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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. BetaFunk


    [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1365769460' post='2044190'] Its... very nice. [/quote] I also made a 3-string Guitbass but i'm not sure that the world is ready for it's unveiling yet.
  2. BetaFunk


    [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1365769473' post='2044191'] For God's sake don't show that to Mark D. Phillips ... [/quote] I nearly choked on my bacon sandwich when i read that...............Brilliant!!!!!!!!
  3. BetaFunk


    Just thought i'd post a pic of my 2-string thing that i made for under £50. I can hear you all saying.....what a rip off.....50 quid for that????
  4. I'm thinking of writing to Handy Hints in VIZ: Guitar Relicers, save money on fancy bubble wrap and cardboard by roping your guitars to the back of a Courier van. This will not only save you money on expensive packaging but also save electricity as you will not have to do as much sanding before sending them. Yours musically Rick Gibfen
  5. I think this must be made from the same wood as the old bench that commemorates the 1914-18 war by the duck pond near where i live. It's certainly got the same weather beaten look about it. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VERY-HEAVY-RELIC-STRATOCASTER-STRAT-NITROCELLULOSE-FOR-STAGE-PHOTOSHOOT-USE-/400459435875?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item5d3d3e0f63
  6. ? [url="http://for-sale.yakaz.com/headless-bass-guitar-for-sale"]http://for-sale.yaka...guitar-for-sale[/url] http://www.ebay.com/itm/Headless-Bass-Guitar-Lead-Gtr-2009-SLR-Neck-Thru-Combo-Double-sided-Guitar-/171012883390?pt=Guitar&hash=item27d12983be&nma=true&si=dBnWw0%252Blm7%252Bi3PvJIp3TcBiJoak%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  7. One more............ http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SLR1-Headless-Neck-Thru-Combo-Elec-bass-Guitar-Double-sided-Guitar-555-/230960273678?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item35c64e190e
  8. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1365460574' post='2040034'] The USA Jaco artist bass was also offered as a fretted model for a very short time when they were first released. I had the pleasure of playing one in Crane's in Cardiff many years ago. The thing played itself and to this day is still the best bass I have ever played. It was up for £1650 in 2004 and had been on the shop wall for a long time even back then. I've only seen one other come up for sale and that was on the Australian ebay the following year. Very rare unfortunately as Jaco did play fretted too. Shame Fender shelved that one. [/quote] Yes i remember the fretted model. I've also only ever seen one for sale and as you say a pity it was discontinued after a very short time.
  9. [quote name='Emanew' timestamp='1365457638' post='2039998'] I started a topic this fall, i hope it will help you. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/186954-jazz-bass-jaco-pastorius-tribute-or-artist-signature/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] [/quote] Excellent! Thanks for that.
  10. For jacuzzi specialists they have some lovely basses http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-1966-FENDER-JAZZ-BASS-J-BASS-ELECTRIC-GUITAR-/190822619625?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2c6dea19e9
  11. We won't know whether it's cheap or not until the auction has ended.
  12. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1365402380' post='2038945'] Now then.... if it the Artist model that you fancy, i.e. the one that is [b]not[/b] road worn here is a very good condish 2nd hand for you [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/product_details.cfm?ID=2424&type=Bass"]http://www.thebassga...=2424&type=Bass[/url] Guitar [/quote] That's the one. Very nice!
  13. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1365406309' post='2038973'] Maybe I'm missing the point but what else is special about a "jaco" bass apart from the "finish"? I didnt think there was anything unique or non standard/modified about his bass; other than the fact that it was fretted bass originally? Or do guys actually pay huge money for a standard jazz that looks like its been dragged behind a car! [/quote] The Custom Shop and Tribute are relic'd, the Artist isn't.
  14. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1365402380' post='2038945'] Look except for the man who referred you to do a google search we are all trying our best to be friendly and help you with tips and searches, beggers can't be choosers so don't get too cocky pal! Now then.... if it the Artist model that you fancy, i.e. the one that is [b]not[/b] road worn here is a very good condish 2nd hand for you [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/product_details.cfm?ID=2424&type=Bass"]http://www.thebassga...=2424&type=Bass[/url] Guitar [/quote] It wasn't aimed at you GW as your info is absolutely spot on! It's just that others are a bit off topic. Well intended of course but not really anything to do with my original post. Perhaps i'll start a 'are there any alternative versions made by other companies to the Fender Jaco Pastorius bass?' thread.
  15. As it says in my original post i'm only interested in the Artist, Tribute and Custom Shop 'Jaco Pastorius' basses and really the confusion of the different models produced by Fender. I'm familiar with the Squiers, CIJ Fenders, Tokai, Greco, Edwards and Fernandes etc versions of the sunburst lined fretless basses thanks.
  16. [quote name='GuyR' timestamp='1365372128' post='2038801'] I even have an old cutting from the 1980s of a Tokai (JP90?) which is a their own take on Jaco's bass. I have one - cost me £250 if you can find one, you could save yourself a considerable sum of money, they are fantastic basses, so long as you don't mind the missing "F" word [/quote] I think you'd be very lucky to find one for £250 nowadays The Tokai 'Jaco' wasn't cheap. I think they were about £400 in the early 80s!
  17. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1365371134' post='2038787'] The newly found 'Bass of Doom', which was put back together by a luthier after being smashed by Jaco and the body veneered, looks nothing like it did originally and actually ive seen a few Squier lined fretless tribute jazzes that have a very similar finish to what it looks like now. You often see them on ebay starting around £100. [/quote] Thanks for the info but i'm fully aware of the 'Bass Of Doom' story and having seen Jaco live a few times i suppose i've even seen it. I'm only interested in the (many) versions of Jaco Pastorius basses made by Fender.
  18. I've always fancied the one that is unrelic'd so the hunt begins!
  19. [quote name='ShaunB' timestamp='1364479231' post='2027030'] ...try watching your $2,300, 7kg, 100% carbon, custom windsurfing board being "ridden" surfing style up a plane loading ramp by a United Airlines "numb nuts"! *ugh* [/quote] A friend who worked at an airport many years ago once told me that a well known suitcase company made a advert showing how tough and strong their cases were. He said after that whenever they saw one the baggage handlers would throw it as far and high as they could to see if it would break. I know someone who manufactures high quality parts for the aviation industry and he has stopped putting 'fragile' stickers on his packages because he said that the packages arrived in better shape without.
  20. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1365341800' post='2038208'] This is a difficult one to be honest because Fender confused everyone including themselves, first they made the Artist one and then, suddenly somewhere the "Bass of Doom" turned up and Fender bodged a copy of it and made it a Custom Shop also known as the "Tribute" so these two are the same one, don't get confused. As far as I remember that was the chronologic succession. However somewhere in the US a "Relic" model appeared which is not listed on the Fender official website and it is advertised on Musician's Friend online store. It would be interesting to ask them about it cause if you see the links and pics it does look different than the other 2 official models. F*** knows where they got that from. [/quote] Thanks Grand Wazoo for the information. I have kept and collated lots of info on these various models from old copies of guitar and bass magazines of the time but still have difficulty in piecing it all together on what and when they were made. I even have an old cutting from the 1980s of a Tokai (JP90?) which is a their own take on Jaco's bass. As i said thanks for the info and as i found out it's not as simple as a search on google!
  21. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1365339614' post='2038181'] try google [/quote] What a great idea. I hadn't thought of that.
  22. I know there have been various 'Jaco Pastorius' Jazz Basses issued by Fender over the years i.e. Tribute, Artist, Custom Shop. It all seems a bit confusing so can anyone list them in chronological order or where on the net they are listed in their year of issue?
  23. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1365246377' post='2037136'] Or unused and abused [/quote]
  24. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1365245456' post='2037119'] Maybe they should be called 'junked' not reliced. Or maybe 'f***ed', 'heavily f***ed' etc [/quote] Then you could play 'dazed and confused' on the 'used and abused'.
  25. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1365153285' post='2035917'] Yes, I agree, it doesn't look right to me. All that rust and sh*t too, why? It doesn't look used, it looks abused, uncared for, previous owner was a disrespectful tosser etc. [/quote] I find that the most curious thing about some relic'd guitars and basses. A mate of mine had an early 60s Stratocaster in the 80s which had been a real workhorse and had numerous dings, buckle rash and chips out of it but it wasn't dirty, it wasn't rusty and the bridge wasn't full of gunge and grime. I've seen loads of groups since the 70s but can't remember many (if any) having filthy dirty guitars and basses covered in gloop and gunge. I fully understand the relic'd thing but just don't get the heavy relic, rusty, dirty idea at all.
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