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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1367694270' post='2068547'] It is a good thing if you are close to Surrey.Every bass i fancy, they always seem to live there [/quote] You may have a good point. I picked up a really nice Shergold plus two other really nice basses at knock down prices in Surrey.
  2. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1367686988' post='2068450'] Surprising what you can get cheap if it is wrongly listed or mispelled [/quote] Misspelled yes, wrongly listed not so likely. I never put a title in when i search. The real bargains come from those with 'collection only' like the bass of the original poster. On saying that i did pick up a good un at a bargain price on ebay recently (and have done so in the past) where the seller said collection only but after i contacted him said he would post it but didn't alter the description. The result was that no one else bid. Result. I still can't understand why sellers won't post guitars (they have after all mostly come from the other side of the world) but then again that's a good thing for us!
  3. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1367618101' post='2067743'] Ahh, i was trying to keep that quiet.I am the highest bidder so far [/quote] Keeping something quiet on ebay? Good luck!
  4. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1367683376' post='2068389'] It is local.But it always puts me off when things have pro in the name, as they seem to do that to make it sound more desirable [/quote] Unless of course that's what it's actually called.
  5. [quote name='V4lve' timestamp='1367672028' post='2068206'] Don't understand. The auction says it has finished at 55 quid yet you lot are talking as if it is still going. [/quote] I think that you'll find they are talking about this: [quote name='2x18' timestamp='1367609965' post='2067640'] He wrongly listed it in the Book section -- there is a nice M.I.J. Vantage Bass and case in the book section as well!-----May be a bargain if you can collect! ( Milton Keynes ) Will. [/quote]
  6. [quote name='Apeneck Sweeney' timestamp='1367662241' post='2068039'] Unfortunately this has just been removed from auction. [/quote] This listing was ended by the seller because the item was lost or broken. I sincerely hope not.
  7. Excellent. Well done that looks like a great find. I don't think that being under the wrong listing made the difference on people bidding but more likely the fact it was collection only. There are still some great bargains to be had on ebay but they are nearly always collection only which limits drastically who is going to bid for it.
  8. I had a Vintage Icon 'Jaco' Bass which i sold last year. Great bass for the money. Really well made and it was very light.
  9. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1367528792' post='2066645'] I have owned numerous 1970's Fenders myself with varying degrees of satisfaction , as you might expect , and none of them were as good ( to my taste ) as my new ones . Don't get the idea I'm dissing anybodies prized vintage Fender , though . The point I am making in this instance is that a lot of the 1970's ones you see selling for high prices nowadays are erring more on the side of being knackered than of having "character " . If you have got a nice old Fender like you and Cloudburst have then that is something to treasure , but I personally wouldn't pay the silly prices some very poor examples are now selling for when other options are available . [/quote] I totally agree with you about the price. I paid £400 for mine all those years ago but wouldn't pay a couple of grand for one nowadays. On the other hand if you see my one for sale in the classifieds one day could you please forget all i said about it not being worth two grand.
  10. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1367526040' post='2066561'] A bit confused about what you and Dingus are saying about '74 jazzes. I still play the 74 jazz that my dad bought for me in 1974. It has a 4 bolt neck, is quite light, has a beautiful neck and stays absolutely in tune regardless of the season - I haven't needed to go near the truss rod since the late 70s. Do you know something I don't? CB [/quote] Same here. Mine is a 4 bolt from 1974 (see photo in my previous post) and it's great . It's funny but most of the criticism i see about Fenders from this period comes from people who don't own one.
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1367525289' post='2066544'] That is nice ! Is it yours ? If so you are a lucky man . [/quote] Yes. I bought it around 1990.
  12. Ain't nothing like the real thing................ [attachment=133988:IMG_0847.jpg]
  13. Going cheap? How do you know if it's cheap or not until the auction ends?
  14. sympathetically aged? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RELIC-STRATOCASTER-STRAT-NITROCELLULOSE-FUTURISTIC-RELIC-/400474023961?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item5d3e1ca819
  15. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1367231124' post='2062750'] Well , to address your first point , at the risk of sounding facetious , if you aren't going to have any bass guitar on a track then surely all makes and Regarding Pino Palladino , I think you have got things a little back to front in so much as I think his uppermost skill as a player is his impeccable taste , feel and overall intellegence of his playing , rather than any reliance of so - called technical ability or chops , which he also undoubtedly has in his arsenal . He is someone who always underplays in preference to showboating in any way , unless a more flamboyant approach is what is called for . That is why he is something special , and why for a prolonged period he was reputedly the highest paid session musician in the World . I would stake my life that he could come in to the studio with any bass you care to mention and play a part on that Japanese track with aplomb . If you don't like his playing or the records he has played on that's fair enough -you do realise he played on The Lady In Red by Chris De Burgh don't you ? I would have thought that would be one of your favourites - but his skills and intuitive ability are beyond question [/quote] I was in one of my local guitar emporiums last year and they were saying that Pino had been in. I asked if he was the best bass guitarist that they'd had in the shop this week. They answered that he was also the best guitarist they'd had in the shop that week.
  16. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1367216067' post='2062541'] To date, the best Precision I've ever played was a Lakland Bob Glaub. Fantastic instrument. As far as it being "signature", I have no idea who he is, other than that he's a session musician... I couldn't name you a single song he played on. [/quote] While i am familiar with the work of Bob Glaub i couldn't name one single song played on by Mike Dirnt, Mikey Way, Nate Mendel, Mark Hoppus, Tom Araya, Paz Lenchantin, Johnny Christ, Alex Webster, Mike Kroeger, Quintin Berry or Paul Gray (plus many more) who all have signature basses.
  17. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1367178731' post='2062281'] Someone got an excellent bass here. Clarity of tone and no dead spots on mine is super. Whoever has it will need strong shoulders and a wide grippy strap. Mine is weighty and a slight neck diver. [/quote] It looked like a great bargain for someone. I thought that i may do someone a favour buy posting the link on here but seem to have made the cardinal sin of posting a link with no comment.
  18. [quote name='D.I. Joe' timestamp='1367185687' post='2062424'] But in this example, don't you think it would be fairer to conclude that there is a place for the bass guitar, rather than single out the Precision? [/quote]
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1367180531' post='2062337'] Mine's detached [/quote] Mine's squeezed between two others
  20. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1367179840' post='2062317'] Wish I had seen this sooner, I would be more than happy to have a second one - suspect it would have been rendered fretless. [/quote] If this wasn't collection only i would have bid for it myself but as it was pick up only i thought i'd give the heads up to anyone on here who lived near Warrington the chance to grab a bargain.
  21. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1367157715' post='2061864'] MB1. ...And? [/quote] It's very unusual bass and it's on ebay as in 'eBay - Weird and Wonderful'.............Geddit?
  22. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1367179036' post='2062292'] I had a semi once.... [/quote] Once?
  23. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1367158157' post='2061874'] MB1. Another link without any comment? ...Is it yours? [/quote] Not mine but i meant does anyone fancy a Kramer? i.e. 'Kramer anyone?'. Not really sure why you think there needs to be a comment as it seems obvious to me what my post meant. I was simply giving the heads up to any BCer who fancied one of these basses and it looks as if someone got a bargain. Rest assured that i won't be bothering again.
  24. [quote name='D.I. Joe' timestamp='1367177500' post='2062249'] As long as I have parking for my Golf [/quote] A parking space for Golf? Your short game must be superb!
  25. I can't see that the Precision would work in that music they call Motown.
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