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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='mckendrick' timestamp='1367966291' post='2071851'] Both. I kid you not. I was attempting to gift you a yawning smilie... ...but the site wouldn't upload it. [/quote] A gift gratefully accepted. But what is better. An emoticon from this forum or an emoticon from another website? I'm sure the emoticon experts will put down their basses and inform us very soon. It's their duty you see.
  2. [quote name='mckendrick' timestamp='1367965880' post='2071843'] [/quote] Many thanks but are you a good samaritan or one of this forums resident 'experts'?
  3. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1367963438' post='2071800'] Yep agreed - music should reflect a diversity of style, technique, instrumentation ..... and GAS . I play bass but not always 4 string bass guitar - I use upright bass, Moog synth, tea chest bass, even a jug and of course the Bass VI. It is about finding your own voice. That's what makes Hooky as musically valid as Jaco, or Macca, or Barry Adamson, or Mark King, or Entwhistle ......(add any musician to the list). I've owned many high end basses but always go back to my bashed in Gibson Grabber and my Precisions because to my ears they sound 'right' - but that doesn't mean they are right for everyone .... [/quote] You've obviously got diverse musical tastes and that's always refreshing to see and hear. Some people are simply stuck in their own little musical world and won't budge on anything that's even slightly different from the norm. Who cares? Not me!
  4. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1367963427' post='2071799'] That it wasn't used extensively by Noel Redding? [/quote] Sorry but i can't find the emoticon for yawn but i expect an expert will come up with a history lesson on them soon.
  5. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1367959136' post='2071701'] True!!! LIke everyone who said don't use TC RH amps because they have no volume, or that the Genz Streamliner is too scooped. Both pretty much not what I experience when I use them. [/quote] I think you're right. Each of us have to make up our own minds as we're the ones that have to live with whatever we buy. It great to listen to different peoples opinions but ultimately we have to make up our own minds. It does amuse me though on a lot of forums where some people seem to be on some sort of crusade in what we should or shouldn't buy. Never quite worked that one out.
  6. [quote name='HansonFerrari' timestamp='1367866346' post='2070445'] Hey guys and gals,old member from before the name change(was that really 5/6 years ago?!) Looking for a little help from your wealth of knowledge., Im trying to find the original details of this bass, any details would be amazing. I'm looking to refurb it e.g. New tuners, Nut, Pickups, Bridge [/quote] Both Ventura and FujiGen have been mentioned. I had a Ventura guitar that was FujiGen so maybe start your search there. There are plenty of vintage Japanese guitar forums with many people knowledgeable on the subject. I still have a few Japanese guitars and basses that i know little of where they were made but it sometimes takes time to find out. That's half the fun as is playing them. Spend as little money as you need to make it playable and enjoy it for what it is.
  7. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1367953814' post='2071577'] Interesting bass. Different topic, but I get really wound up with most music shop reviews. Usually 'this is the best bass I've played ever' or 'perfect build quality' followed by a semi average guitarist trying to play bass. Of course its the best you've played, you are trying to sell it. [/quote] I'm sure to shift a bass they are going to tell us anything but we're a bit wiser than to believe all that sales talk i'm sure. I find a lot of forums the same where someone will tell you to 'buy this' and whatever you do 'don't buy that'. Why would anyone listen to someone just because they shout louder than anyone else? I also scratch my head when people post on forums and ask 'should i buy one of these' and 'what colour XXXXX should i buy'. Who XXXXX cares?
  8. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1367953250' post='2071564'] However, are you suggesting its use by Hank and Jet isn't famous - as someone who plays in a Cliff and the Shads tribute band I hear about this point in the instrument's history on a regular basis - indeed many of the afficianados (generally guitarists) have them [/quote] I'm old enough to have seen Jet in his prime so no history lesson needed but thanks anyway.
  9. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1367948250' post='2071474'] Believe me its a BASS! I have a 'made in Japan' one for sale on here as I've got the chance to own a vintage one. They are great for a diverse range of styles. I've played bass with one and although its tight spacing I played with my fingers rather than a pick. These are great for all kinds of music - yes they do have a place in Indie music so just go and get one.....if it doesn't work for you sell it on. [/quote] Well said ash. You've just proved that there are (at a few times anyway) some pearls of wisdom on this forum! All i'd say to the original poster is that if you can afford a Bass VI then why not get one? It's different yes, but then why do you want to get stuck in the same old groove. Just do YOUR thing!!!
  10. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1367947790' post='2071461'] Jack Bruce recorded some of Fresh Cream with the Fender VI, but then went over to the EB3. There are some later videos of him miming with the Fender VI, presumably because of the psychedelic paint job. Noel Redding used a Gibson EB2 first when he joined the JHE in September 1966 but found it difficult to play as he was used to guitar. Over the course of the next couple of months he played a Danelectro 6 string and a Fender VI, but couldn't get on with it, finding it too "trebly", went back to the EB2 in December 66 and switched to a Fender Jazz in February 67. [/quote] Thanks for the history lesson. Your point is?
  11. [quote name='jared21' timestamp='1367942663' post='2071329'] i was thinking it would be a good instrument to harmonize with our guitarist , or play low down melodies as he stums chords? he plays a custom strat through a fender tweed deluxe (super awesome guitar amp) [/quote] There are lots of examples on youtube etc of the Bass Vi in various bands and styles from Jack Bruce and Roy Babbington to Robert Smith and The Cure, Placebo. Eric Haydock of the 60s group The Hollies used one extensively as did Peter Green of Fleetwood Mac and Noel Redding of the Jimi Hendrix Experience. Play it like a bass or play it like a guitar. It's only limited to where your mind wants to take you............Far out man! http://youtu.be/u1W1JkPKfWQ
  12. [quote name='jared21' timestamp='1367942663' post='2071329'] This is the hardest decision of my life, i was thinking it would be a good instrument to harmonize with our guitarist , or play low down melodies as he stums chords? he plays a custom strat through a fender tweed deluxe (super awesome guitar amp) ive played one at pmt in brum, but through a 8 x 10 ampeg svt, so it would sound really deep anyway through that beast. [/quote] Did you read the thread that i suggested? It will probably be a lot more help to you than this one is at the present. Oh and for those who don't think it's a bass............ http://youtu.be/CKDuevCr90Q
  13. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1367941066' post='2071276'] Surely it's a baritone guitar - the bass tag on these has always seemed a bit wide of the mark to me. [/quote] It isn't a baritone guitar.
  14. [quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1367930128' post='2071109'] The pickups are worth double that! [/quote] That's the starting bid. I think it will go for a good bit more than 50 quid.
  15. This thread may help. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/196301-fender-mexico-pawn-shop-bass-vi/
  16. I remember visiting a music shop in Birmingham (can't remember the name but they had massive displays of Bass guitars in the basement) in the early 90s that had brand new G&L ASAT basses for £400. It seemed to be a nicely balanced bass.
  17. My neighbours told me NOT to play within 50 miles. Talking of Rotherham......... http://youtu.be/qGZU61k1ibw
  18. Relisted with price reduction........... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=261211625184
  19. It's a funny old thing is fashion. When i bought my 1974 Jazz over 20 years ago i got a few quid off in the shop where i bought it when i pointed out that it had a few dings and buckle rash. Nowadays the shop would be highlighting those dings and buckle rash as a badge of honour to promote the sale of 'this roadworn beauty'.
  20. There's more........... http://jookyguitaremporium.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/for-sale-spindrifting-one.html
  21. Perhaps someone will ask the seller
  22. http://jookyguitaremporium.blogspot.co.uk/p/strappado-bodies.html
  23. [quote name='paddy109' timestamp='1367774579' post='2069307'] Just looking at Gumtree and there is a Ashdown on for £40. The advert is two weeks old so it might be gone. [/quote] .......an Ashdown what?
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