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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='dougal' timestamp='1368474776' post='2077570'] He [i]would[/i] grow into it.... [/quote] You're right. Buy the lad a Stingray!!! P.S. I love my Bronco (bought it a few years ago when they were £80 new) and even though i have more than a few basses i still regularly play it.
  2. I'm still amazed that no one has recommended (or rather been told) buying a Stingray...............
  3. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1368358788' post='2076012'] Ha ha. Very good point well made. In all fairness though it's never been more than idle curiosity anyway - just one of those things that bugs you. Guess if I just emailed ESP direct it might be easier. [/quote] Looks like you've stumped the experts. If you do find an answer please share it on here. P.S. I'm still amazed that no one has still not told you to forget the ESP and to buy a Stingray is often the way on here.
  4. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/199194-the-who-john-entwistles-1977-blonde-gibson-rd-prototype-bass/page__p__1977974__hl__gibson%20rd__fromsearch__1#entry1977974"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1977974[/url] http://www.ebay.com/itm/FINAL-OFFER-The-John-Entwistles-1977-Prototype-Gibson-RD-Artist-bass-guitar-/290887694165
  5. I just remembered the Samick Corsair and it just happens that there is one on ebay at the moment. Ideal for an 8 year old i'd say. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Samick-Corsair-MCR1-Short-Scale-Bass-Guitar-/111070925572?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item19dc57d304"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item19dc57d304[/url]
  6. [quote name='lapolpora' timestamp='1368380948' post='2076329'] I recently bought the Ibanez for my nine year old. I cannot fault it in anyway. It's small, light and sounds huge with the PJ pick-up configuration. I had to lower the action and I'm going to buy lighter gauge strings as my son is very small for his age - but that's it. If you do go for this and buy from Thomann get the package with the gig bag. It's a tenner extra but is actually a really good case. [/quote] I agree with that. Thinking more about it the Ibanez has a slightly shorter scale than the Bronco and is lighter. Ibanez definitely.
  7. Either the Bronco or Ibanez would be fine. Both are excellent for the money. I'm amazed that no one has recommended a Stingray with the comment 'he'll grow into it'.
  8. I'm waiting for the day when a major car manufacturer rolls out a sparkling brand new car straight off the production line then wheel it over to their development centre where a team of engineers set about it with baseball bats and beat the crap out of it giving it that 'road worn' or 'relicd' look. It's only a matter of time.
  9. £79.............. yet another 'collection only' bargain.
  10. Sorry that you haven't had an answer but look on the bright side at least you haven't been bombarded with the usual replies telling you: A. Not to buy it B. Why it would be a waste of money C. Why it wouldn't suit your playing style D. Why it should have less strings E. Why it should have more strings F. They don't make it in the right colour G. I wouldn't buy a bass with a maple fretboard (call me a traditionalist etc etc......)
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1368304436' post='2075588'] What's also naughty is that he is avoiding eBay fees by soliciting offers on four items but only putting one up for auction. [/quote] +1
  12. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1368303717' post='2075578'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ATC-CO-AXIAL-SPEAKERS-12-4-OF-JBL-EV-RCF-/161024968275?pt=UK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL&hash=item257dd60653"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item257dd60653[/url] Very naughty, these speakers are out of the Martin Audio CX2 range and, as the seller knows full well by now, the HF diaphragms went out of production some years back and replacement diaphragms are quite simply not available anywhere in the world. I may be doing him a dis-service as he does have 100% feedback, I have emailed him and asked him to add to the listing where you can buy the diaphragms from...I will wait to see if he adds anything I had to have separate horn boxes built to get round the same problem with some CX2 I brought after the guarantee from the buyer that the diaphragms were easily available. They are fantastic speakers but I wouldn't give more than £50 for the lot of them as they stand [/quote] I understand what you are saying but its up to the buyer to do a bit of research and then decide whether to bid. No excuses nowadays with google etc. When i buy anything i make sure i do my homework and if i didn't then i would have no one to blame but myself.
  13. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1368234658' post='2074857'] I only see the basses come on eBay maybe 3-4 times a year. Guess who bought the one you linked to? [/quote] Nice. Looks good!!!
  14. There's plenty of info on these on the net and even a Daion Guitars Forum. They come up on ebay regularly and this was sold last week............ http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Daion-Fretless-Electric-Bass-Very-Rare-No-Reserve-/200919302567?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2ec7b941a7&nma=true&si=dBnWw0%252Blm7%252Bi3PvJIp3TcBiJoak%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1368182919' post='2074125'] Can I [i]really [/i]say what I like..? [/quote] If it's what i'm thinking then maybe not.
  16. [quote name='dazza14' timestamp='1368181887' post='2074112'] Thats the one i got! It turned out i'd done dealings with the seller in the past, so a quick call, suggested a buy-it-now and KERBLAMMO! it's now mine! [/quote] Well done! That's a lot of bass for the money.
  17. There was a Vintage Icon 'Jaco' on ebay this week at £75 that went unsold as it didn't get any bids. A absolute bargain for that sort of money.
  18. Some of the best buys on ebay are collection only. The best bargains are pick up only.
  19. The best and most informative thread i've seen on BC for a long time with the added bonus of having none of the usual history lesson or the ever popular 'stating the b******* obvious'.
  20. No history lesson i'm afraid but i'm sure there must be a Bass VI somewhere in this collection. http://youtu.be/g7-5io1muSQ
  21. [quote name='jared21' timestamp='1368098775' post='2073112'] screw it aha im just going to buy one, going to pmt the weekend to play the one they have in stock just to comfort me a bit, then its down to the colour, im really torn between the black or the sunburst! thinking sunburst as my aerodyne is black, be a bit different aha labellas, maybe change the pickups, ill get a boost pedal if its not "bassy" enough or something i dunno yet aha be good for writing songs in different timings and stuff i reckon, can use higher end palm mutes etc [/quote] Good thinking! I'm sure you'll have some fun with it. There is a Bass VI facebook page with loads of info on string and pickup mods that Bass VI owners have done which is well worth a look and as they all have a Bass VI they actually know what they are talking about. Oh and whether you like The Cure or not Robert Smith seems to be able to write a few decent tunes with a Bass Vi.
  22. I don't have one single bass or guitar that i wouldn't get more for now than when i bought it and that includes a couple that i've bought this year. You just have to be patient when looking and don't buy the first one that comes along.
  23. [quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1368092343' post='2073010'] Some people just dont understand the second hand market, a friend of mine for long and complicated (but entirely honest and legal!) reasons ended up with 2 amp heads when he only paid for one. He sat on one for a year with it in the box unused and then decided it was an expensive thing to leave in the box as a spare. He put it on eBay for the EXACT price the amp was new on GAK, and it didnt sell for months as he kept relisting. His logic - It has never been used, it is brand new. Which of course is entirely true but it lost several hundred pounds value the second it left the shop. [/quote] I saw a used bass on ebay that recently that went for £45 more than you could buy a brand new one that was readily available from numerous UK outlets on the internet post free. So it was an excellent result for the seller and just goes to show what happens when a few get into a bidding frenzy.
  24. ......and why does it share it's name with a Horse, 60s Muscle Car and a WW2 Airplane?
  25. I'm really annoyed. I bought a Mustang and someone must have sawn off 4 inches off of it. I can't get that Precision sound however hard i tried. The public should be told.
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