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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1362246817' post='1997549'] Seems that bidder bids all of his "big" items up to a level then disapears.. how odd. [/quote]
  2. http://youtu.be/fWcasHYzafM [media]http://youtu.be/lcUd55EoLlU[/media]
  3. [quote name='Skinnyman' timestamp='1362015160' post='1994651'] We're playing our first gig of 2013 on Friday at the Cock Inn (no sniggering at the back there), Werrington, Peterborough. Classic pub-rock - all the usual covers - decent guitarist and a very good singer (but we don't tell him that - he's got a big enough ego as it is ) Please don't come. I get all shy when there are other bass players watching.... [/quote] That's brings back a few good memories of the Cock Inn when i lived in Peterborough in the 80s. Hope you have a great gig!
  4. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1362070091' post='1995336'] I remember an interview with him where he mentioned that he couldn't handle the weight of a big bass, so he had this one made. [/quote] The Bass Centre 'Wyman' Bass is loosely based around his Short Scale Dallas Tuxedo Bass that was made in 1959 that now sits in a case in his restaurant. It was originally a single cutaway (LP Type) but it was modified to make a double cutaway and had a bit shaved off the body. The Bass Centre versions have been on sale since 2011 and (apart from the price of £595) i like 'em. You can see it here: [url="http://www.basscentre.com/user/uploads/wymanreview.pdf"]http://www.basscentr...wymanreview.pdf[/url]
  5. I flew to Nashville in the 90s and spent a couple of weeks driving around Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, Georgia etc. You're going to be spoilt for choice as to what to do. Get a good guide book of the States you're going to before you go. Memphis and Nashville are a must with loads of music in those cities. I also visited a few Civil War sites and went to a NASCAR race. I always think a Baseball game is worth going to (if you're there in the season) even if you're not into sport it's a good place for people watching as is a Stock Car meeting especially in those Southern states where it is still important to the locals. Some of those Stock Car meetings in the middle of nowhere are something else if you're into motorsport or enjoy see what the locals do for leisure. I found the locals really friendly and avoided the major food outlets and tried to drive off the main highways to eat in local diners where the locals eat. Have a great time and i'm sure there won't be enough hours for you to do all you want to do!
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1362048864' post='1994887'] What is it? A copy of a Framus Star bass? [/quote] No. It's based on his Dallas Tuxedo bass which he had before the Framus.
  7. Anyone got one of these or has played one?
  8. I've just noticed that Arthur Adams plays Guitar on the LP and one track was composed by Joe Sample of The Crusaders. Wilton Felder the Saxophonist with The Crusaders (and Motown house Bass player) also played the Bass on recording sessions and played Bass with Arthur Adams around this time. I wonder.....?????
  9. I vaguely remember that LP and it's probably one of those albums that you're never going to get to the bottom of on who played what. I've just looked at the LP credits on the net. It was produced by Bob Thiele and arranged by legendary soul arranger Gene Page. It features a young Tom Scott a couple of years after his time with the Don Ellis Orchestra and before L.A. Express. Guitarist David Bennett Cohen (Blues Project etc) who also played keyboards with many groups and on many recording sessions around this time so maybe he played keyboard on this. Can't help you with the bass player though.
  10. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1361911467' post='1993036'] Not necessarily, but it will certainly deter all but the most financially unastute fishermen. [/quote] That's a good point. That means the well heeled amongst us can still advertise basses they have no intention of selling.
  11. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1361810135' post='1991238'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Approximately 4% of members who have sold items on the website have donated and the income generated isn't enough to support ongoing development of the site. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]So as a follow up, we'll be introducing paid advertising to the marketplace.[/font][/color][/quote] A pretty sad statistic but not surprising and a shame when considering all the hard work the mods obviously put in to this forum.
  12. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1361910781' post='1993022'] I ruddy hope so! [/quote]
  13. I prefer the new style classifieds. When i'm looking for a bass i'm not really interested if anyone had one of these when they were ten or their granny had a red one with only three strings. The new style gets the job done. I like it.
  14. Does that mean the end of the 'this is a feeler' and 'not sure i want to part with this' posts?
  15. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1361898372' post='1992715'] he saw one red light in the audience and then wouldn't stop going on about it, although not too badly. he didn't mention the persistent coughing... honestly, why some people can't get through a gig without coughing is beyond me...! very annoying. some of the pieces he played were pretty extraordinary. [/quote] I've seen him with a groups and also solo. When i last saw him solo the mobile phone wasn't around be he saw a red light of some sort and then lectured the audience repeatedly about recording devices. Once would have been fine but he kept on and on about until it was well over the top and became the main topic of conversation coming out of the venue. Shame really as the music was a bit special.
  16. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1361839834' post='1991907'] I went by myself (too expensive to go with Ms Manzie!). He was brilliant, what a great gig. He's pretty nuts... Out of tune humming and endlessly going on about no photos! Unbelievable musician though. [/quote] I saw him a few times in the 80s and 90s and can't believe he's still going on about the no photos thing. The last time i saw him he rambled on about this for so long i vowed 'never again'!
  17. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1361377162' post='1984989'] "cultural significance"? A bunch of OAPs may or may not try to rediscover their youth - cultural impact is negligible either way. Move along please . . . [/quote] I must say that the 'cultural significance' bit made me chuckle!
  18. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361314700' post='1984609'] Yeh, but, well, you know, I was hoping to start a thread about huge bands reforming, and all the interesting human behaviours that surround this phenomenon and whether it has any cultural significance, but thanks anyway [/quote] No harm in hoping i suppose
  19. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1361314325' post='1984599'] It simply comes down to whether you like them or not. Personally i wouldn't bother to go and see them if they were playing at the local Scout Hut up the road but if you like them................ [/quote] On seconds thoughts i'd listen outside if JPJ was playing his mandolin. As for the others. No thanks.
  20. It simply comes down to whether you like them or not. Personally i wouldn't bother to go and see them if they were playing at the local Scout Hut up the road but if you like them................
  21. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361309940' post='1984478'] You forgot Dazed and Confused [/quote] ................especially if you'd have heard this http://youtu.be/P1g7qFaWaLk
  22. Very good if you've just got into playing the mandolin and are looking for some nice toons to play, otherwise (apart from the first two LPs) i can't see what all the fuss was ever about.
  23. It certainly doesn't appeal to me. I'd much rather go see a group down my local pub.
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