Thanks. Leonard started the shop and I know he was still there in 2020. I was often in shop from when it opened in 2001 to when I moved away in 2014. He was a really nice bloke and set up a few basses for me including building me a Tele bodied Bass VI which was a really nice instrument.
Yes Esther Phillips nails it and has been one of my favourite GSH covers since iheardit on it's release.. I first heard GSH in 1972 and bought every album from then on on it's release and although many artists have recorded his songs few are really successful due I think to the often simplicity of his originals. I can't say I'm a fan of the Billy Valentine cover.
Have been looking for one of these for a while and picked up this Navy Metallic Sunburst one in mint condition with the protective plastic still on the truss rod and cavity covers. Really pleased to find one in this condition.
It's part of Fender's Squier Paranormal Series which according to Fender brings several forgotten gems from the Fender archive back to life although the Squier Rascal is a quite a bit different to the Fender Rascal.
I think that Fairytale were the house brand of Musikhaus Kuhn in Zurich in the 70s.
There was a Fairytale ES-345 copy on Reverb a few years ago for over £1,000
Yes I understand. I was older and had more money but they were always out of my price range too! I think at the time one of their main selling points was that you were buying an American built custom bass or guitar built to your spec.