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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361307629' post='1984408'] And of course there's... Macca, Chris Squire, Carol Kaye, Mike Dirnt, Pete Wentz, Joe Osborne, Mike Rutherford, Paul Simonon, Bruce Foxton... [/quote]
  2. Only two words are needed to put this thread to bed..........................Steve Swallow
  3. When i am unable to find any of my e.e.cummings books i always turn to this........................ http://youtu.be/fKwCZBaDu74 It's poetry folks!
  4. [quote name='bode' timestamp='1361236857' post='1983392'] If anyone watched "When Albums Ruled the World" on BBC4, they showed a great live clip of Tubular Bells, it sounded great and he looked very calm despite having a near nervous break down on the prospect of having to play it live! Don't think there's a DVD of it. [/quote] No DVD? Phew, that's a relief!!!! P.S. I must say that i have become slightly more appreciative of Mr Oldfield's music since seeing the clip of 'Guilty'.
  5. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1361292985' post='1984073'] Nice to see 'The Hissing Of Summer Lawns' in there.....but they should have gone for a Jaco one! [/quote] I was listening to the radio the other day and they were talking about Coyote by Joni Mitchell. The conversation went like this: That's the one with Jaco Pastorius on. Yes. Didn't he play that double neck guitar? Yes, he played an Alembic.
  6. I've just remembered the debt i owe to Def Leppard. Some years ago i saw something in a paper about them and looked them up on the internet. While i was looking at various music sites about them i came across a group called Bollweevil and the name rang a bell. I'd seen a 45 by them in the bargain bin of my local secondhand record emporium. A couple of weeks later i bought the 45 for 10 pence. A couple of years later i put it on ebay and was astonished when i got over £160 for it. So thank you Def Leppard!!!
  7. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1361279629' post='1983757'] I detest the manics and understand why a band member went missing .Even I prefer the 2 bands in question to them ,) [/quote] Me too!!!
  8. If the BBC had got Stuart Maconie, Mark Radcliffe, Colin Murray & Johnny Vaughan to present the Please Please Me programme we wouldn't be having this discussion as there would be no time for music with those four talking about themselves. They could have called the programme "Please Please Me!, Me!, Me!, Me!".
  9. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1361280823' post='1983784'] I'd listen to hours of Maconie before I could stick half an hour of Radcliffe, the stuttering bumbling buffoon. That's not having a go at those with speech impediment stutters. He's fine reading off a script, but anything that's just running & he just too dozy & slow to be able to keep it rolling. Rather like the intro to Chicory Tips "Good Grief Christina". [/quote] Yes Radcliffe is yet another example of the BBCs seemingly inexhaustible supply of presenters who love the sound of their own voice.
  10. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1361276222' post='1983664'] I was enjoying this, but Stuart Maconie is an insufferable twunt, so I had to leave it. [/quote] I'm with you about Maconie. I rather like some of the music he plays on Freak Zone on BBC 6 Music. The down side is that you have to put up with him. Like most of these presenters they all seem to have the "let's talk about me" syndrome. Don't get me started on Colin Murray who is probably the finest exponent of the craft.
  11. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1361228720' post='1983317'] The main thing I remember about those two bands is the size of the stages in their videos. Can't really remember the music... [/quote] Same here, but that's because i always had the sound muted on the TV.
  12. The Little Guitar Shop in Birmingham used to have some guitars (not basses) http://www.thelittleguitarshop.com/JohnBirch.html
  13. Thanks very much to both of you. I will order a pack today!
  14. I need some screws so i can replace the pickguard, bridge and pick-up covers on my 1974 Fender Jazz Bass. I can source the pickguard screws as you can buy them easily on the internet but i can't find the screws for the covers. Anyone got any ideas who might sell these?
  15. What about "When I'm 64"? Because this is going to run for years.
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361210532' post='1982860'] Or 'The Long and Winding Road'. [/quote]
  17. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1361209797' post='1982840'] Every now and then I put "Tubular Bells" in the cd player and every time it's just pure joy..I can recall every note by heart even after all these years. I even liked that "disco" thing he recorded "Guilty" (excellent music for air guitar or air drums or air bass or air flute or....etc) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c61cM9Tgglc[/media] [/quote] They're guilty alright!!!!
  18. As this thread slowly grinds to a halt i can only think of the Fab Four's wonderful/nauseating* classic.....Let It Be. *delete as applicable
  19. [quote name='ben604' timestamp='1361184624' post='1982265'] In my opinion, it was pretty cringeworthy for the most part. The Stereophonics did the best job, I hate all these slowed-down, string sectioned, quivering voiced covers doing the rounds on adverts at the moment and a few of the covers went down that route. Please Please me was particularly rubbish, at least play the chords of the song! The most interesting part of the program was seeing how they recorded it. All open, no screens, half with headphones...some handy tips. [/quote] Cringeworthy sums it up nicely for me. As i said before, the Merseybeats captured the spirit of it best (that may be a generation thing) and the Difford & Tillbrook effort is best forgotten.
  20. [quote name='paulconnolly' timestamp='1361145894' post='1981971'] Just watching it now on BBC4. An interesting project and worth doing IMV. Quite liking I Am Kloot's version of Chains. BTW the bassist with the Foremost doing Boys was Billy Kinsley (but I could be mistaken). [/quote] The Merseybeats. I thought that The Merseybeats were they only artists that got anywhere near to the spirit of any of those songs that made up the Please Please Me LP. I'm not saying that that was the idea of the programme/project but they were they only ones who got close to the feel of the original LP. It's probably a generation thing but i can't relate to I Am Kloot or Stereophonics doing those songs as maybe another generation can. Doesn't mean it's not good though and can be appreciated by others.
  21. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1361137232' post='1981774'] since I am a moderator on [url="http://www.letstalkguild.com"]www.letstalkguild.com[/url] my suggestion is US$ 800-900 for a good js even with acorns is more realistic, but of course you have to be patient. [/quote] I must say that the www.letstalkguild.com forum was invaluable when i bought my Guild Pilot. Lots of people helped me out with info so thanks.
  22. [quote name='Slatfatf' timestamp='1361137919' post='1981793'] Anyway, back to post #1 Lozz196 summed it up nicely, Beverley Knight's vocal was frankly astounding. Her performance of Twist And Shout was a fitting climax to the programme and the applause of the other musicians and singers present was spontaneous and real. Loved it! Great stuff! [/quote] Well music is all about opinions.........................................
  23. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1361137232' post='1981774'] since I am a moderator on [url="http://www.letstalkguild.com"]www.letstalkguild.com[/url] my suggestion is US$ 800-900 for a good js even with acorns is more realistic, but of course you have to be patient. [/quote] I've found that what is dollars in the U.S. we pay in Pounds in the U.K. so the £900 on ebay sounds about right. Also after paying $800-900 for one in the U.S. and importing it to the U.K. it's going to cost about £900 after shipping, insurance and tax. I agree about being patient though as i bought a 1983 Pilot Bass in a London guitar shop not long ago for what i still reckon was an excellent price.
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