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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1365178581' post='2036474'] Thanks for that - not tried either, but Joyo stuff can be quite decent. [/quote] I was really surprised how good they were for the money. I appreciate that more expensive ones probably sound and are made better but as i'm only going to use them at home i'm well pleased with them.
  2. No worries as i ended up buying the Joyo Analog Chous pedal and also a Joyo Classic Flanger both to play the Bass VI through. They sound good, seem pretty well made and at a bargain price as well.
  3. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1365032943' post='2034527'] It's possible that they understand us all too well. [/quote] You may well have a point there
  4. [quote name='jrturner77' timestamp='1364924571' post='2032768'] Yeah, I have a great battery operated DeWalt hammer drill which my wife has to keep away from me. Shame really! [/quote] Women just don't understand us do they?
  5. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1364911475' post='2032491'] Also available left handed... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Jazz-Bass-1964-Left-Handed-Sunburst-w-original-case-not-a-re-issue-/321100710387?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4ac31801f3"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4ac31801f3[/url] [/quote] ........and you can even try it out if you're in Dayton, Ohio even though it is listed as located in the U.K.
  6. [quote name='jrturner77' timestamp='1364910590' post='2032475'] Erm, who goes home drunk and decides to whip out the old orbital? A woodplane I can understand, but sander? [/quote] Oh, you've seen my 'slim bodied' Precision Bass then. It's more Slimmerton than Fullerton after the woodplane incident.
  7. See 'The best ad ever!' thread posted a few weeks ago.
  8. I'm interested in one of these to have a play with my Pawn Shop Bass VI. I have no idea about chorus pedals and wondered what the difference is between the two. From what i have read on the net the Analog is similar in sound to the Boss CE-2.
  9. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1364670248' post='2029565'] Well it's actually £40 not the £50 you have in the title and I'd like to bet if you submitted an offer you'd get it for less (otherwise why put on the 'offer' option). [/quote] £40 + £10 postage = £50
  10. [quote name='Chest Rockwell' timestamp='1364839200' post='2031545'] your local? [/quote] No. Not MY local. THE local.
  11. You know what it's like. You've had a skinful down the local then returned home at midnight and there in the hallway next to your expensive bass guitar is your orbital sander. We've all be there haven't we?
  12. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1364810540' post='2031034'] And when you have listened to all that, try some Jazz [/quote] Brilliant!!!!
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1364777104' post='2030849'] "What would Stevie Wonder say?" [/quote] I don't need a bass player. I use a Moog.
  14. Has anyone seen the Lakland Hollowbody 30 short scale bass? http://youtu.be/FA-vTrzY3PY
  15. I have a 4 string bass with roughly a Precision type of neck but would prefer it to be a slimmer Jazz type. i will contact a luthier this week but in the meantime wondered if anyone has had this done and approximately how much it would cost.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1364488148' post='2027213'] IIRC I first saw them play and got a support gig for my band, in the days before Carl Bingham joined. They used some weird noise-making devices that seemed to be mostly inaudible, like the telephone handset with a handle attached that would be wound furiously to no noticeable sonic difference in between the sax solos! These days Jan's son Stefan handles some of the bass duties. [/quote] Thanks for that it's interesting. I saw them a lot in the 80s and although influenced by Ornette Coleman's Prime Time they definitely had a sound of their own. I've seen them play in front of different audiences over the years and it was always interesting to see the sort of reaction they got. I've seen the original line-up with Tim Nolan on bass then with Karl and Tim both on basses then Karl as the only bass player then as you say the one with Jan's son and Karl. Karl plays in other bands around Nottingham too i believe. They must all like playing with Jan as most former members still turn out for him. Thanks for the info.
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1363965819' post='2020276'] Gigs at the weekend for local bands was almost unheard of - the best most of us could hope for was a Friday night slot supporting experimental Jazz band Pinski Zoo at The Hearty Goodfellow and which was booked up months in advance. [/quote] Pinski Zoo are one of my favourite bands of all time. Jan and the boys still do the occasional gig and Karl Bingham is still a superb bass player.
  18. I'm waiting for the day that you can order a brand spanking new relic'd or aged bass with an ageing scale like this: 1. First minor ding ~ You've bought a brand new bass and brought it home and you turn around and gently bump it into a the door. 2. A chunk out of neck ~ You've stood your pride and joy against a wall on stage and it falls gracefully into the Hammond organ. There's only one winner here folks. 3. Headstock marks ~ Over exuberant playing and your bass hits the low ceiling down the youth club. 4. A few years road wear ~ What is says. 5. Lots of buckle rash ~ You knew you shouldn't have bought that country and western style buckle with the cow horns on it. 6. Multiple dings to body and neck ~ The thrown in the back of a Ford Transit too many time s look and used as a bench for the drummer to sit on in the back of the van on the way home. 7. Dull and worn paint ~ You thought that you'd spruce up your ageing beauty (the bass, not you) but in a drunken haze you use oven cleaner instead of polish. 8. The totally trashed look ~ You're late for a gig and forgetting your bass you call up to your seventh floor flat and you dear old Mum throws it out of the window to you. Unfortunately it slips through your hands.
  19. Fascinating film. I loved the Teds at the beginning. Like poor Gene they were on their last legs and their hell raising days were well behind them.
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364244186' post='2023799'] Yes! And a £5 fine for bloody window shoppers who write, 'if only I had the cash for this'... ...'If this had 4/5/6/7/8/12/21 strings I'd be all over it'... ...'why are all the things I want too far away?'... ...'I never thought I'd see you sell this, mate!'... ...'you can get these much cheaper at Argos'... ...'My arse hurts!... ...and so on and so forth. [/quote] I think you're too generous with a fiver. I'd make it at least £50.
  21. Never thought he was funny but when i think of him i instantly think of the best put down from a heckler ever.
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