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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1364233833' post='2023606'] Could there be a £5.00 surcharge if sellers want to write 'Never thought I'd sell this', 'Pride of my collection' or 'Plays like butter'. And a savage kick to the bollocks if they write 'First to see will buy'. Just trying to be constructive. [/quote] That's just the sort of constructive that i like.
  2. [quote name='spaners' timestamp='1364227225' post='2023458'] How about some opinions reviews from you guys that have one, im thinking of ordering one but cant find anywhere that has one in stock (bassed in bournemouth and can travel if anyone sees one) [/quote] I've had mine about six weeks. It's seems to be well made and the finish looks great in the candy apple red that mine is. It's great fun to play and the matching headstock finishes it of just right. They seemed to sell out these pretty quickly so i'm glad i got mine when i did. The best review by far on youtube is this: http://youtu.be/H415_ckxwm4
  3. Couldn't there be a section for say a fiver where you could place a 'feeler' advert? You know, where you can advertise a bass that you have no intention of selling otherwise i'm sure gonna miss those posts like 'not sure whether to let this beauty go' and 'i'm in no hurry to sell this'.
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364210882' post='2023129'] ...or crank. [/quote] Perish the thought......
  5. Here's a good article on Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons Motown years http://thatfourseasonssound.typepad.com/seasonally/2011/10/motowns-four-seasons-archive-preservation-part-2-the-mowest-story.html
  6. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1364209675' post='2023110'] Is it a sign of old age that I just jumped up to crank an old song up on the radio? [/quote] .......and the next stage of old age is not being able to jump up
  7. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1364037933' post='2021115'] [size=4]Mate of mine is selling this - all hand crafted Eggle from 1997[/size] [size=4][url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Patrick-Eggle-Berlin-Pro-HT22-1997-One-Owner-/121082682085?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1c31171ae5"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item1c31171ae5[/url][/size] [size=4]Sorry mods, not sure where else to put something like this[/size] [/quote] .....in the 'eBay-Weird and Wonderful' section?
  8. ..and yet another Minimoog! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Moog-Minimoog-Model-D-/380598619100?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Pro_Audio_Synthesisers_CV&hash=item589d720bdc
  9. This doesn't sound too bad to me http://youtu.be/z91l_lPz1oc
  10. I see this has re-appeared on the bay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1973-VINTAGE-FENDER-JAZZ-BASS-GUITAR-NATURAL-USA-ORIGINAL-1-OWNER-GEDDY-LEE-/261179619066?pt=Guitar&hash=item3ccf84b6fa
  11. Is this a first? A bass that no Bass Chatter has ever seen or played.
  12. I've just seen the Trans-Orange one. Wow!!!
  13. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362522860' post='2000905'] Really? How would they dare? Haven't you f***ed around with your instruments yourself? It's fun and you learn a lot, and it helps develop your sound and the intimacy you have with your instrument. [/quote] Of course we have..............now how does that neck go on and where do all these screws go, oh but hold on a minute, should i have all these bits left over?
  14. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1362529579' post='2001047'] Of course, those same 70's instruments that everyone slagged off are now highly sought after... now that the availability of pre CBS gear is akin to finding rocking horse poo . [/quote] You're right there. Even when i bought my 1974 Jazz Bass in 1990 it wasn't anything more than a 16 year old Fender. I think it came full circle when Fender re-issued a 70s large headstock Stratocaster (you know, the one everyone hated when it came out) in the 90s!!!
  15. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1362526724' post='2000989'] Sure, but I imagine some of that will be down to camouflage. It would have looked a hell of a lot worse if it had a sunburst finish to start off with... [/quote] Yes, you may have a point!
  16. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1362524125' post='2000929'] I was thinking particularly of this one: "[color=#000000]When I was about 16 the little thing to hold the strap on broke off while I was at a gig. I stuck a toothbrush in there so I could stand up, and it's been there ever since. This was originally a one-pickup guitar, and I put another pickup and set of controls in there. After the experimental pickup started falling out one night, I took it out and covered up the holes. There's gaffer's tape along the sides of the guitar because there are big cracks in there." Guitar Player Dec 1981[/color] [/quote] I've seen Metheny's ES-175 from a few feet away. It didn't look anywhere in the condition Jaco's bass ever was. All the other guitars i've seen him play including his Ibanez (PM-20?) and his Linda Manzer acoustic always look in really superb nick.
  17. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1362524125' post='2000929'] I was being facetious. [/quote] Me too.
  18. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1362512502' post='2000616'] Yeah, but surely, at his level, he would be surrounded by luthiers examining the minutest problem with his bass, especially the DIY defret [/quote] When he pulled the frets out of his bass he wasn't famous so no he wouldn't have been surrounded by luthiers. Fame came a lot later.
  19. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1362521312' post='2000870'] For pop musicians maybe. For "serious musicians", I'd say the opposite was true. The 70s was when the pre-CBS craze took off, when guitarists realised that the older ones were "better" than the then current crop. Certainly for blues and jazz musicians there is a certain cachet in owning an old instrument that has been played to death. Look at Eric Clapton's and Rory Gallagher's strats from this period... Look at Pat Metheny's ES175... Part of it is down to having found [i]the[/i] best instrument out there and [i]genuinely[/i] playing it for long enough that bits start falling off it. No new instrument can touch it, so why replace it? The rest is people wanting to project that image. [/quote] Serious musicians? You going have to explain that one to me. I knew someone would bring up Rory Gallagher's Strats. You could add to that Kossoff's Les Paul and many other's that were well and truly used but generally most guitarists and bass players in the 60s and 70s wanted a nice new shiny guitar or bass. I remember in an interview Clapton said he used to trade his Strats in for new one's every year when he went to the U.S. I also remember Pat Metheny having very nice looking guitars (they certainly weren't anything like the condition Jaco's) when i saw him in the 70s
  20. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1362517281' post='2000743'] My understanding is that towards the end of his life, due to his Alcohol misuse, Jaco was in a pretty bad way mentally - he was admitted to a Hospital in his letter days - he was also prone to leaving his bass in a basket ball court and dragging it around in a bin bag which probably goes some way to explaining why it was in pretty poor condition. [/quote] His bass has lots of dings and etc well before that. It was just a well worn and well gigged bass. Have a look at any Jaco period Weather Report video to see the condition of it in the 70s.
  21. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1362512529' post='2000617'] I should also mention that John Diggins (Jaydee) made Jaco 5 black fretless jazz style basses and was on the verge of endorsing him just before Jaco was beaten up. So he ALMOST got endorsed. A basschatter has one of those instruments in their collection. [/quote] He did have a deal with Guild and also there's the Hartke connection where they built a cab for him.
  22. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1362512502' post='2000616'] Yeah, but surely, at his level, he would be surrounded by luthiers examining the minutest problem with his bass, especially the DIY defret [/quote] His basses were looked after but not to the extent a touring supergroups equipment would be today.
  23. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1362511619' post='2000583'] I wondered if it might have been uncool to have a 'new' bass. He seemed quite proud of the "patena" [/quote] I doubt it. At the time it was usually 'cool' to have a shiny new bass or guitar. If you got a ding in your guitar or bass in the 70s (and you could afford it) you'd px it for a brand new one. There are even tales of guitarists in UK bands when touring the U.S. would trade in their 'last years' guitars for new ones. Relics just weren't the fashion back then.
  24. I bought one of these a couple of years ago and sold it last year. A really nice light (a lot lighter that my 1974 Jazz Bass!) bass for not a lot of money.
  25. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1362254444' post='1997705'] Sorry I don't understand. It's not really any harder or easier than any other bass. [/quote] I was only thinking when looking at the listing that it looked easier to tune than a conventional bass.
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