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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. Original 1960s Jazz Bass for sale. This bass is totally original. The body was Candy Apple Red but had started to look a bit tired when i bought it so i had it stripped and had it refinished in Arctic White. The neck was warped so was replaced with one from a later Jazz Bass and a new decal applied. The pots were crackly so i got a luthier to put new ones in at the same time he replaced the pups because i didn't like the way it sounded. Now it sounds just like a Precision should sound. The pickguard was going a mint green sort of colour so i picked up a replacement on ebay. Now it's a nice shiny white colour and looks good with the new control plate and knobs fitted. With the new tuners fitted now it looks and plays great. You won't find another one like this in a hurry.
  2. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1360882616' post='1978003'] To be fair it got an awesome relic job in the process. [/quote] I think that the relic'd ones are made under strict quality control in a dust free atmosphere and polished to a high gloss before being attacked with an angle grinder and hammer, thrown down some concrete stairs before being chucked out of a top floor window and towed a mile behind a lorry down a dusty road before being carefully packed in bubble wrap and placed in a cardboard box with polystyrene chips to protect the instrument from any damage.
  3. As someone who actually saw the Fab Four in the flesh on more than one occasion this thread has brought back some good memories. Seeing the Beatles during the filming of A Hard Days Night & Help was a bit of a thrill at the time. I remember things like the film crew painting the front doors down the road where a school friend lived and watched the filming plus talking to Ringo when he was filming a scene in the pub near my school. I was there. Great memories.
  4. I like to call it a Road To Damascus moment myself. A light bulb moment perhaps. The Fabs were great and are not or have ever been over rated at all. Please note that this has nothing to do with the fact that i have all the Beatles Fan Club flexi-discs (complete with letters, paperwork and in their original mailers) and these may well be appearing on a popular auction site very soon.
  5. Shhhhhhhhh..............don't want to speak too soon but i think it's all gone quiet on the Fab Four front.
  6. These are worth a lot more than this. This is a steal man. Surprised this is still here after 10 months.
  7. 'can't send the bass or courier it as it's too fragile and could get damaged despite the fact that it was made in a factory in the far east then sent by truck a few hundred miles to a port where it was put on a big ship then delivered to a a port in europe then transported by lorry to a depot in europe then put on another lorry which crossed the Channel by ship to Dover then carried to another distribution depot then put on another lorry who delivered it to the shop where i bought it.'
  8. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1360854618' post='1977466'] I'm glad I'm not the only one to think this [/quote] I think it's alright as long you [u]only[/u] think it
  9. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1360853354' post='1977441'] You've quoted me, but you'll have to explain what your post means as it makes no sense to me. [/quote] Sorry Marvin, i was just referring to the bit about electronic music in the Howard Goodall clip rather that what you said. Apologies for any confusion.
  10. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1360853224' post='1977435'] Truly fascinating program, Howard knows his beans, I think it wasnt only the Beatles though, there were other bands pushing things along (The Beach Boys for one). [/quote] I think that The Fab Four also invented surfing and surf music. I remember in about 1960 seeing Ringo walking alongside the Mersey with a surf board. Although it could have been an ironing board as i only had my reading glasses on. (apologies to 'Happy Days' for pinching this gag!)
  11. Are we allowed to bump a topic just to get it to 23 pages? Well, here goes then.
  12. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1360850814' post='1977361'] Pah! What does Howard Goodall know? He's only studied music and got a CBE for services to music education. He's not qualified to comment on this subject. [/quote] So there was electronic music before The Beatles. I'm shocked and not a little horrified. I'm sure i read somewhere that the Fab Four invented music.
  13. Always makes me smile................... http://youtu.be/CCmTw5ckN-k
  14. I'm not keen on these but this one is a beauty.......................
  15. I can feel another Jaco no-thread coming...................
  16. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1360787028' post='1976603'] As you've already proved in your tantrum Jaco non-thread and subsequent replies, despite having it pointed out to you by other BCers, most of your almost-to-be-100 posts haven't been that helpful. [/quote] Please don't knock the Jaco non-thread as it's my favourite BC moment.
  17. [quote name='Platypus' timestamp='1360793365' post='1976748'] their in Berkshire, where the OP lives... [/quote] Er, yeah i know. I was replying to the poster who suggested Bass Gear. Try to pay attention!!! Why oh why do i bother?
  18. If you don't want to sell it i wouldn't worry how much it was worth. Unless it's for insurance purposes of course.
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1360789856' post='1976648'] [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk"]Bass Gear[/url] just out of London at Twyford. [/quote] Just outside London? Wouldn't want to walk it!!!
  20. [quote name='tall_martin' timestamp='1360773979' post='1976280'] No they go for around £200 ish. I bought one off here a few months back and its ace. There have been a few up recently that have gone for around 200-300. Someone will make a tidy profit if the ebay one goes at that price. Martin [/quote] I saw one these that was in near mint condition in a shop for £299 last year.
  21. I've just had this thought. If Tubular Bells had been released a year earlier i may have stayed in and listened to it instead of going to see David Bowie (Ziggy Stardust Tour) at Kingston Poly. Oh how we laughed....................!!!!!!
  22. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1360772246' post='1976239'] To get it into perspective though, he was 19 years old at the time, it was Virgin Records first album release (so it could be argued that it helped fund future signings), has sold somewhere between 15M and 17M copies and has regularly popped back into the album charts. (No.66 last year). If I had a track record like that then I don't think I'd be hugely worried. [/quote] I was also 19 at the time. That didn't seem to make it sound any better to me. A lot of things could be argued but i simply stated that i didn't like it. At that time as was listening to a lot of different Rock, Jazz, Soul & Reggae, Marvin Gaye, Laura Nyro, Ornette Coleman, Sun Ra and things like Cornelius Cardew's The Great Learning so poor old Mike sounded a little bit too twee for me. I wouldn't think he would be hugely worried either with that track record so at least we agree on something.
  23. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360706118' post='1975277'] ' Nonsense. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't make it inflammatory. It was meant to be a discussion/debate but I realize that puts some peoples shorts in a twist so I let it drop. [/quote] Priceless. Absolutely priceless. Thank you so much!!!!
  24. [quote name='Jah Wibble' timestamp='1360710279' post='1975368'] Ah come on Waldo, don't be harsh! I'd play like that if I'd had 16 pints too [/quote] half a pint of shandy more like.......
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