [quote name='paulbass' timestamp='1411063656' post='2556161'] It did make me think how difficult it must be to learn playing a bass like that,everything would be completely different. [/quote] Hahaha...You are absolutely right my friend. Imagine me driving in London where all others are driving on the wrong side... Lol ELO is a great band, Eldorado great album. Best
  19. TheSiberian


    Looks like a Telecaster thing. Best
  20. I have the Moog Taurus 3 and the sound shake the house. Best
  21. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1410989671' post='2555476'] I think that's a harsh assessment. [/quote] Sorry, never wanted to offend any... bass... but looking at the G&L number of threads vs Precision/ Stingray you will understand better what I mean. The Love factor is completly different. Inovation wise...Fender/MusicMan already had the lion's part. Best
  22. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1410979201' post='2555315'] ....then updated to the G&L L2K! I would say it depends whether you want to sit in the mix, or cut through the mix. I personally want my bass to naturally couple with the bass drum. Not everyone does! [/quote] If I can see an update from the Precision to Stingray, I can't say the same for the G&L who is a rather modern standard Fender without any signifiant inovation. I see hardly the G&L being a colectible in the next years...but who knows? Best
  23. Hi Yan and welcome to the forum. Best
  24. No problemo, my english is not so good. So the meaning of some phrases are maybe not so spot on. ":0) Best
  25. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1410897733' post='2554523'] I love Rush [i]despite[/i] this. [/quote] Out of context my friend Best
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